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2 yроки 1-24 и грамматика нов.docx
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8. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is the function of the Management/Business subsystem?

  2. What is the function of CAD subsystem?

  3. What is the function of Planning and Control subsystem?

  4. What are the three subsystems linked to?

  5. How are local data and knowledge bases organized?

  6. What is a master/slave relationship among different levels of control?

  7. What disadvantages does this principle have?

  8. What is the principle of the functioning of the fully distributed architecture?

9. Переведите предложения, учитывая значения латинских выражений:

via – путем, через;

a posteriori – на основании опыта, потом;

a priori – заранее;

vice versa – наоборот.

  1. In a closed-loop system the influence of all disturbances on the measured quantity may be corrected, but a posteriori.

  2. External errors cause internal errors and vice versa.

  3. A monitoring unit can receive the data of one of the several functions via adequate interface.

  4. We know a priori the advantage of this system.

10. Подберите термины (break-down; signal processing; intelligent monitoring system) к следующим определениям.

  1. A failure in operation which causes a stoppage of the process.

  2. Self-improving monitoring system with some ability to learn on the basis of monitoring experience.

  3. Set of operations performed on the signal in order to derive the desired information.

11. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

Tool failure means that the tool has been completely worn out or broken. This state is usually easier to record than the slower tool-wear progress. If the tool fails during a cutting operation it is possible to detect breakage using the signal analysis of cutting forces. Usually, when a tool breaks, the cutting force will temporary disappear or be drastically (сильно) reduced. The reason of it is that when the tool collapses no actual cutting takes place for a short period of time. If the power is not turned off, the remaining part of the tool will start to cut with very bad performance after an interval of usually some hundred milliseconds. This conduct is used in some systems as an in-process indication of a broken tool. Needless to say that the control system has to react fast enough to prevent further cutting after the force drop. If it does not do so, severe damages to the tool holder (держатель), the workpiece and the machine tool may occur.

Урок 24

1. Правильно прочитайте и вспомните значения слов.

to request, the status, to maintain, to acquire, the cooperation, the allocation, to report, the implementation, to distribute

2. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значения словообразовательных элементов.

compose (v), decompose (v)

allocate (v), allocation (n)

report (v), report (n)

complete (a), complete (v), completion (n)

essential (a), essentially (adv.)

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

factory level planning function, real time control, processing steps, distributed object oriental programming language, global maximum force limit

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения. Выпишите их значения.

  1. Touch probes (зонды) can be used between cuts as a tool failure sensor.

  2. This type of sensor is sometimes used as a broken tool detector between passes.

  3. The cutting force is frequently used as an indicator of tool wear.

  4. As for tolerances, the ability to measure the diameter is the limiting factor.

  5. Very often the positioning tolerances of NC systems are as good as the measuring device itself.

  6. These emissions are caused by the microcracking (мельчайшее расщепление) of the surface as well as by friction phenomena.

  7. As soon as the force exceeds a pre-set limit, machining will be stopped.

  8. The operator uses the first workpiece as a calibrating device.

  9. The number of degrees of freedom may be as small as four or even two in a few robots.