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Unit 12. The theatre and cinema

12.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 12 and answer the questions below. Jot down the words and expressions to do with cinema, which the speakers define and exemplify after their dialogue and find their Russian equivalents.

  1. Which film is discussed in this unit?

  2. What genre is it?

  3. Who is starring in it?

  4. What is the plot?

  5. What is the message of the film?

  6. How different is Andrew’s opinion of this film from what critics think?

  7. Which cinema words and expressions are explained by the speakers?






Assignment 2. Listen to the second recording to Unit 12 about one of the leading figures in cinematography. Summarize what was said about this person mentioning the main points and organising them as if in an encyclopaedia article.

12.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. . Read the following tips on dos and don’ts of going to the theatre and guess the words that fit the meaning of the sentence (NB. Each star (*) stands for a letter in the word).


Going to the 1) t * * * * * * can be a wonderful experience for seasoned patrons of the arts as well as first-timers. Remember that you are part of a large body of individuals: the 2) a * * * * * * *. Knowing how to conduct yourself properly will result in a more enjoyable experience not only for you but for everyone around you.


  • Arrive early enough to be able to be seated before the 3) c * * * * * * goes up. (If you are late, most theatres will not seat you until an appropriate break in the performance occurs.)

  • Read the program beforehand to acquaint yourself with the 4) a * * * * *, the 5) p * * * and other interesting information about the 6) c * * * and the 7) p * * * * * * * * * *. It will make your theatre experience that much more enjoyable.

  • Turn off cell phones or anything else that will distract not only the 8) p * * * * * * * * * but the rest of the audience as well. Nothing is more unpleasant than the constant ringing and beeping of all these wireless devices during a live 9) p * * * * * * * * * *. If you are a doctor on call or have small children at home with a babysitter, set your cell phone to vibrate in case of an emergency.

  • 10) B * * * tickets early if you have a specific area in the theatre in which you wish to sit. Some shows sell out incredibly quickly. If you aren't too particular about where you sit, then rush seats or standing room only seats are often quite a bit cheaper than regular tickets.

  • Dress appropriately. Jeans are not really suitable although more and more people are dressing "down" to go to the theatre. 11) L * * * performances are a special event for most of us. Get festive by dressing for the occasion. It's your chance to haul out something fancy that you don't get to wear that often.


  • Talk during the performance. Not only is it annoying to those around you, but it can distract the 12) p * * * * * * * * * as well.

  • Sing along with the show. As much as you may think you have a great voice, people paid to see and hear the performers on 13) s * * * * – not you.

  • Get up in the middle of someone's solo. If you must get up before an 14) a * * is over, try to plan it during an appropriate break in the action (like a 15) s * * * * change) so as to make as little a disruption as possible.

  • Bring food to the 16) t * * * * * *. Intermission is the time to get a snack or a drink and these items must be consumed in the appropriate areas.

  • Always take in consideration how your conduct may affect those in the audience and those on stage. Use your own discretion and you will find that whether you're sitting in the audience or up on the stage yourself, live 17) p * * * * * * * * * * * are a wonderful way to spend your time.

Assignment 2. Give synonyms to the following words. Use the active vocabulary.

  1. to go to the opera (2)

  2. to give a performance (2)

  3. to stage a play (3)

  4. to play in “king Lear” (2)

  5. auditorium (2)

  6. to attract a large audience (2)

  7. to applaud (1)

  8. to bring down the house (1)

  9. to be a success (2)

Assignment 3. Give derivatives:

  1. theatre

  2. play

  3. to rehearse

  4. to applaud

Assignment 4. Give all types of:

  1. theatre: ________________________________________________________

  2. play: ___________________________________________________________

  3. parts of the auditorium: ____________________________________________

  4. reaction of the audience: ____________________________________________

Assignment 5. Guess the words defined below.

    1. Somebody who reviews new films. ______________________

    2. A very famous actor or actress: ______________________

    3. What a critic writes about a new film: ______________________

    4. The person who tells the actors and actresses what to do: _______________

    5. One small part of a film: ______________________

Assignment 6. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.

scheme acted audience stars illustrated portrays masterpiece role acting plot

  1. At the end of the play the .......................... clapped and cheered.

  2. The ........................... of Tiny Tim is played by an unknown actor.

  3. The film ........................... a new and talented actress.

  4. The ...................:....... ' is rather confusing at times.

  5. The opening ..................... is a churchyard at midnight.

  6. His love for Sophia is ........................... by his devotion to her.

  7. As a romance, it is a(n) ....................... of its kind-

  8. Al Pacino's ..................... is of his usual high standard.

  9. The part is well ................. and very convincing.

  10. Tom Hanks ........................... a man suffering from AIDS in the film "Philadelphia".

Assignment 7. Put these words into the sentences below.






  1. Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too near the _____________________ .

  2. I like to sit in the front ______________________ .

  3. I find trying to read ______________________ very annoying. I prefer dubbed films.

  4. I like seeing all the ______________________ for the new films that are coming out.

  5. I usually stay at the end to read the ______________________ because I like to know who some of the less important actors were.

Assignment 8. Match the film titles with the short descriptions.










  1. Die Hard

  1. Yul Brynner rides again in this famous western

  1. The Bride of Dracula

  1. A classic horror film with Boris Karloff as the vampire.

  1. The Magnificent Seven

  1. Bruce Willis is the hero in this predictable action movie.

  1. The Sound of Music

  1. The popular but increasingly dated musical. Sing along with Julie Andrews.

  1. Witness

  1. A ridiculous science-fiction film as aliens attack a peaceful community in California.

  1. Spartacus

  1. Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell star in this hilarious romantic comedy.

  1. Saving Private Ryan

  1. An epic historical drama with Kirk Douglas as the slave leading the revolt against Rome.

  1. It came from Outer Space

  1. Harrison Ford protects an innocent boy who has witnessed a murder in this gripping thriller.

  1. Four Weddings and a Funeral

  1. Steven Spielberg’s action-packed war film provides Tom Hanks with one of his best roles.

Assignment 9. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

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