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7. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Sensors

Sensors are used to detect disturbances or to determine conditions that are not pre-defined within the robots and the flexible automatic assembly system. They are used to optimize the automatic system’s devices to complex systems capable of on-site signal analysis. Sensors can be subdivided into categories in order to make clear the type of physical phenomenon one is trying to detect.

Binary sensors are very common, very robust, reliable and very cheap. They usually constitute the backbone of most error detection.

There are also simple sensors that are neither binary, nor smart. Simple sensors are not numerous. They produce analogue signals rather than simple binary levels.

Smart sensors involve a given level of signal data processing at the sensor level, and a certain amount of monitoring tasks is also carried out at the sensor level. These sensors are expensive and not always suited to heavy industrial environment.

It is very important to analyse the operation one is going to monitor with a sensor in depth before doing anything else. Certain questions must be answered satisfactorily. The following points should be carefully considered:

  • Make sure that the previous operation does not influence the correct execution of the current one.

  • Analyse all the factors which can create the given error.

  • Analyse which of these factors are common, which are stochastic and which occur very rarely.

  • Study the details of how much time, money and space do you have to supervise.

  • Plan the way in which this operation is included within the automatic supervision system.

In other words, one must plan the supervision operation before choosing a sensor. Many sensors are flexible enough to be used in several different supervision tasks, so there may be no need to add a new sensor, but only reorganize the sensor’s job sequence.

Once the operation has been analysed, a careful appreciation of the sensor characteristics available as well as its performance constraints for the particular application must be made.

8. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What are the sensors used for?

  2. What kinds of sensors are there?

  3. What are the characteristic features of binary sensors?

  4. What are the characteristic features of simple sensors?

  5. What are the possibilities of smart sensors?

  6. What must you do before choosing a sensor?

  7. What points should be considered?

  8. What kind of sensors may be used in several different supervision tasks?

  9. What is necessary to do after the analysis of operation?

9. Подберите слова близкие по значению из данного ряда.

determine, classify, solid, define, robust, smart, base, range, intelligent, consider, backbone, take place, analyse, occur

10. Подберите слова противоположные по значению из данного ряда.

cheap, future, stochastic, expensive, temporary, previous, common, permanent

11. Замените пропуски нужным глаголом (to try, to range, to constitute, to divide) в соответствующей форме.

  1. The factors, which can create an error…………in some types: common, stochastic and rare.

  2. The sensors…………in many categories: binary sensors, simple sensors, complex sensors (digital and analog) and smart sensors.

  3. Performance constraints…………the object of a careful analysis.

  4. The operators…………to minimize the use of smart sensors at the error detection level.

12. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

It is advisable to use simple sensors for the detection phase. This decreases cost, software execution time, and the overall reliability of the supervision system is improved. Digital sensors are less sensitive to noise than analogue sensors are. Smart sensors can be brought into the scheme after an error or disturbance has been detected, in order to help the software in the classification phase. It is necessary to minimize the use of advanced sensors at the error detection level.

Very much depends on how one structures the software supervision system. A historical back of the errors is the vital ingredient here. If a simple sensor gives a signal at a very specific time and system condition, we can trace the error source from a historical specification of these existing conditions and use a known error recovery routine.