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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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      1. Ответьте на вопросы:

        1. Where can you buy different medicine?

        2. What kinds of departments are there in the pharmacy?

        3. What can you get at each of the departments?

        4. What is indicated on the label of every medicine?

        5. What kinds of drugs are kept in special cabinet?

        6. How are the medicines classified?

        7. Can you give the examples of different types of pharmaceuticals?

        8. What are the most common types of drug solution?

        9. How does the chemist usually divide drugs?

        10. What can the customer also buy at a big pharmacy?

      2. Заполните пропуски:

        1. If you a home treatment you need to go to a to buy medicine.

        2. At the the drugs can be bought right on the spot.

        3. All drugs lie on the shelves or are

4 were the first pure pharmaceuticals derived from natural


          1. Many drugs are added to water, alcohol, or another so that they

can be used

          1. The chemist divides medicines into groups according to

          2. Some pharmacies also have a special with different healing herbs

and drops of natural origin.

            1. Переведите с русского на английский:

Я получил рецепт от врача и пошел в аптеку. В рецептурном отделе я заказал микстуру от кашля. Аптекарь сказал, что мне придется подож­дать, пока раствор не будет готов. Затем я прошел в отдел готовых ле­карств, где увидел большое количество порошков, таблеток, мазей и на­стоев лекарственных т рав, которые можно купить сразу же. Я купил вита­минов, пастилок от кашля и жаропонижающих препаратов. Аптекарь по­советовал мне приобрести гомеопатические капли. Я согласился и по­просил также дать мне несколько пипеток.

            1. Составьте свои собственные предложения со следующими сло­восочетаниями и словами:

То buy at the pharmacy, a chemical composition, a side effects, an expiration date, intravenous and intramuscular injections, a chemical group, to include, in solution form, in the case of, to provide customers.

            1. Составьте диалог:

Один участник - журналист, делающий репортаж об аптеках. Второй - провизор одной из аптек. Расспросите провизора об особен­ностях работы современной аптеки.


As long ago as 480 ВС, Hippocrates recognized that several aspects of what we now call «lifestyle» must come together to produce a healthy body. He said: «Positive health requires knowledge of man's primary constitution and the powers of various foods. But eating alone is not enough for health. There must be exercise, of which the effects must likewise be known. The combination of these two things makes regimen. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise the body will fall sick».

A healthy lifestyle is defined as one that gives an individual his or her optimal level of physical or mental health. Health is a condition of physical, mental and social well-being and implies the absence of disease. Health status can be assessed by measuring life expectancy, mortality rates, illnesses and disabilities. According to European mortality statistics, major health problems are cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Lung cancer is a typical example of a disease that can be reduced substantially by a single lifestyle change, namely, a reduction in smoking. Diet provides fuel as well as components for the essential structural elements of the body. Together with appropriate physical activity and suitable hygiene, they represent the main contributors to good health.

Healthy nutrition requires appropriate dietaiy intake of energy in the form of macronutrients as well as the adequate intake of essential nutrients, comprising vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids. Aperson's requirements for the different nutrients are related to his or her energy requirements, age, height and weight. Lifestyle factors such as level of physical activity, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption also affect nutrient requirements. No individual food contains all nutrients in the optimum quantities and in the correct ratios. Therefore, healthy nutrition is possible only by eating a variety of different foods to maintain the required balance of nutrients. It is now generally recognized that obesity is a health hazard. Obesity increases the risk of adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure and exacerbates a tendency to have higher than normal concentrations of lipids in the blood. Prevention of obesity requires that energy balance be maintained over a period of time.

Physical inactivity confers a substantial public health burden. On the basis of several studies published in the United States, it has been estimated that between 9 and 16 % of deaths can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. People who are physically active tend to be healthier than their sedentary peers: they experience fewer chronic degenerative diseases, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis. There are also indications that exercise is associated with improved immune function and decreased risk of colon cancer. Exercise has an antidepressant effect in healthy people as well as in patients diagnosed as clinically depressed.

Epidemiological evidence suggests that there is an association between alcohol consumption and the occurrence of cancers of the mouth, esophagus and larynx and that the risk increases in a dose-related manner. Cigarette smoking in combination with alcohol intake significantly increases the risk. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of a number of causative factors for liver cirrhosis. The serious adverse effects on the health of individuals of chronic excessive alcohol consumption are well documented: it is associated with a variety of diseases and may result in addiction with consequential social and mental problems.





life expectancy


ожидаемая продолжительность жизни



существенно, в основном









прием, потребление






питательные вещества
















body weight gain


увеличение веса тела



ноша, проблема




sedentary lifestyle


сидячий (малоподвижный) образ жизни




adverse effects


нежелательные (вредные) эффекты


