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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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        1. Составьте и переведите 5-7 вопросов к тексту, и задайте их сво­им одногруппникам.

        2. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие следующие слова и


разнообразие ландшафтов; составлять образ; иметь свою собственную нацию; приток иммигрантов; столица; очаровать приезжих; в настоящее время; оправдать стабильность и постоянство; власть монарха ограниче­на; членов палаты общин выбирают; на мировой арене.

        1. Продолжите предложения и переведите их:

          1. The United Kingdom is a very small country many others in the


          1. All together they Britain fascinating and exciting.

          2. The UK occupies the greater part of British Isles

          3. It includes

          4. If to speak about language the official one is , although there

are in regional accents throughout in the UK.

          1. The national capital is London, in the southeastern corner of


          1. In modern times the UK is perhaps best seen as industrial country.

          2. The national government is dominated by the monarchy.

          3. In Parliament the House of Lords still consists mainly of , while

members of the House of Commons

        1. Переведите предложения:

1. Соединенное королевство это небольшая страна с древней исто­рией, богатым культурным наследием и разнообразием наций, проживающих в этой стране.

  1. Великобритания занимает наибольшую часть Британских остро­вов.

  2. Что касается языка, то официальный язык - английский, хотя в стране есть огромное разнообразие местных акцентов.

  3. Столица Великобритании - Лондон, которая очаровывает турис­тов и укрепляет привязанность лондонцев.

  4. На мировой арене Великобритания- часть Евросоюза.

5. Ситуация:

Вы только что прилетели из Великобритании и собрали друзей у себя дома. Поделитесь впечатлениями о своей поездке и расскажите о стране.


A number of health problems could not be solved by one country alone therefore international cooperation in medicine was necessary. In 1946 the United Nations held an International Health Conference in New York. There the constitution of World Health Organization was signed by 61 countries. Now there are more then 130 member states. Membership is open to all countries. WHO activities take many forms: strengthening national health services, preparing more and better health workers, controlling or eradicating epidemic diseases, protecting mother and child health, improving sanitation and water supply,making all other efforts to raise health levels.

In present days the world medicine had made great progress in some fields of the protection of human health. Significant improvements, such as reductions in infant mortality and increases in life expectancy to be associated with major gains against vaccine - presentable diseases have been noted.

But along with achievements world medicine is still faced with a number of problems.

One of the main services carried out by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main world epidemics of history- plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus and yellow fever - are still great danger in our time.

Pulmonaiy tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis В remains serious threats. The AIDS pandemic is spreading globally and rapidly becoming a most serious threat to human existence. WHO estimates that 8-10 million adults may currently be infected with HIV. Scientists of all over the world are constantly looking for remedy for eradicating this disaster.

WHO informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases such as influenza and poliomyelitis.

The control of cardiovascular diseases and cancer is one of the most pressing problems of modem medicine. The world physicians practice a number of unique operations for the treatment of congenital and acquired heart diseases.

Over the last decades a number of environmental threats to health, such as global warning, the depletion of the ozone layer, the destruction of ecosystems, water quality, waste disposal and air pollution have become more prominent.

All these problems are discussed by the physicians and scientists from different countries at their congresses, conferences and symposia. They talk about current research projects, exchange of views and opinions. Medical bulletins, journals help to spread information throughout the world.

The daily work of the WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of a greatnumber of international officers from different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with Special Centers working in every continent.

The main fields of international cooperation in medicine and biology are protection of the environment, malnutrition in the developing countries, infant's mortality, problems of organ transplantation, cancer research and treatment of heart disease.


То solve

- разрешать

То eradicate

- искоренять

Life expectancy

- продолжительность жизни


- чума


- оспа


- угроза


- вспышка

To exchange

- обмениваться
