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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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                1. Ответьте на вопросы:

                  1. Why do ТВ epidemics occur infrequently?

                  2. What is the most commonly observed form of ТВ in adults?

                  3. What ТВ forms are common in infants and young adults?

                  4. What are the symptoms of pulmonary ТВ?

                  5. How does tuberculosis meningitis begin?

                  6. What does the treatment of ТВ involve?

                  7. Is ТВ as contagious as measles or pertussis?

                  8. Do all ТВ infected persons develop symptomatic disease?

                  9. Why is ТВ most common in poor crowded areas?

                2. Заполните пропуски:

                  1. ТВ is a major cause of and death.

                  2. Symptoms of other forms depend on the ,... organ.

                  3. Tuberculosis meningitis is often an illness.

                  4. ТВ meningitis leads to various central nervous system symptoms including

                  5. ТВ meningitis is often fatal if

                  6. ТВ is generally contracted either by or by

                  7. Women overburdened with also may be particularly

susceptible to

                1. Переведите с русского на английский:

                  1. Туберкулез обычно развивается медленно.

                  2. Легочный туберкулез - наиболее часто наблюдаемая форма туберкулеза у взрослых.

                  3. Лечение туберкулеза включает прием комбинации лекарств в те­чение не менее 6 месяцев.

                  4. Лечение туберкулеза часто продолжается более года.

                  5. Туберкулез не так заразен как корь или коклюш.

                  6. Туберкулез распространяется легко.

                  7. После заражения симптомы туберкулеза могут проявиться у человека в любое время.

                2. Сопоставьте симптомы с заболеваниями и переведите предло­жения:

Measles, plague, mumps, pertusis (whooping cough), grippe.

                  1. Sneezing, bleeding from the nose, redness and watering of the eyes, cough of a short, frequent and noisy character, with little or no expectoration, hoarseness of the voice, and occasionally sickness and diarrhea, a well- marked febrile disturbance, the temperature being elevated 38-38,5 C, and the pulse rapid.

                  2. The early symptoms are indistinguishable from those of ordinary "cold" or mild bronchitis. There is a dry hacking cough which may or may not be accompanied by a slight elevation of temperature. Aperson often appears tired and listless. Vomiting may ensure. 'ITien the typical whoop appears.

                  3. The disease begins with chills and fever, followed in a short time by great prostration, swelling of the lymphatic glands; the formation of buboes in the femoral, inguinal and cervical regions; primary or secondary pneumonia; septicemia, and petechial and diffuse hemorrhages. Headache, delirium, vomiting and diarrhea are associated symptoms.

                  4. The onset is usually marked by the development of a dull, aching pain in front of or below the lobe of the ear. This area is tender and pain is apt to be increased by movements of the jaw. Shortly after the onset of pain, swelling of the parotid gland occurs. With the onset of the swelling, the temperature becomes elevated, usually to about 102 F.

                  5. This disease is characterized in the typical form by sudden onset, fever of the one to seven days' duration, aches and pains in the back and limbs, cold in the head, sore throat and bronchitis, and not uncommonly by pneumonia as a complication. The disease may be transmitted be direct contact, by droplet infection or by articles freshly soiled with discharges of the nose and throat of infection persons.