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8. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Flexible automatic assembly system

A flexible automatic assembly system is a system in which different products or variants of a product are assembled automatically. Such a system should also be capable of accepting new products/product variants in as simple way as possible and of changing over automatically from one product assembly to another. A system should also be capable of accepting small batch sizes.

Assembly represents one of the final stages in the production sequence (зд. процесс). The product also represents the highest cost at this stage. Consequently, a high degree of reliability is very important in the assembly system.

There are two main ways to achieve this: 1) make the process 100% reliable or close to it 2) let the system analyse any problem that arises and correct the error automatically. The two methods are to be balanced. There is no single (единственный) “right” way to solve this problem. A combination of both methods based on a well-projected price/performance plan should be used. One cannot blindly trust on “intelligent error recovery system”.

Software and hardware within the system should be made as safe and economically as possible.

9. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is a flexible automatic assembly system?

  2. What are the functions of such a system?

  3. What is the main important feature of the assembly system?

  4. How is it possible to achieve it?

  5. Is it possible to use only one method to achieve the high degree of reliability?

10. Подберите пары противоположных по значению слов из данного ряда.

flexible (a), secondary (a), automatically (adv), main (a), stable (a), complicated (a), manually (adv), incapable (a), simple (a), capable (a)

11. Замените пропуски нужным глаголом (to accept, to assemble, to solve, to trust), поставьте его в пассивной форме.

  1. Different tools…………automatically.

  2. New products…………in small batch sizes.

  3. The problem of reliability…………by combination of different methods.

  4. Any intelligent error recovery system cannot…………blindly.

12. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

One must consider carefully which software approach to use. Hard programming principles are to be avoided. Procedural languages can be used satisfactorily in combination with database system and some form of interface, which is known to the user. The best results are usually obtained with the rule-based systems or Expert Systems. Consider, however, that an Expert System’s inference engine does not make debugging an easy task for a non-programmer, and that new error recovery routines are also not so easy to add to a backward/forward chaining system. Objects oriented environments are advisable.

Урок 10

1. Выпишите из словаря транскрипцию и перевод следующих слов. Запомните их произношение и значения.

suffer (v), source (n), link (v), except (prep.), generate (v), user (n), detect (v), amount (n), shutdown (n), database (n), check (v), error (n)

2. Правильно прочитайте интернациональные слова и дайте их русский эквивалент. Посмотрите в словаре, выпишите с переводом и выучите подчёркнутые слова.

category ['kætɪgərɪ], stochastically [stɒ'kæstɪkəlɪ], fatal ['feɪtl], controller [kən'trəʊlə], hierarchically ['haɪəra:kɪkəlɪ], vice versa ['vaɪsɪ'vɜ:sə], concentrate ['kɒnsəntreɪt]

3. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значения словообразовательных элементов.

relate (v), relation (n), interrelation (n), interrelated (p.p.)

follow (v), following (pres.p.), as follows

flexible (a), flexibility (n), inflexible (a), inflexibility (n)

mean (v), meaning (pres.p.), meaning (n), means (n)

generate (v), generator (n), generation (n)

control (v), control (n), controller (n), controllable(a)

4. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

assembly process, lighting disturbances, vision system, hardware system, assembly rules, error recovery research, software control system, process control level, process control demand, automatic assembly system controller

5. Переведите предложения, учитывая разный перевод слов “it”, “that” (Приложение 2, табл. 15, 14).

  1. External errors are the errors that occur outside the assembly process.

  2. These disturbances vary so quickly that the user might not detect their cause.

  3. External errors often cause fatal errors that can only be recovered manually.

  4. It is often at process control level that are used the assembly rules.

  5. Active recovery signifies that the supervision system corrects the error on-line.

  6. The system analyses every problem that arises and corrects the error automatically.

  7. Expert Systems are designed to perform at a human level. However, in practice, they will perform more than that of an individual expert.