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  1. There is\are. It. Indefinite pronouns.

  2. There is/are. Be. Have.

  3. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.

  4. Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs

  5. The Article

  6. Tense-Aspect Forms of the Verb

  7. The Indefinite Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future)

  8. The Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future)

  9. Adverbs and Conjunctions

  10. The use of the Tenses in Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clauses of Time

  11. The Use of the present Perfect Tense in the meaning of the Future Perfect Tense in Adverbial Clauses of Time

  12. The Present Perfect Tense

  13. The Past Perfect Tense

  14. The Future Perfect Tense

  15. The Perfect Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future)

  16. Passive Voice (Indefinite Tense Forms)

  17. Passive Voice With Verbs Which Have Two Objects: Direct and Indirect

  18. Passive Voice With Verbs Which Have Two Direct Objects

  19. Passive Voice With Verbs Which Have a Prepositional Object

  20. Passive Voice (Perfect Tense Forms)

  21. Passive Voice (Continuous Tense Forms)

  22. Tense and Voice (Revision)

  23. Reported Speech.

  24. Sequence of Tenses

  25. The Infinitive. Syntactic Functions

  26. The Passive Form of the Infinitive

  27. Complex Object

  28. Link-Verbs

  29. Modal Verb and Their Equivalents. Must, Can and May

  30. Have to

  31. Be Able

  32. Be to

  33. Should

  34. Need


  1. The Noun

  2. The Use of Articles

  3. The Verb. Tenses in the Active Voice

  4. The Passive Voice

  5. Modal verbs

  6. The Subjunctive Mood

  7. Verbals. The Participle

  8. The Gerund

  9. The Infinitive

  10. SYNTAX. Kinds of Sentences

  11. Word-Order

  12. The Subject

  13. The Predicate

  14. Agreement

  15. The Object

  16. The Attribute

  17. Adverbial Modifiers

  18. The Compound and the Complex Sentence

  19. Sequence of Tenses

  20. Indirect Speech


There is\are. It. Indefinite pronouns.

Exercise 12 p. 12 Fill in the blanks with 'it’ or 'there' according to the sense.

  1. The Lake District in England is called so, because — are really a lot of lakes there. — is a very beautiful part of the country. At the beginning of the 19th century — was a group of poets who lived in this district. They were known as Lake Poets.

  2. Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada, both in territory and population. In fact, — is like one large, well-kept farm. — is no place more than a few miles from the coast. — is a very quiet island. — is almost like being in another world. — is no heavy industry on the island. Its main industry is agriculture. Yet — is a historical place for — is the birthplace of Canada.

Exercise 13 p. 12 Add the correct form of ‘there is’, or ‘it is’ to the following.

1. — a beautiful cathedral in this place before the war. 2. — a short way from here to the station? 3. — a shorter way to the station if you are in a hurry. 4. — a pity that you won’t be at the party. 5. — a woman standing here a minute ago. 6. — a fact that he is a clever man. 7. — no time for tea if we are in a hurry. 8. — time to go to bed. 9. — no place like home. 10. — a problem to get to Oxford from London? — no problem at all. You can get there either by boat or by bus. 11. — one empty seat in the plane when I arrived. 12. — a beautiful park here in a couple of years. 13. Don’t you think — time for another cigarette? 14. — a place I know where you can have good coffee. 15. — a crossing here?

Exercise 18 pp. 14 – 15 Test translation.

(A) 1. Столица Российской Федерации — Москва. Она расположена по обеим сторонам Москвы-реки. Москва — большой промышленный город со множеством фабрик и заводов. Это также порт пяти морей. Москва является культурным центром страны. Здесь много музеев, картинных галерей, театров и кино. Российская государственная библиотека - одна из самых крупных библиотек мира и самая большая библиотека в России. Она находится в самом центре Москвы, недалеко от Кремля.

2. Москва — очень старый город; ей более 800 лет, но это также и молодой город с новыми проспектами, красивыми площадями и парками. Новые районы города отличаются от старых. Улицы в новых районах широкие, с высокими домами по обеим сторонам. Здесь нет ни фабрик, ни заводов. Здесь много солнца и воздуха. В жилых домах все удобства. В Москве живет более 13 млн. человек.

(В) 1. Какая самая красивая улица Москвы? 2. Сколько мостов через Москва-реку? 3. Где самый большой стадион в Москве? Как он называется? 4. Чем отличаются новые районы Москвы от старых? 5. Как сейчас выглядят Воробьевы горы? 6. Где самое большое уличное движение в Москве? 7. Чем славится Красная площадь? 8. Каково население России?

There is/are … . Be. Have

Exercise 19 p. 15 Study the following charts.

  1. With Countable Nouns

1. There is (‘s)

a (some)

book on the table.

There is


Pen and some pencils in my bag.

2. There are (‘re)

some (a few)

chairs in the room.

3. Is there

any (a)

river in this place?

4. There was


wind yesterday.

5. There were


factories in this district.

6. There will be (‘ll be)

a lot of

students at the meeting

7. There won’t be


visitors tomorrow.

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