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Московский государственный институт международных отношений (Университет)

Т.И. іуськова Е.А. Городкова



Учебное пособие

Гру л а а у роми іґцня

'Экз. я/ 2




Москва росспэн 2001

ББК81.2 Англ=923 Г 96


Редакционный совет:

A.B. Торкунов (председатель), MB. Ильин, Ю.М. Колосов, H.H. Ливенцев, А.Ю. Мельвиль, А.К. Сорокин, ИГ. Тюлин, О.Г, Ульциферов

Гусъкова Т.И., Городкова Е.А. Г 96 Английский для политологов. - М.: Московский госу­дарственный институт международных отношений (Уни­верситет); «Российская политическая энциклопедия» (РОССПЭН), 2001. - 320 с.

Пособие предназначается для студентов 2—4 курсов политоло­гических факультетов институтов и колледжей, а также для лиц, специализирующихся на проблемах политологии и начинающих читать оригинальные тексты по этой тематике.

Пособие ставит своей целью развитие навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения и перевода оригинальных материалов по политологии, написания реферированного изложения текстов и других навыков.

© Московский государственный институт международных отношений (Универси­тет), 2001.

Пособие 'ENGLISH IN POLITICS' ставит своими целями:

подготовку к чтению и переволу оригинальных материалов но политологии;

развитие навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения текста (SCAN/SKIM reading ex.);

развитие навыков написания краткого изложения текста (SUMMARY ex.);

развитие навыкои монологической речи ('COMMENT ON' ;md 'WHAT DO YOU THINK?' ex.), диалогической речи ('PAIR WORK' ex.) и навыкои непения дискуссии ('QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION' ex.).

Достижению этих целей подчинены и лексико-фамматические упражнения Пособия, направленные на развитие и закрепление навыков функционального владения грамматиче­скими структурами языка. Лексический материал полностью по­строен на тематике и проблемах политологии. Все тексты Посо­бия взяты из оригинальных источников. Учитывая специализа­цию Пособия, авторы уделили особое внимание введению и от­работке специальной терминологии (Terminology ex. and Terminology Glossary).

В Пособие включены также некоторые упражнения на сня­тие чисто переводческих лексических и грамматических трудно­стей. Более подробно эти вопросы рассматриваются в Пособии «Трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с анг­лийского языка на русский» (авторов Гуськовой Т.И. и Зиборо-вой Г.М.).

Пособие предназначается для студентов 2—3 курсов полито­логических факультетов институтов и колледжей, а также для лиц, специализирующихся на проблемах политологии и начи­нающих читать оригинальные тексты по этой тематике.

© «Российская политическая энциклопе- ISBN 5 - 8243 - 0248 - 0 ят», 2001.

Будущие пользователи этого Пособия должны владеть эле­ментарной грамматикой и лексикой в объеме 1 курса (иметь представление о системе времен в активном и пассивном зало­гах).

Данное Пособие выходит под обшей редакцией кафедры Сравнительной политологии МГИМО (У) МИД РФ. Авторы Пособия выражают искреннюю признательность за творческое сотрудничество и помощь в подготовке этого Пособия проф. Мельвилю А.Ю., проф. Володину А.Г. и проф. Ильину М.В.

Авторы благодарны доцентам кафедры английского языка I МГИМО (У) Трибунской В.Н., Зиборовой Г.М., Кудрявце­вой ЕЮ., Родоман Н.В. и Владыкиной Л.Г. за ценные советы и помощь в подготовке и редактировании данного Пособия.

Особую благодарность авторы выражают главным рецензен­там Пособия — доценту Конышевой М.В. (кафедра лексики английского языка Московского Педагогического Государст­венного Университета, заведующая кафедрой проф. Галки­на А.Н.) и профессору Лебедевой М.М., заведующей кафедрой Мировых процессов МГИМО (У).

Поскольку Пособие « English in Politics* выходит в числе пер­вых по данной тематике, авторы заранее признательны за все предложения и замечания, которые могут возникнуть при рабо­те с данным Пособием.



What is politics?

Text 1: Defining politics

PRE-READING activity:

Learn the topical vocabulary and word combinations VOCABULARY:

  1. to define V — определять; очерчивать границы, формы; definition n — определение; definite a — определенный, точ­ный; definitive a — окончательный, решительный; phr — to define politics, duties, one's position, powers - определять no-jom литическую деятельность, круг обязанностей, свое отноше--1 -8 к ниє, полномочия. а.

