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Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Пермский государственный технический университет

Березниковский филиал

Кафедра общенаучных дисциплин

Учебное пособие


для студентов специальности ХТНВ

очной и очно-заочной формы обучения


Березники 2003

Составители: старшие преподаватели Л.К. Ивонина,

Г.Р Чайникова.

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности ХТНВ очной и очно-заочной формы обучения / Сост. Л.К. Ивонина, Г.Р Чайникова; Перм.гос.техн.ун-т. Пермь, 2003. ??? с.


ст.преподаватель кафедры ОНД БФ ПГТУ Е.Б. Кучина,

преподаватель английского языка I категории ПЛ №47 г. Березники Л.С. Мазанова.

© Пермский государственный технический университет, 2002

Unit I.

Science and technoligy Part a

  1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:

aim, purpose – цель,

circumstances – обстоятельства,

data – данные,

extent – степень,

gap – брешь, пробел, пропуск,

generalization – обобщение,

impetus – импульс, толчок,

intelligence – ум,

phenomenon (pl. phenomena) – явление, феномен,

prediction – предсказание,

profound knowledge – глубокое знание,

in turn – в свою очередь,

irregularly – нерегулярно,

to deal with – иметь дело с, рассматривать,

to enable – давать возможность,

to extrapolate – приближать,

to obtain – получать,

to observe – наблюдать, замечать,

to occur – встречаться.

Science and technoligy

(1) The fundamental aim of science is to investigate the facts of nature and natural events and to describe them. Sometimes natural events and phenomena the scientist is interested in occur rather rarely, or happen irregularly, or just can't be observed at all in everyday life. Then man makes experiments simulating circumstances and processes that take place in nature. Data obtained during experimental work are often extrapolated to other fields of knowledge to predict events and facts that may happen. But such a prediction demands a sound theoretical foundation.

(2) Thus, another important purpose of science is the formulation, on the basis of experimental facts, of principles and theories which are generalization and which lead to new studies and increased knowledge. It might be said that without theories there would be no science. Indeed, man for thousand of years has been gathering facts, learning more and more about the world he lives in, discovering things unknown and surprising. But the facts alone are often bewildering and one needs a scientific theory to understand how facts are connected with each other and what they really mean. To illustrate all said above about the significance of scientific theory let's take as an example modern chemistry.

(3) Man has been dealing with different chemical elements and various chemical reactions - burning is one of them - from prehistoric times. But only quite recently after the modern theory of atomic structure got developed many facts of chemistry could be explained including the periodic table of elements. Moreover, the theory of atomic structure did not only explain facts already known but led to the discovery some new facts, like the existence of unknown elements that filled the gaps in the periodic table. So, the theory helps us both to understand known things better than we did and to make new discoveries.

(4) And still that isn't all. Better and more profound knowledge about natural phenomena enables us to make more use of them and, if necessary and possible, to change nature. We see, that the theory that grew out of man's practical work, in turn, has made possible to do man's work more effective and more productive, to widen the horizons of human knowledge since every new discovery increases the extent of our contact with unexplored areas, giving a new impetus to man's technical intelligence.