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2 yроки 1-24 и грамматика нов.docx
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8. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How are individual hardware components supervised?

  2. How are software components supervised?

  3. What is the principle of functioning of statistical diagnosis procedures?

  4. What is the first method of modular structurization of automation systems?

  5. What is another method of modular structurization of automation systems?

  6. What is the difference between these two methods?

9. Найдите в тексте слова того же корня, что и следующие. Переведите их.

the supervision, to pack, the measurement, the separation, the derivation, recognizable, the reception, the accessibility, to realize, the addition, the module

10. Переведите текст письменно со словарем. System engineering and the organization

A system is an organized whole, which means a plan according to which parts are interconnected to constitute a whole.

Defined in this way, the term system covers a large spectrum of our physical, biological and social reality. To analyse this reality a theory has been developed – System Theory – that tries to deal with dynamic systems and the interactions in its parts.

It is important to differentiate between open systems and closed systems.

The open systems consider the interaction among its components and with its environment. In these systems there is a dynamic relationship with the environment, from which they receive various inputs, transforming them and sending the outputs back to it. They adapt themselves to this environment through internal changes to their structure and in the process developed by their parts.

On the other hand, the closed systems consider the system under analysis as self-contained (самодостаточный).

Урок 20

1. Правильно прочитайте и вспомните значение слов.

occur (v), distinguish (v), location (n), specify (v), definitely (adv), diversity (n), search (n), program (n)

2. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значения словообразовательных элементов.

available (a), unavailable (a), availability (n)

definite (a), indefinite (a), definitely (adv.), define (v)

specify (v), specification (n)

locate (v), location (n)

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

system software, operation software, pattern behaviour, function oriented diagnosis technology, typical fault pattern, fault search program, function result

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова. Выпишите их значения.

  1. Position and displacement control is not the only type of control which may be required in the performance of robotic tasks.

  2. The only way to cope with such disturbances and reject their effect on the system is the introduction of a reset action in the control system.

  3. In most countries where robots are used, no data or only vague (неточный) data about robot related accidents is available.

  4. Human interference is minimized and is required only when the identified faulty unit is to be replaced.

  5. Failures in motors are not very common. The only way to overcome this problem is first to repair the faulty motor and then to go through the diagnostic phase.

  6. The only real link between programmable manufacturing and the balance of the computer-integrated manufacturing are those associated with CAD/CAM.

  7. It is only the relevant modules that are modified rather than a very large single software system.