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  1. Absolutism

  2. Totalitarianism

  3. Liberal democracy

Institutional processes through which collective and usually binding decisions are made, A network of relationships through which government generates policies in response , to demands or support from general public.

Theory or practice of absolute government that cannot be constrained by a body externa] to itself. |

Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4

Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian:

Binding decisions; to interact with society; the distribution of power; analytical devices; to draw attention to something; to disguise differences; throughout East Asia; all the systems of classifications are state-bound; coherent or independent entities; in the light of the phenomenon of globalization; the regime — classification industry has been in a limbo; to prioritize different sets of criteria; through bargaining and compromise; centralized or fragmented power; materially affluent society; the economy is geared to the market; to identify regimes.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Взаимодействовать с кем-нибудь (2); находиться в действии; тогда как; государственный переворот; происходить от чего-либо; существенная помощь; оценка чего-либо; недостатки; под заголовком; превосходство сугубо западной модели развития; быть повсеместно приемлемым/пригодным; установить новую систему; достичь соответствия; приобрести и передать полномо­чия; распределение прав и обязанностей; стабильный режим; соответствовать новым требованиям.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B', making all necessary changes

'A' 'B'

  1. He ... the damage at $50. a. redundant

  1. The Committee ... it better b. invalid to postpone the meeting.


The ...was not in his favour and he was sentenced to death.


to undertake


The government ... in the dispute and it was settled in a peaceful way.


to refer


Who ... him as President?


coup d'etat


The peers' rights of ... in the British Parliament were disputed.


to separate


The Prime Minister showed remarkable powers of ...


to judge, to classify


... by the text we can



distinguish or ... different



A friend is a person who ... your troubles as well as your joys with you.


to share


The allies might be ... by the Ocean but not by the shared values or interests.




As many workers were made ... they went on strike.


to evaluate


All documents having no legal force are ...


to judge


The authorities must ... some effective measures to overcome the crisis.




'Government' ... to the institutional processes through which collective and usually binding decisions are made.


to intervene


The military junta came to power as a result of a ...


to succeed

Ex. 6. Find synonyms in the text for the following verbs and nouns:

To contemplate, to enforce, to comprise, to act with/among, to stand, to result from, to make easier, to be connected, to separate, to cover, to handle sb, to be regarded, to be obsolete, to set sth to limit, to orient/direct; troubles/revolt, rebellion, shortcomings, means, title, importance, stance, unanimity, yardstick, conformity.




Ex. 7. Make the adjectives negative:

Institutional, binding, military, essential, analytical, related, significant, coherent, complete, common, centralised, stable, distinguishable, democratic.

Ex. 8. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the Gerund

Model 1. It's useless to classify these things.

It is no use classifying them.

There is no point in classifying them.

  1. It's useless to remind him of his words, he never keeps his promises.

  2. It was useless to judge the accused in his absence.

  3. It was useless to offer money to share in the expenses, he would not let it.

4. It's useless to refer to his remark, it's invalid. Model 2.

Why confine our position only to these principles?

What's the use of confining our position only to these principles?

  1. Why employ them for the job? They are hardly fit for it.

  2. Why mention these papers? They are invalid.

  3. Why judge them only by their last words?

  4. Why endure the pain? You can consult the doctor.

  5. Why insist on your point of view? It's useless.

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences using 'can't (couldn't) help doing sth' or 'can't/ couldn't but do sth'

  1. В ходе процесса формирования коалиции нельзя не учиты­вать различные взгляды и противоборствующие интересы.

  2. Оратор выступал так уверено, что мы не могли не поверить ему.

  3. Трудно было не согласиться с судьёй.

  4. Мы узнали, что их уволили, и нам невольно стало их жаль.

  5. Мы не могли не разделить их оптимизма.

  6. Они не могли не заметить, что докладчик сослался на этот исторический факт.

Ex. 10. Open the brackets, using the Gerund

  1. We came to the conclusion that it was not worth (share) their optimism. They only pretended to sound cheerful,

  2. The workers didn't manage to talk the management into (make) concessions.

і fhe government should give up (conduct) a divide-and-rule policy.

I We must keep NATO from (intervene) in other countries' domestic affairs.

The party risks (lose) its reputation if it undertakes such dangerous steps.

Me suggested (not judge) people by appearances. They may be deceptive.

' She got much pleasure out of (listen) to the orator. He succeeded in (make) a favorable impression on the audience.

s We look forward to your (take part) in our conference. We don't mind your colleague (join) you, either.

'» There's no reason to insist on (judge) people by their first wrong


Mi The orator succeeded in (classify) these nations, making a point u[ (reflect) all essentials.

II He stopped (refer) to those remarks and dropped the subject.

V\. 11. Translate into English

I Ma протяжении веков классификация различных форм правления представляла собой одну из главных трудностей политического анализа.

.' Аристотель был первым, кто сделал попытку охарактеризо-нать существовавшие тогда политические режимы, исполь-іуя такие термины, как «демократия», «олигархия» и «ти­рания», которые используются и по сей день.

1 Начиная с 18-го века и до недавнего времени системы припления чаще всего классифицировались либо как мо­нархии или республики, либо как автократические или конституционные режимы.

4 «Грех-полюсная» классификация политических систем, ко­трая была особенно популярной в период Холодной вой­ны, создавала образ мировой политики, главной доминан-іой которой была борьба между демократией и тоталита­ризмом.

^ И свете последних событий, таких как крах коммунизма, подъем Восточной Азии, возникновение политического Ислама, существовавшая ранее классификация устарела.

<> ('решение помогает нам различать, что значимо и важно, а что мет.

Попытка классифицировать системы правления — не что иное как средство сделать процесс сравнения более мето-шчным и системным.

8. Тоталитарный режим можно определить по «синдрому шести пунктов»:

  • официальная идеология,

  • однопартийное государство, обычно возглавляемое всемо­гущим лидером,

  • система террористического полицейского контроля,

  • монополия средств массовой информации,

  • монополия средств вооруженной борьбы,

  • государственный контроль над всеми аспектами экономи­ческой жизни.

Ex. 12. Fill in the blanks, using the Passive Voice and the topical vocabulary of the Unit

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