  2. policy(ies) n - политика(и); политический курс/линия. ^^ч^"

  3. politics п — политика, политические события, политическаяш-п жизнь, политическая деятельность; политические взгляды;5'4-' g политология (наука).

  4. polity(ies) n — полития/политии (государственное устройст-з J ф во, система(ы) правления). S х. ^

  5. to possess V — владеть, обладать; phr — to possess powers -обладать полномочиями; possession n — владение; possessive ° а — собственнический; phr - in possession of sth - владею- "§ щий ч-л, in the possession of — находящийся в ч-л владении; ш to take possession of sth — вступать во владение. о

  6. to concern V — касаться, иметь отношение к ч-л; phr — as far

as sth is concerned — то, что касается; to be concerned in sth — g быть заинтересованным в ч-л; ~ with/about sth - беспокоить- зn ся о ч-л/озаботиться ч-л; concern n — отношение, phr-to ^ have no concern with — не иметь отношения к ...; интерес ^ phr — to express one's concern — выразить свое отношение (озабоченность); concerned а — имеющий отношение к ч-л; phr — concerned citizens — сознательные граждане; all countries concerned — все заинтересованные страны.

  1. to legislate v — издавать законы; legislation n — законода­тельство; legislature n — законодательная власть; орган за­конодательной власти; legislative а - законодательный; legislative body — законодательный орган; legislative chambers — законодательные палаты.

  2. to restrict v - ограничивать, сдерживать; restriction п - огра­ничение; restrictive а — ограничительный; phr — to restrict sb. to sth — поставить к-л в рамки; to lift/impose restrictions -снимать/вводить ограничения.

  3. to link v - соединять, связывать; link n - звено, связь; phr — a missing link — недостающее звено; links of brotherhood - узы братства; link up n - соединение; linking a — соединительный; phr — to link together — связывать, объединяться; to link on to sth — примкнуть.

  4. to attach v — присоединять, связывать; phr — to attach oneself to the party — вступить в партию; to be attached to привязаться к к-л; to attach to v — приписывать; to attach the blame to sb — свалить вину на кого-то; attachment n — привязанность, преданность.

  5. to seek (sought, sought) v - стремиться; искать, разыски­вать; phr - to seek safety - искать убежище; пытаться, ста­раться, phr - to seek to make peace - пытаться помирить; просить, phr — to seek advice — обратиться за советом; to seek power — стремиться к власти; seeker n — искатель; seeking a — ищущий.

  6. to conceal sth - скрывать, прятать; phr - to conceal facts -скрывать факты; concealer n - укрыватель; concealment n -утаивание; concealing a — прячущий; concealed - спрятан­ный; phr - concealed truth - спрятанная истина.

  7. to derogate — умалять достоинство, унижать.

  8. to abolish — отменить, упразднить.

  9. to allocate — распределять, назначать.

  10. to reconcile — примирять, улаживать спор.

a government government

to derive from in essence

to be engaged in sth



система правления, государст­во, власти

происходить от, вытекать из по существу

заниматься ч-л, участвовать в ч-л

управлять страной общины в рамках ч-л явление (явления) разрешение конфликта система сдержек и противове­сов (ограничений) тому подобное в том (смысле), что

to run the country

i (immunity groups

wiiliin a framework of sth

phenomenon (phenomena)

ti inflict resolution

checks and balances (constraints)

the like

In that = in the sense that

  • Work in pairs. Do you think the following statements are true nr false?

  • To study politics is in essence to study government, or more broadly, the exercise of authority.

■ Businesses, schools, community groups, families and so on are 'non-political' because they are not engaged in 'running the country'.

  • Politicians are often seen as power-seeking hypocrites who conceal personal ambitions behind the rhetoric of public service and ideological conviction.

  • The task is to abolish politicians and to bring politics to an end-nom and to ensure that government power is not abused. °-§

  • The heart of politics is a process of conflict resolving. m1^ <d

  • Discuss/check your considerations with the rest of the ~. o J class, ° *

SCAN reading (looking for specific information): look< g 2 ihrough the text to find the answers to the true/false state- nu-nts. o)~I





The word 'politics' is derived from polis (Greek), literally meaning p ruy-state. (Ancient Greek society was divided into a collection of o independent city-states, each of which possessed its own system of ° K.ovTrnment). The modern form of this definition is therefore 'what ^ i-oncerns the state'. To study politics is in essence to study ° government, or more broadly, the exercise of authority.

