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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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    1. Ответьте на вопросы:

      1. When was the Omsk Medical Academy founded?

      2. How many faculties does the Omsk Medical Academy include and when did they appear?

      3. What accommodations and catering are provided for the students?

      4. What terms does the Academy admit persons on?

      5. Who works at the Academy?

      6. What are the major trends of investigation in Omsk Medical Academy?

      7. What does the Academy have four specialized councils for?

    2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами и фразами из тек­ста:

      1. The Academy has 3 hostels providing for all out-of-town students.

      2. Students catering is provided in 2 and 5 snack-bars.

      3. Students studying on budgetary terms are granted

      4. Students'scientific society is

      5. The Academy staff. the most complicated operations.

      6. Computer hall with Internet access provides wide services.

      7. The academy has four specialized councils

    3. Найдите предложения в тексте со следующими словосочетания­ми и переведите их:

Быть основанным; центры последипломного образования; располагать­ся; питание; необходимое оборудование; уникальные публикации; инфор­мационные службы; внебюджетная основа; достижения; гордость Ака­демии; члены кафедр; городские больницы; криогенные технологии и уль­тразвук; защита здоровья; ученые советы.

    1. Переведите с русского на английский:

      1. В Академии имеется 5 факультетов, подготовительные курсы и центры последипломного образования.

      2. История Медицинской Академии началась с открытия лечебно­го факультета.

      3. Библиотека имеет в своем распоряжении полностью оборудо­ванный компьютерный зал.

      4. Клиники возглавляются ведущими учеными.

      5. Все необходимое оборудование, инструменты, препараты, про­екторы и компьютеры доступны в учебных аудиториях, исследо­вательских лабораториях и клиниках Академии.

      6. Студенты, имеющие хорошие и отличные оценки за экзамены получают стипендию.

      7. Большинство студентов состоят в научных обществах.

      8. Академия гордится своими выпускниками.

    2. Ситуация:

Вы студент Медицинской Академии. Используя вопросы и слова из упражнений 1, 3, расскажите своим друзьям, чем знаменита ваша академия.


Many citizens of our country have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is ensured by compulsory secondary schools, vocational schools and higher educational establishments. It's also ensured by the development of extramural and evening courses, which give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their job, and the system of state scholarships and grants.

After finishing the lllh form, a lyceum, of a gymnasium one can. go in a higher education. It concerns medical higher educational establishments too. All applicants must take competitive examinations. Medical higher educational institution offers a 6-year program of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields. On graduation the students take a year's specialization course (internship). They undergo practical training in clinics and hospitals to consolidate the theoretical and practical knowledge.

Medical higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. They are responsible for the administration and supervision of the Institutions. Pro-rectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. Every medical institution has a number of faculties, each specializing in a field of study. As usual, they are medical, pediatric, sanitary-hygienic, stomatological and pharmaceutical. Each faculty is headed by dean, which is responsible for the administrative affair of the faculty. Several individual disciplines each organized as a chair, constitute a faculty. Each chair has a head, usually a professor who serves as the chairman.

Medical students have an opportunity to become acquainted with research in medical sciences through scientific societies. Most chairs in medical institutions have scientific societies for students interested in such specific subjects as Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, etc. These societies represent an active and energetic program of organized extra-curricular activity directed towards increasing the students' interest in research. Although students may participate in these circles beginning in the first year, the heavy schedule of required courses causes most students to postpone participation until their third year. Between 20 and 25 per cent of medical students participate in the scientific circles. Some of the students who do outstanding research are given the opportunity to enter the post-graduate courses.

If one finishes the post-graduated course and writes a thesis, he or she receives the candidate degree (corresponding to the master's degreeor to the doctoral degree).

Education in our country is free of charge. Students get scholarships. But at many medical institutions there are also departments where students have to pay for their education.

The system of higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students.



to show a great concern

- придавать большое значение

to be ensured by

- обеспечиваться

extramural course

- заочное обучение

state scholarship and grants

- государственные стипендии

to go on in higher education

- продолжать высшее образование

without leaving a job

- продолжая работу

to pay for one's education

- платить за обучение

an applicant

- абитуриент

to be in charge of academic and scientific work - отвечать за научную и

учебную работу

a post-graduate course

- аспирантура


- диссертация

to be free of charge

- бесплатно

to go through a transitional period

- находиться в переходном периоде