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II. Read and translate the text.


Zaporizhzhia is a regional city and river port on the Dnieper. The population of the city is over 900,000.

Zaporizhzhia came into being in 1770 when a fortress was build here during the Russo-Turkish war of 1768-1774. The fortress was named Oleksandrivs'ka after the commander of the First Russian army Oleksandr Golitsyn (1718-1783).

In 1906-1921 the city had the name of Oleksandrivs'k. In 1921 the city was renamed Zaporizhzhia because of its location beneath the Dnieper rapids.

Zaporizhzhia is one of the largest industrial centers of Ukraine. The ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries are leading industries of the city.

Zaporizhzhia is a cultural and educational center. The city boasts of its University and Institutions, numerous scientific establishments, three theatres the Philharmonic Society, two museums and the Historical and Cultural Khortytsia Reserve.

The monuments of architecture include the remains of fortifications on the Khortytsia island, the Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Station (1927-1932), the Drama Theatre (1944-1953).

Zaporizhzhia is the capital of Zaporizhzhian Region established on January 10,1939.

Berdians'k (in 1939-1958 Osypenko) is a district town, health resort and a port on the Sea of Azov. It was founded in 1827 as Kotur-ogly, then Novo-Nogais'k. The name comes from the Berda River. Berda means ΄rock΄. Berdians'k is an industrial city. It boast of the Teachers Training institute and two museums.

Chernihivka is a district town. It was Founded in 1783 by the settlers from Chernihiv.

Guliaipole is a district town on the Haichur River. It was founded in 1785 by the serfs and rebelled Haidamaks from the Right Bank Ukraine as a free military village. It was named by the first settlers from Guliaipole. Guliaipole is hometown of Nestor I. Makhno (1884-1934). He was buried in Paris near the Communards and on his grave it is written: ˝Russian Communard Machno˝.

Melitopol is a regional town on the Molochna River. It was founded in 1784 on the site of the village of Novooleksandrivka, former winter camp of the Zaporizhzhian Cossacks. The town was named Melitopol (Honey Town by the Greek settler because of the sweet fruits grown here.

Orikhiv is a district town on the Konka River. It was founded in 1783 on the site of the Tatar settlement Seven Tatar Mosques. There was a winter camp of Zaporizhzhian Cossacks. Since 1796 it was a settlement Orikhova Balka. It was named after a hazel grove or by the settlers from the village of Orikhivka of Poltava Region.

Tokmak is a town on the Molochna River. It was founded in 1784 by the settlers fron Poltava region. The town got its name from the Tokmak River. Tokmak in Tatar means 'well fed'. The town probably was named after the juicy grass in the river valley.

III. Answer the questions.

1. When was Zaporizhzhia founded?

2. What are the leading industries of Zaporizhzhia?

3. When was the Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Station built?

4. Who founded the town of Guliaipole?

5. What town was founded on the site of the winter camp Zaporizhzhian Cossacks?

IV. Translate into English:

1. Вибачте, будь ласка, де мені пересісти на автобус №49?

2. Ти взяв квиток?

3. Цей автобус довезе вас прямо до музею.

4. Я їду до станції метро "Дарниця".

5. Ми виходимо на наступній зупинці.

6. Автобус був переповнений і ми не змогли ввійти.

7. Подивишся, чи у тебе є дрібні гроші.

8. Ви виходите на наступній зупинці?

9. Якщо ви поїдете туди на метро, то будете на місці за 5 хвилин.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you often take a bus/ trolley-bus, taxi/ the metro/ tram?

2. How do you go to your plant/ office/ institute?

3. Is there much traffic in your town?

4. How can you get from your home to the nearest railway station?

5. How long does it take you to get there?

6. What are the things the pedestrians must remember to be safe and sound?

7. In what countries does one keep to the left when driving?

VI. Complete the following dialogues:

A: Pardon me, where is the taxi stand?

B: …

A: Oh, yes. Thank you.

B: …


A: Excuse me, is this Brest-Lytovsky Prospect?

B: …

A: Thank you.

B: …


A: …

B: No, take the street on the left, go straight and the theatre is in front of you across the river.

A: …

B: You're welcome.

VII. In what situations would you say the following?

1. I think your best way from here is … .

2. Are you going my way?

3. Excuse me, sir, how do I get to … ?

4. You can't miss it.

5. There is no bus in sight.

6. You get off at the next stop but one.

7. Straight down this way and then cross the street.

6. Writing resume

Написання резюме

I. Active Vocabulary

accomplished – выполнял; administered – управлял;

applied – применял;

arranged – организовывал;

audited - проверял отчетность;

contracted – заключал;

controlled – руководил;

counseled – консультировал;

delivered – доставлял;

distributed – распространял;

elaborаted – детально разрабатывал;

estimated – предварительно оценивал;

evaluated – давал оценку качества;

examined – проверял;

expanded – развивал;

filed – вел картотеку;

handled – руководил; обрабатывал;

implemented – внедрял;

instructed – применял;

maintained – обслуживал;

managed – управлял;

monitored – контролировал;

operated – работал;

performed – выполнял;

provided – обеспечивал;

recruited – принимал на роботу;

repaired – ремонтировал;

supervised – руководил.

Examples: Supervised five subordinates.

Arranged summer schools for teachers.

Managed performance of three projects.

Seeks entry-level/full-time/part-time position – Ищу работу без стажа/с полной/частичной занятостью;

Looking for a responsible and challenging management/sales position – Ищу ответственную и перспективную работу в сфере управления/сбыта;

Awardeddegree in– Присвоена степень … в области…;

Earned high average grade – Заработал высокий средний балл;

Completed business courses in… – Окончил курсы по бизнесу в…;

Finished secondary school with honors – Окончил среднюю школу с отличием;

Took part in student contest in – Принимал участие в конкурсах студенческих работ по экономике;

Finished secondary school with honors – Окончил среднюю школу с отличием;

Took part in student contest in – Принимал участие в конкурсах студенческих работ по экономике;

Honorably discharged with rank of… – Уволен в запас с почетным званием…;

Possessing strong computer skills, including detailed knowledge of Word 7.0 – Хорошо владею компьютером, детально знаю программу Word 7.0;

Worked with local firm for 4 years - Работал в местной фирме 4 года;

Responsibilities included assisting customers, stocking merchandise, taking inventory - В обязанности входило обслуживание клиентов, складирование товаров, ведение учета.

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