Politics is what takes place within a polity, a system of social m ionizations centered upon the machinery of government.

Politics is therefore practiced in cabinet rooms, legislative chambers, government departments and the like and it is engaged in by a limited and specific group of people. Businesses, schools and other educational institutions, community groups, families and so cm are in this sense 'nonpolitical' because they are not engaged in 'running the country'.

The definition can be narrowed still further. This is evident in the tendency to treat politics as equivalent of party politics. In other words, the realm of 'the political' is restricted to those state actors who are consciously motivated by organizations such as a political party.

The link between politics and the affairs of the state also helps to explain why negative images have so often been attached to politics. This is because in the popular mind, politics is closely associated with the activities of politicians. But brutally, the politicians are often seen as power-seeking hypocrites who conceal personal ambitions behind the rhetoric of public service and ideological conviction. This rejection of the personnel and machinery of conventional political life is clearly evident in the use of derogatory phrases such as 'office politics' and 'politicking'. But without some kind of mechanism for allocating authoritative values, society would simply disintegrate into a civil war of each against all. The task is therefore not to abolish politicians and to bring politics to an end, but rather to ensure that politics is conducted within a framework of checks and constraints that ensure that government power is not abused.

Thus, politics is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live.

Politics is also an academic subject, it is clearly concerned with the study of this activity.

Politics is also linked to the phenomena of conflict and cooperation (the existence of rival opinions, different wants, competing needs and opposing interests guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live). This is why the heart of politics is often portrayed as a process of conflict resolution, in which rival views or competing interests are reconciled with one another.


Read the text in more depth to do the 'After-reading exer­cises'.

Ex. 1. Comprehension questions

1. What is the origin of the word 'politics' and what is its modern definition?

  1. Where is politics practised?

  2. Who are the main actors of politics?

  3. What is considered to be 'political', 'nonpolitical' and why?

  4. How does politics differ from party politics?

  5. Why have negative images always been attached to politics?

  6. What lies behind such derogatory phrases as 'office politics' and 'politicking'?

  7. Why should politicians be abolished or politics brought to an end?

  8. What is the main subject of academic study of politics?

  9. Why is politics linked to the phenomena of conflict and co­operation?

  10. What is the heart of politics?

Ex. 2. Terminology

Match the notions: policy, publics, polity with the definitions:

  • ... is a politically organized nation, state or community.

  • ... is a selected, planned line of conduct in the light of which

individual decisions are made and coordination is achieved. ■ ... is the art and science of the government of a state.

  • ... is the form or constitution of a nation, state or community.

  • ... is public affairs or public life as they relate to this.

  • ... is an organized government.

  • Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4

Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian

The exercise of authority; in cabinet rooms; legislative chambers; government departments and the like; images attached to politics; power-seeking hypocrites; rhetoric of public service and ideological conviction; allocating authoritative values; to abolish politicians; within a framework of checks and constraints; an academic subject; rival opinions or competing interests.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Целый ряд независимых городов-государств (полисов); сис­тема общественных организаций; предприятия, средние школы и другие образовательные учреждения; неполитические органи­зации, не принимающие участие в управлении страной; очевид­но; сфера политического влияния (распространения) ограничи­вается...; политика тесно связана с деятельностью политиков; политика проводится; политика - предмет изучения науки; не­хватка чего-либо.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B\ making all necessary changes.




His powers ... by law.

a. definitely


The President will ... address

b. to be defined

Parliament to-morrow.


He went into ... as a young

c. possession



She came into ... of a fortune.

d. politics


He has ... in the enterprise.

e, to be reconciled


He ... that they should be

f. a concern



The UN ... in that it doesn't

g. to insist

make laws that nations must

h. to attach



... are first imposed and then

i. restrictions



He ... much importance to

j. not to legislate

this project.


She ... to her family.

k. to be concerned


Experienced leaders are .... in

1. to be attached



They ... to find a way out of

m. to seek

the deadlock.


He remained in ... for a long

n. concealment



If laws are no longer efficient

they are ...


Finally their differences ...

o, to be abolished

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with: policy, politics, politician/s. political. Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. American ... is passing through a highly unusual phase.

  2. Jn a country where local issues usually dominate voting patterns foreign ... has surprisingly emerged as a defining issue of the current ... debate.

