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41. Critical analysis as a method for processing scientific information. Критический

анализ как метод обработки научной информации.

Reading and outlining the scientific literature, you should immediately think about how it will be presented in the text of the essay, term papers and dissertations. You can not rewrite and retell "in his own words" other people's texts and issue their own. Contents should be handled and processed form to use in your text. This is done through a variety of theoretical methods and analysis methods mainly. In this analysis involves decomposing the text selected according to the kind of analysis of the individual elements, the determination of the leading system element, the establishment of links between elements. Hermeneutical analysis - a method of revealing the hidden, implicit meanings of the author's text. For example, the establishment of philosophical views of the author, which he is not directly stated in the text of the work, the identification of historically true meanings they used terms and concepts, classification of scientific ideas of the author to the different schools of thought. It is applying this analysis, it is possible to obtain new information llya their work, their information, which will make the scientific novelty of the study. Critical analysis - a method of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific text. In the student's work is most often used in unity with the diachronic method for assessing the contribution of scientists in the development of an issue. The choice of method for studying theoretical text based on the formulation of clear research objectives and goals of the analysis, understanding the specifics of the studied text on the technique of a particular type of analysis. The more types of analysis will master student at the time of writing essays, term papers and thesis, the more assurance that he successfully developed intellectually. Conceptual and terminological research software Scientific concepts presented in the text as terms form the basis of any study. They define the logic of research, ensure the development of thought. On how to use them graduate, judge his competence and even the mind. Each essay every term papers and theses have their own internal system of concepts, which have their own categories and

42. Comprehensive (complex) analysis as a method for processing scientific information. Комплексный анализ как метод обработки научной информации.

Complex analysis - this interdisciplinary analysis, ie consideration of the same subject of research in various disciplines, such as philosophy, linguistics, psychology, or medicine, psychology and history.

When performing complex analysis are the following steps.

At the first stage, specify the objects, the purpose and objectives of the analysis plan is analytical work.

In the second step, a system of synthetic and analytical parameters, characterized by using the analysis object.

In the third phase is collected and prepared for analysis of the necessary information (check its accuracy is given in comparable form, etc.).

In the fourth stage, the comparison of actual results with those of the reporting year plan

In the fifth stage, a factor analysis: stand factors and determine their impact on the result.

In the sixth stage the unused reserves and future efficiency gains.

In the seventh step is the evaluation of the results, taking into account various factors and identified untapped reserves, develop measures for their use.

Such a sequence of analyzes is most appropriate in terms of theory and practice

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