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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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            1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

              1. What are the chief parts of the human body?

              2. What does the skeleton consist of?

              3. What does the skull contain?

              4. How do we call the large cavities into which the trunk is divided?

              5. What organs does the chest contain?

              6. What organs are located in the belly?

              7. What part do the upper and the lower extremities consist of?

              8. What main system of the body do you know?

              9. How do the various systems influence each other?

            2. Составьте вопросы, на которые можно ответить, используя при­ведённые ниже предложения.

              1. The bones of the skeleton give firm and flexible support to the soft tissues, muscles and organs.

              2. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by diaphragm.

              3. The lungs belong to the respiratory system.

              4. The heart, the arteries, the veins constitute the cardiovascular system.

              5. All cells, tissues, organs and systems of organs are closely interconnected and affect each other.

              6. Physical work causes metabolism to increase sharply in the muscles.

            3. Назовите английские словосочетания, соответствующие приве­дённым ниже русским:

  • брюшная полость

  • содержать мозг;

  • опора для внутренних органов;

  • соединять с;

  • основные части;

  • принадлежать дыхательной системе;

  • туловище делится на;

  • поддерживать ткани и мышцы;

  • быть связанным друг с другом;

  • выделительная система;

  • мягкие ткани;

  • межклеточное вещество;

  • влиять друг на друга

4. Соотнесите слова из правой колонки с разъяснениями их значе­ний из левой:

It consists of the bones of the body, ligaments and cartilages

circulatory system

The main function of this system is to move us about

skeletal system

This system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia and receptors

respiratory system

The system transporting blood through the body

endocrine system

Heart and lungs belong to the system

nervous system

Regulatory substances called hormones are produced by this system

muscular system

5. Опишите устно орган или систему органов на английском язы­ке (8-10 предложений).

§ 7. OMSK

Omsk region is located in the southern part of the West-Siberian Plain. Its total land area is 1397000 sq. km. The climate is continental with cold winters and hot summers. The main water artery is the Irtysh River which flows through the entire region from the south to the north. Many picturesque lakes also dot the region

Omsk region has a rich abundance of animal and bird life. The taiga is inhabited by elk, bear, polar fox, sable, etc.

Omsk was founded in 1716 at the order of the Tsar Peter the Great. So, Omsk is one of the oldest towns in Siberia.

At the beginning of the 20"1 century, Omsk was a fast-growing town with flourishing trade. Siberian furs, butter, leather and some other items were exported in large quantities to foreign markets and enjoyed popularity, especially in Europe. A lot of foreign businessmen settled here. Consulates of many foreign countries opened.

All this came to a halt after the revolution and Omsk became a quiet provincial town lost in endless expanses of Siberia.

A tremendous boost was given to the local economy during the Second World War, as many of plants and factories were evacuated from the western part in the face of invading foreign armies. The core of present day machine-building industry in the town is made up by these factories which have been modernized in the course of time. The leading enterprises of this sector are: aero-space corporation «Polyot», Baranov aircraft-engines plant and others. Many of former military plants undergo conversion and start to produce other products.

Another most developed industry in the town, petrochemical, bloomed in the 50s as one of the biggest oil-refineries in the world was built followed by a synthetic rubber plant and carbon black factory. Nowadays the enterprises of the petrol-chemical complex are the chief exporters of Omsk to world markets.

The history of Omsk is closely linked with many great Russian names. The great Russian writer Dostoyevsky spent four years in prison and exile in Omsk. Talented Russian painter Vrubel was born in Omsk. Admiral Kolchak (former famous naval explorer) was the leader of the White Movement during the Civil War in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution. He proclaimed Omsk the capital of whole Russia and it was the capital for a short period of time and fell as the Red Army captured it in its drive for Far East.

Now Omsk is the second largest city in Siberia with more than 1,2 millions, people and a large industrial center of Russia. In terms of industrial production it ranks fourth in the Russian Federation after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhniy Novgorod.

Omsk is an important and cultural center as well. There are 14 institutions of higher education, 7 theatres and 6 museums. People of different confessions

representing different nationalities of the region (Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Kazakhs, Tatars, etc.) can attend religious services in orthodox churches, mosques, Lutheran and Catholic chapels.

The Omskovites are proud of their past and despite all difficulties look with confidence into the future.


to flow through

протекать через



to dot

усеивать, испещрять

at the order of

по приказу

flourishing trade

цветущая торговля



to come to a halt


to lose in endless expanses -

теряться на бескрайних просторах

a tremendous boost

огромный толчок

to modernize in the course of time - модернизировать в соответствии

с требованиями


нефтеперерабатывающий комбинат

synthetic rubber plant

завод синтетического каучука

to be closely linked with -

тесно связан с



to rank

занимать какое-либо место




часовня, молельня

to look with confidence

смотреть с уверенностью