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8.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Get ready to discuss the following questions in small groups.

1. What are stereotypes and how do they affect people's lives?

2. Can you think of any events in history that were influenced by stereotypes and biases?

3. How do people learn to make stereotypes? How might they unlearn them?

4. How can the media (newspapers, television, movies) help to reduce stereotyping?

5. Do you think certain groups are more subject to stereotyping than others? If so, why?

6. What do you think an individual can do to help reduce bias and stereotyping.

Assignment 2. Make a questionnaire "The national identity of Belarusians: what does unite us and make us a unique nation?" You’ll have to ask at least 15 people to make a survey. Get ready to report your findings in class. Your questionnaire can include the following or other questions – make it as full as you feel necessary.

We are carrying out a survey to find out how people who live there differ from the people living on other territories? Please answer the following questions:

  1. What is so special about the Belarusian mentality? (Name at least three different aspects of the national character, illustrate with examples).

  2. Does 'a new Belarusian' mean being young or is it a Belarusian of the 21st century?

  3. How can you describe a new Belarusian?

  4. Is it compulsory to speak Belarusian in order to be a Belarusian?

  5. Are we changing? Does today's Belarusian differ from a Belarusian ten years ago?

Active vocabulary Unit 8. National Stereotypes

accurate, adj ant. inacurate

average, adj

convention, n

equality, n ant. inequality

emotional, adj ant. unemotional

etiquette international etiquette

formal, adj ant. informal

friendly, adj ant. unfriendly

generalization, n

guidebook, n

hospitable, adj

insular, adj

insult, v/n offence, n

insulting, adj offensive, adj

impersonal, adj

lifestyle, n

polite, adj ant. impolite

punctual, adj

regard,v to regard smth as smth

reputation, n

resent, v

secure, adj ant. insecure

sense,n sense of security, sense for public order, conformity

serene, adj

shock,n a cultural shock

superior, adj ; superiority, n

trend, n a trend-setter

typical, adj typical of smb/smth

Unit 9. Countries and capitals

9.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 9. On the map below follow the places mentioned in the recording.

Assignment 2. Listen to the recording to Unit 9 again. Chose 5 places out of 14 mentioned and give their summarized descriptions on a separate sheet of paper.

9.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. In the list of words below a number of letters are missing from each. Identify them.

1. com-er-ial

6. h--b--r

11. scen--y

16. c-n-l

2. o--shore

7. str--t

12. shap-ly

17. c-r-o

3. no-the-n

8. strai--t

13. w-eat

18. gli---e

4. val--ble

9. var--ty

14. a--reciate

19. spe--men

5. plo---

10. s--ne

15. cha--el

20. si---s

Assignment 2. Write all possible English equivalents of:

1. территория

11.форма, очертание

2. представлять, обозначать

12. осматривать город

3. поражать

13. великолепный, замечательный

4. вид, панорама

14. берег, побережье

5. располагаться, находиться

15. быть известным, славиться за что-либо

6. граница

16. относиться к 10 веку

7. различный, разнообразный

17. показывать, демонстрировать

8. ценить, оценивать

18. площадь

9. разнообразить, менять

19. пейзаж, ландшафт

10. канал, пролив

20. сохранять, беречь

Assignment 3. Give the opposite of:

1. worthy

6. regular

11. to do good to smth

2. human

7. include

12. sociable

3. to connect

8. shapely

13. demand

4. to be of great value

9. to flow from

14. up-to-date, modern

5. deep, serious

10. favourable

15. to attract

Assignment 4. Join the words of two columns, use prepositions where necessary:

1. piece


2. to go

the sea

3. to have


4. to flow


5. to cover (fields)

11th century

6. to be rich


7. a bus

Yanka Kupala

8. to be named

a tour

9. to be


10. a monument


11. to be


12. to date

a glimpse

13. to be cast


14. to be


15. to keep

little value

Assignment 5. Sort out the words of the two columns to form compound words.

1. cut


2. up


3. low


4. plough


5. land


6. snow


7. heather


8. man


9. low


10. water


11. south


12. off


13. master


14. sea


15. state

Assignment 6. All these abbreviations reflect certain phenomena. See if you can identify all of them.

1. UK

4. HQ

7. Brit

10. deg

13. GMT

2. m

5. AD

8. st

11. NW

14. MP

3. sq km

6. BC

9. cont

12. ft

15. gov(t)

Assignment 7. Guess the word.

  1. design and construction of buildings, style of a building

  2. financial transactions, esp. buying and selling; trading

  3. upsetting of feelings, insult

  4. avoidance of saying all one knows or feels, or more than is necessary

  5. subjects concerned with human culture, e.g. language, literature, and history.

  6. high respect, public regard.

  7. anything enduring that serves to commemorate or celebrate, esp. a structure or building

  8. unexpected or astonishing thing

  9. outstanding piece of artistry or workmanship

  10. deserving respect, estimable

  11. official residence of a sovereign, president, archbishop, or bishop

  12. belonging to the family of a king or a queen

  13. one as an example of a class

  14. a person or thing seeming to conform to a widely accepted type, such a type, idea, or attitude

  15. to make (articles), esp. on an industrial scale.

Assignment 8. Here are the descriptions from a tourist guide book of some towns and cities in Britain. Read the descriptions and fill in the gaps with the adjectives given.









Norwich was one of the ________ ________ cities of ________ England. When its walls were constructed (from 1197 to 1223), they enclosed almost a square mile, an area as big as that of the City of London. By that time it had become the capital of East Anglia. Its ________ cathedral and the ________ ________ streets around it still remind the visitor of those ________ times.








BRIGHTON is the ________ resort on the English Channel. Only 50 miles (80 km) from London, it offers a good variety of ________ entertainment. It is a ________ place, bustling and crowded in the summer, but ________ at every season of the year. Its ________ pavilion is a masterpiece of ________ English architecture.


broad (2)



LIVERPOOL, a port in the north west of England, has a quality that is not found in quite the same way anywhere else in England: the quality of grandeur. Liverpool has this grandeur in its site on the ________ Mersey river (more than half a mile wide) with the houses rising above it; in its ________ dock buildings, its ________ streets, and its two castles.

Assignment 9. Translate into English.

  1. Не стоит кататься по Темзе сегодня, идет проливной дождь.

  2. Специальные туристические автобусы отправляются на двухчасовые турне вокруг города.

  3. Подобно другим столичным городам Лондон вырос вдоль главной реки.

  4. Римляне превратили маленькое кельтское поселение в крупный торговый центр.

  5. Подобно тому, как Флит Стрит обозначает газетные офисы, Даунинг Стрит является официальным домом премьер-министра.

  6. Мост Ватерлоо был назван в честь победы в 1815 году.

  7. Знаменитый Биг Бен бьет каждые четверть часа.

  8. Английский флот под командованием Нельсона разгромил объединенный флот Франции и Испании в 1805 году.

  9. Победа была выиграна ценой жизни Нельсона.

  10. Лондон доминирует в Британской жизни.

  11. Высокая колонна с фигурой Нельсона на верхушке охраняется четырьмя бронзовыми львами.

  12. Сердце Лондона – Сити, его коммерческий и деловой центр.

  13. Собор Святого Павла был построен известным английским архитектором Сэром Кристофером Реном.

  14. Тауэр Лондона был перестроен в1066 году.

  15. В настоящее время, как и много веков назад, церемония передачи ключей происходит у ворот Тауэра.

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