  3. She admits that she is not a natural she lacks the 'glad-handing skills so valued in the small world of...

1. Aides characterised the President's speech to California business

and ... leaders as a major address laying out his goals for the

remainder of his term, v Those involved in the contest say the energy of street-level ...

can only speed the process of liberalisation. <v In the fluid world of the Middle East ... the Iraqi Kurds still

maintain lines of communication with their President. 7. In foreign democracies maybe isolationist, internationalist

or imperialist. N. What are his ...?

Ex. 7. Words: 'public', 'popular', 'community', 'communal', 'power' in different contexts nave different meanings. Suggest the Russian for:


Public opinion

spending bodies image officer

career relations facilities administration

papular consent








mobilisation revolution

community local

business scientific

communal interests

way of life


separation of powers power-sharing military power

B. Translate into Russian:

  1. With low taxes and relatively low public spending (usually below 30% of GDP), there is little room for the western model of welfare state.

  2. There is nevertheless general acceptance that the state as a «father flgure» should guide the decisions of private as well as public hodjejL

  3. The government is being accused of giving away the country's public wealth.

  4. The President made himself very popular when he killed hyperinflation and gave his country a solid currency.

  5. In recent years there has been made some progress in investigating popular public officials suspected of abusing their position.

  6. P.R. (public relations) played a crucial role in the recent elections.

  7. It would be wrong to believe that all is harmony within the community of the European Union.

  8. That the black community is in deep economic crisis is evident from the unemployment figures.

  9. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by the government was cautiously favourable.

  10. Trie balance of power in Europe, maintained for many years, was shattered in six weeks.

  11. China has become a power with its say in the international relations.

  12. The minister of power told the press conference about his new proposals.

Ex. 8. Find sentences in the text to illustrate the usage of the following vocabulary:

To define politics, to derive from; to possess a system of government; to concern the state; legislative chambers; to be restricted to; to be linked to; to be attached to politics; power seeking; to conceal ambitions; derogatory phrases; to allocate values; to abolish politicians; within a framework of; a conflict resolution.

Ex. 9. Make up sentences with:

To have a concern in a business; all countries concerned; legislative body/chambers; to restrict powers; to link together; to attach oneself to a party; to seek advice; for a definite period; definitive struggle; to possess powers; in the possession of sth; to have no concern with; to '.-ypix-HS one's concern; to restrict sb to sth; a link up; attachment to punciples; seeking authority.

Kx. 10. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the prefixes of negation.

  1. Existence of rival opinions guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live.

  2. The inescapable presence of diversity and scarcity ensures that politics is an inevitable feature of the human condition.

* Many people find it difficult to believe that the subject can be approached in an impartial and dispassionate manner.

■1 In popular mind, politics is closely associated with the activities of politicians. In the modern period media have more effectively brought to light examples of corruption and dishonesty, giving rise to the phenomenon of anti-politics.

^ Any attempt to define politics entails trying to disentangle the term from associations. Not uncommonly, this has meant attempting to rescue the term from its unsavory reputation by establishing that politics is valuable, even laudable activity.

(>. This view is based on the belief that the society is characterized by consensus rather than by irreconcilable conflict.

Fx. 11. Translate the words in brackets into English

What is (политика)?

1 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) - Greek philosopher.

Politics is existing because people (не согласны друг с другом). They disagree about how they should live. Who should get what? How .should (власть) and other resources (были распределены)? Should society (основываться) on cooperation or conflict? And so on. They also disagree about how such matters should (решаться). How should collective decisions (приниматься)? Who should have a say? How much (влияние) should each person have? And so forth. For Aristotle1, this made politics the 'master science', that is, nothing less than the activity through which human beings (пытаются) to improve iheir lives and (создать) the good society. Politics is, above all, а (об­щественная деятельность). It is always a dialogue, and never a monologue. People disagree about both what it is that makes social Ошимодействие) 'political', and how political activity can best (ана­лизироваться) and (объясняться).

Ex. 12. Make the adjectives negative

Dependent, limited, specific, political, popular, personal, civil, concealed, reconciled, definite, concerned, attached, agreeable, escapable, passionate, partial, effective, honest.

Ex. 13. Translate into Russian, paring attention to different functions of the INFINITIVE in the sentences

  1. To study politics is in essence to study government.

  2. This is evident in the tendency to treat politics as equivalent of party politics.

  3. The link between politics and the affairs of the state helps ш explain why negative images have so often been attached to politics.

