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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы:

            1. What is dental caries started by?

            2. What do dietary carbohydrates include?

            3. What may happen if the teeth are not cleaned regularly?

            4. What balance does teeth decay depend on?

            5. What process is called remineralization?

            6. What are the preconditions of the formation of carious holes?

            7. What is the most important cause of loss of tooth substance?

            8. What can help protect the oral structures?

            9. What substance significantly reduces caries risk?

            10. What diet is widely recommended for oral health?

              1. Заполните пропуски:

                1. Good teeth and a healthy mouth are by daily to oral


                1. Decay will occur only if challenges following the

of carbohydrate take place too frequently.

                1. After an acid challenge, gradually the acid.

                2. The saliva the main line of in the mouth.

                3. Regular tooth helps achieve freedom from and

maintain oral health.

              1. Переведите с русского на английский:

                1. На здоровье полости рта влияет диета.

                2. Десны остаются здоровыми.

                3. Фтор увеличивает сопротивляемость эмали разрушению.

                4. Иногда слюна не может обеспечить достаточную защиту тканям в полости рта.

                5. Процессу реминерализации в значительной мере способствует фтор.

                6. Растворение зубной эмали кислотой называется деминерализа­цией.

              2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и со­ставьте с ними свои предложения:

Ежедневное внимание, сбалансированная диета, кариес, бактерии, раз­рушительные свойства, неизбежный, зависеть от, чистить зубы, зубная паста, низкий уровень риска, зубная ткань, потеря, воспаление, помогает избежать образования налета, уменьшить риск, средство защиты, умерен­ный, широко рекомендовать.

              1. Ситуация:

Вы врач-стоматолог, которого пригласили на беседу с детьми. Рас­скажите своим слушателям о пользе гигиены полости рта.


Tuberculosis (ТВ) is a complex disease that can affect many different organs. Since ТВ usually progresses slowly, sudden epidemics, such as can occur with measles or polio, occur infrequently, and transmission of the disease often goes unnoticed. Nonetheless, ТВ is a major cause of disability and death. In 1981 it was estimated that 10 million new cases occurred each year. Between 1970 and 1979 the number of reported deaths due to ТВ ranged from about 50,000 to about 150,000 each year.

While pulmonary ТВ is the most commonly observed form in adults, more acute forms - including miliary, or disseminated, ТВ and tuberculosis meningitis - are common in infants and young children. The symptoms of pulmonary ТВ are usually cough, slight fever, night sweats, blood in sputum, chest pain, and weight loss. Symptoms of other forms depend on the affected organ. Tuberculosis meningitis is often an acute illness beginning with fever and headache and leading to various central nervous system symptoms including behavior changes and coma. It is usually fatal if untreated. Even with prompt treatment it often produces permanent braindamage. Other bodily systems thatTB can affect include the intestines, bones, and urogenital organs.

Treatment of ТВ is often protracted, and the outcome, sometimes uncertain. Treatment involves taking a combination of drugs for at least six months and often lasts more than one year. Progress most be regularly monitored. The drugs prescribed vary according to the type of ТВ being treated and the patient's progress. In addition, some strains of ТВ are resistant to the standard drugs.

While not as contagious as measles or pertussis, ТВ is easily spread. It is generally contracted either by close contact with an infected person who is coughing up ТВ bacilli or by drinking unpasteurized contaminated milk. ТВ is most common in poor, crowded areas, since these conditions favor transmission of infection and people in these areas often have lowered resistance to infections.

Not all infected persons develop symptomatic disease - only an estimated 5 percent within a year after infection. Once a person has been infected, however, ТВ symptoms can occur at any time. Latent bacilli may begin multiplying whenever immunity to infection is lowered, such as periods of under nutrition or extreme fatigue or stress. Women overburdened with childbearing also may be particularly susceptible to developing active disease and may then pass ТВ on to their children. Those infected in infancy have a 10 percent chance of developing symptoms at some time in their lives.

ТВ remains a health problem throughout the world, but rates are particularly high in many developing areas. In some parts of Africa, Asia and Oceania, the incidence of pulmonary ТВ alone is as high as 300 cases per 100,000.



воздействовать, влиять

Transmission -











заразный, контагенозный





Unpasteurized -


Contaminated -


Undernutrition -

недоедание, недостаточное питание


утомление, усталость



Childbearing -
