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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. What global problems of civilization are troubled by all humanity at present time?

  2. Do people believe that we are closely connected with the environment? Why?

  3. Do you agree with the famous words of Chief Seattle?

  4. What planet-wide problems have overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption created?

  5. What is happening to the seas and rivers?

  6. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Do you think it's possible to save it?

  7. A lot of animals are dying out. But people wear fur coats, crocodile handbags, etc. Are you for or against hunting?

  8. What are the possible tragic consequences of air pollution?

■ 9. In what ranges of human activities are chemicals used?

    1. Do chemicals induce adverse effects on human health and the quality of the environment?

    2. Did any tragic incidents occur in the world?

    3. Can toxic effects follow from low exposures to chemicals?

    4. What is being done to preserve the environment?

2. Соотнесите существительные из правой колонки с разъяснени­ями их значений из левой.

all surroundings of human being: water, air land, minerals, plants, animals etc.


human society; people living together

to extinct

no longer burning; no longer in existence

to pollute

belonging to times long past


connected with religion, to be treated


that can be lived in


make dirty; destroy the purity or sanctity


use up, empty until little or none remains


terrible accident, great suffering


unfavourable; contrary or hostile


      1. Найдите в тексте "Environmental Protection" английские экви­валенты следующих слов и словосочетаний и составьте с ними предложения по содержанию текста:

Привести к вымиранию; отравить реки, моря, океаны; быть связанным с природой каждой своей клеткой; преуспеть в разрушении природы; пла­нета станет необитаемой; истощение озонового слоя; быть на грани вы­мирания; выбрасывать тонны вредных веществ; чудовищные последствия для нашей планеты; использование химикатов в различных областях че­ловеческой деятельности; промышленные выбросы; оказывать вредные воздействия.

      1. Используя активную лексику, дополните приведённые ниже выс­казывания своими собственными идеями.

When air, land, or water becomes dirty, we say it is polluted. We know that polluted air, land and water are harmful to plants, animals and people. We are caretakers of the earth. How can we keep our earth clean? ...

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