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2 yроки 1-24 и грамматика нов.docx
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10. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How is the result of a signature analysis compared?

  2. How is the result of time-length observation compared?

  3. How are the comparison values treated?

  4. What do the test and observation routines serve for?

  5. Why diagnosis routines do not have to be included into the system during the phase of development and initial operation?

  6. When do the diagnosis routines run on-line?

  7. What is an integrated diagnosis?

11. Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов и выражений. Переведите их.

autonomous, automatic, to concentrate, to include, by means of, the program, the part of something

12. Найдите в тексте слова того же корня, что и следующие. Переведите их.

needless, the subject, the extension, the requirement, to develop, the loading, to constrain

13. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

To use the operator manual assistance is contrary to the aim of an automatic supervision and error recovery system, but experience shows that an experienced operator can decide the best alternative to take when the error cause is difficult to locate and there is time constraint. One must not forget that there are many parameters to consider. For example, if such an error occurs when the last product in batch being assembled is urgently required, then the operator may decide to jump directly to the next product and assemble the last one manually to save time. This of course is very difficult to take, because this decision does not take into account the fact that the cause of error may be due to the hardware and so the same error will affect the next product. It is a question of how complex one should make the supervision and recovery system without increasing the occurrence of errors caused by the complexity of such system.

Урок 19

1. Правильно прочитайте и вспомните значение слов.

the supplement, the package, the measure, to initiate, appropriate, the reference, accessible, to separate, to receive, to recognize, to mention, to derive

2. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значения словообразовательных элементов.

measure (n), measure (v), measurement (n)

range (n), range (v), arrange (v), arrangement (n)

'access (n), ac'cess (v), accessible (a)

separate (v), separate (a), separately (adv), separation (n)

receive (v), reception (n)

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

test program, statistical diagnosis procedures, known fault pattern, reference standards, control functional unit, control internal hardware fault sources, different function components

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

  1. Piezo-electric materials are usually ceramic, but crystals are also available.

  2. Typical cutting force monitoring systems are available on the market. Most of the systems available at this time belong to the same category.

  3. Statistics on robot related accidents are difficult to find. Those available have no statistically sound (надежный) information.

  4. Of all the instruments available the Geiger counter (счетчик) is the most suitable for the purpose of counting particles.

  5. Before the availability of rural electricity via transmission lines a wind generator system was a very clean and convenient source of electric power.

  6. We are interested to know what fraction of the available energy we get in the form of useful work. This fraction we call efficiency.