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Unit 5. Stress

I. Lead-in

  • Are you someone who gets stressed easily?

  • What things make you stressed?

  • How do you feel when you are stressed?

  • Do the quiz and find out how stressed you really are: for each situation, write your Stress Factor (1-5).

  1. No problem!

  2. Not happy, but keeping cool!

  3. Getting a little tense!

  4. Heart is beating faster!

  5. Major stress alert!

Stress? What stress?

  1. You wait in a bus queue for twenty minutes. When the bus comes, you can’t get on because there are too many people on it.

  2. You walk to work. It starts raining heavily and you haven’t got an umbrella. You get completely soaked.

  3. You take some clothes back to a shop. The assistant won’t give your money back because you’ve lost the receipt.

  4. You phone a customer services line to try and fix your computer. You don’t manage to speak to a person, just a machine.

  5. You’re in your car at traffic lights. Another driver shouts at you for not driving away quickly enough.

  6. You go to the cinema to see a really good film. Some people next to you don’t stop talking and eating loudly.

  7. You play a game of tennis with a friend. You don’t play well and he/she beats you easily.

  8. You’re just about to go to work/university. You realise you can’t find an important document/piece of homework.

  9. You’re in bed and you can’t sleep because the dog next door is barking.

  10. You want to pay for your shopping but the shop assistant is chatting on the phone and not looking at you.

  • Add up your Total Stress Factor and find out what it means:

10-15: You are one cool customer who is always calm under pressure. Well done!

16-25: Not bad...you’re mostly stress-free-just a little hot sometimes!

26-35: Keep an eye on yourself. You are nearly at dangerous levels of stress.

36-50: Watch out! You are getting too stressed, too often. You need to keep calm before you go completely crazy!

II. Study the vocabulary

rewarding – стоящий, полезный

reasonable – разумный, рациональный, здравый

to stretch – расширять, обогащать, улучшать

challenging – требующий напряжения, сил

to build up – накапливать, наращивать

to overwhelm – заваливать, переполнять

stressed out – быть очень уставшим, вымотанным

overwork – перенапряжение, переутомление

burn out – ‘сгорать’ на работе

consensus – единодушие, согласие

rat race – бешеная погоня за богатством, успехом; ожесточённая конкуренция

treadmill – непрерывная монотонная работа

quality time – свободное время, время, которым человек может распоряжаться сам

downshifting –отказ от массированного потребления как основной жизненной ценности; сторонники этого движения стараются не превращать жизнь в бесконечную гонку за материальными благами

counselor – консультант, советник

to lessen – уменьшать, сокращать

to be accustomed to – привыкший

spoilt – испорченный; избалованный

deadline – крайний срок выполнения работы

to cope with – справляться

to bet – делать ставки, заключать пари

to swap – менять

loan – заем, ссуда

overdraft – превышение кредита (в банке)

terminus – последняя остановка маршрута

workaholic – трудоголик; человек, "горящий" на работе

workload – объем работы

solicitor – адвокат

to merge – сливаться, соединяться

absenteeism – абсентеизм; намеренное игнорирование посещения работы

emotional strain – эмоциональное напряжение, переутомление

rumour – слухи