  4. Without some kind of mechanism to allocate authoritative values, society would simply disintegrate.

  5. The task is not to abolish politicians but to ensure that government power is not abused.

  6. The task of defining politics is too difficult to be settled at once. One should explore it.

  7. Tins phenomenon is for politicians to explain.

  8. Politics is the activity for people tn make, preserve and amend, the general rules.

  9. To tell the truth, politicians don't see eye to eye on this matter. Businesses, schools, community groups and families fail to be engaged in running the country.

Ex. 14. Translate into English

Русский термин «политика» в английском языке употребля­ется в нескольких смыслах. Понятие «политика» используется для обозначения концепции, программы действий по отноше­нию к одной проблеме или совокупности проблем, стоящих пе­ред обществом (внешняя политика, аграрная политика, транс­портная политика).

Понятие «политика» используется для обозначения сферы деятельности главных участников политической жизни, внутри которой борются личности или группы, имеющие свои собст­венные интересы и мировоззрение.

Термин «политая» обозначает институциональное простран­ство, установленное с помощью Конституции, правового поряд­ка и традиций, определенный властный строй сообщества, спо­соб его организации, политическое общество.

Text 2: Different views of politics

PRE-READING activity:

Learn the topical vocabulary and word combinations VOCABULARY:

  1. to repute v — считать, полагать; a repute n — репутация, об­щее мнение; reputed a — известный, пользующийся хоро­шей репутацией, предполагаемый; phr — according to repute - по общему мнению, to be of good repute - славить­ся, быть известным, politicians of good repute — известные политики, bad repute — дурная слава.

  2. to enforce v — принуждать, заставлять, навязывать, прово­дить в жизнь; enforcement п — принуждение, давление; phr — to enforce a law — провести в жизнь закон, to enforce some principles on sb — навязать кому-либо принципы.

1 to conciliate v — примирять; conciliation n — примирение, conciliator n — посредник; conciliatory a — примирительный, примиренческий.

  1. to negotiate v — вести переговоры; negotiations n — перего­воры (syn. talks); negotiator n — посредник, ведущий пере­говоры; phr — to hold (conduct) negotiations — проводить пе­реговоры.

  2. to oppose v — противиться, возражать; opposition n — сопро­тивление, противостояние; opposite a — противоположный; phr — to oppose a decision — выступить против решения, to be in opposition to sth — противостоять чему-либо.

  3. to relate v — быть связанным, иметь отношения, касаться чего-либо; relations п — отношения; related а - связанный, имеющий отношения, phr — to relate to sth — быть связан­ным с чем-либо, politics related - имеющий отношение к политике.

  4. inherent а — присущий, свойственный, phr — to be inherent in sth — быть присушим чему-либо, politics inherent — при­сущий политике.

  5. scarcity n — недостаточность, дефицит; scarce a — недоста­точный.

  6. to imply v - (об)означать, подразумевать, намекать; implication n - скрытый смысл, намек, подтекст.

10. specific a — особый, конкретный, специфический; specifically adv — особенно, в частности, конкретно.

and so forth

at its/their broadest

infinite a

a means / means of (sing, pi.)

a concept



и тому подобное в самом широком смысле бесконечный, безгранич­ный

средство(а) ч-л концепция, идея, понятие понимание, понятие (кон­цепция)

SKIM reading: most paragraphs of a text have a key sen­tence/or part of a sentence/ that summarises the essential meaning of the whole paragraph. This is called the topical sentence. It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph, but not always.

Work in pairs: Look through the text to bring out the topical sentences that summarise the ideas conveyed by the text.

;ind naked power. This is what is implied when politics is portrayed as the art of the possible'. Such a definition is inherent in the everyday use of the term. For instance, the description of a solution to a problem as a 'political' solution implies peaceful debate and .irbitration, as opposed to what is often called a 'military' solution.

Politics as power. The fourth definition of politics is both the broadest and the most radical. This view sees politics at work in all social activities and in every corner of human existence. At its broadest, politics concerns the production, distribution and use of resources in the course of social existence, but the essential ingredient is the existence of scarcity. The simple fact that, while human needs and desires are infinite, the resources available to satisfy them are ;ilways limited, politics can therefore be seen as a struggle over scarce resources, and power can be seen as the means through which this si niggle is conducted.


Read the text in more depth to do the «After-reading exercises*.

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