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33. Formulate the basic requirements for scientific information. Рассмотрите основные требования, предъявляемые к научной информации.

How to determine its Soviet scholars AI Mikhailov, AI Black, RS Gilyarevsky, scientific information - it gets in the learning process logical information that adequately reflects the laws of the objective world and is used in the socio-historical practice.

From the definition it follows that science can be considered only the information that satisfies the requirements of several serious. Otherwise, without presenting these requirements, we would constantly confused in whether this information is scientific or not.

To answer these questions we must turn to the definition of scientific information. It states that, firstly, the scientific information obtained in the course of human knowledge, and, therefore, inextricably linked with its practical, productive activity, since the latter is the basis of knowledge.

Secondly, scientific information - a logical information that is generated by processing information supplied man senses using abstract logical thinking.

Scientific information will be in the case where the data between the link is established. Thus it is necessary to take into account the third condition for inclusion of certain information to the scientific. It should adequately reflect the objective world. However, these conditions are not enough.

Information to be considered scientific, it must satisfy another, the fourth condition: she must always be used in the socio-historical practice. That is why the scientific information can not be attributed science fiction literary works. Can not be considered adequate scientific and logical process the information received by someone as a result of long-term observation of the weather with only one purpose, to choose the most appropriate time for the holidays. This example shows that not every use of the information makes it scientific. Thus, the data of meteorological observations, treated to weather forecasting, by definition, already represent scientific information. And if we come to the conclusion that the meteorological

34. Relate the sources of scientific information and their classification on various

grounds. Расскажите об источниках научной информации и их классификации по

различным основаниям.

Are sources of scientific information is: theses, the deposited manuscripts, reports on the scientific research works, scientific translations and analytical materials. All documentary sources of scientific information share on primary and secondary.

Primary sources are original materials on which research is based. They present original thinking, report on discoveries, or share new information. They are usually the first formal appearance of results (for example, the first publication of the results of scientific investigations is a primary source). They present information in its original form, neither interpreted nor condensed nor evaluated by other writers. They are from the time period (for example, something written close to when what it is recording happened is likely to be a primary source.)

Some examples of Primary sources:

Scientific journal articles reporting experimental research results; Proceedings of meetings, conferences and symposia; Technical reports; Dissertations or theses (may also be secondary); Patents; Communications on email, listservs, and newsgroups.

Secondary sources are less easily defined than primary sources. What some define as a secondary source, others define as a tertiary source. A newspaper article is a primary source if it reports events, but a secondary source if it analyses and comments on those events. In science, secondary sources are those which review, compare, contrast, repackage, reorganise, interpret, summarise, index or otherwise “add value” to the new

information reported in the primary literature. Secondary sources are works which are one or more steps removed from the event, or information they refer to, being written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight.

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