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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы:

                  1. What is the subject of surgery?

                  2. What discoveries were made by Morton, Joseph Lister and Halstead?

                  3. How is the surgery called today?

                  4. In what cases does a person have to be admitted to the hospital two or more days before the operation?

                  5. What measures are taken before the operation?

                  6. What diet is admitted before the operation?

                  7. What appliances are used during the operation?

                  8. What for is the patient kept in the hospital after the operation?

  1. Заполните пропуски:

    1. Treatment is the subject of surgery.

    2. The great advances in surgery have been dependent

    3. The use of , the in the body and the use of drugs

have also aided success in surgery.

    1. The surgery of today is called and is of various organs

and tissues when these functions

    1. The person, who is going to undergo the operation

    2. In a hospital a doctor usually prescribes the type

7 the tendency to fluid depletion in the immediate

post-operative period.

      1. In the evening before the procedure the field of the operation

      2. During the operation the surgeon can use

      3. When the operation is over where the doctors and


        1. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения и аргу­ментируйте свой ответ:

          1. The great advances in surgery have been dependant of medical discoveries in other fields.

          2. Operation is an integral part of surgery.

          3. The admission to the hospital beforehand is necessary.

          4. To follow a special diet before the operation is not obligatory.

          5. The preparation of the field of the operation is the most important part.

          6. The specification of the operation determines the use of definite instruments and appliances.

          7. The patient is discharged form the hospital immediately after the operation.

        2. Переведите предложения:

          1. Предметом хирургии является the treatment of injuries or diseases by operative techniques.

          2. The great advances in surgery зависели от достижений в других областях науки.

          3. Today, as many years before неотъемлемая часть хирургии.

          4. Постельный режим, соответствующая диета и ряд анализов are necessary to prepare the patient for the operation.

          5. At the appointed time пациента на каталке доставляют в операци­онную.

          6. During the operation surgeons usually use лазер, аппарат искусст­венного кровообращения и другие инструменты.

          7. The patient can быть выписанным из больницы if there are no complications.