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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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IV. Запитання до тексту

1. What do we need to be good specialists? 2. Why can't we be bad pharmacists? 3. What is a chemist's shop? 4. What departments and rooms does an average chemist's have? 5. What drugs can you buy at the prescription department? 6. What do you know about the chemist department? 7. What things for medical care can you name? 8. Where are drugs kept in the chemist's shop? 9. Where can one work with a pharmacy diploma? 10. Where would you like to work in future? Why there?

V. Заповніть пропуски словами з активного словника:

1. Pharmacology is a theoretical basis of... medicine. 2. Students ... the methods of chemical analysis. 3. We test the ... of drugs in pharmaceutical chemistry. 4. Chemistry is the science about... 5. Methods of... are studied by analytical chemistry.

VI. Дайте визначення науковим дисциплінам за зразком:

Model: Pharmacology.

— Pharmacology is the science about drugs.

  1. Chemistry. 2. Biology. 3. Pharmacognosy. 4. Physiology.

VII. Напишіть по три речення про те, що ви нещодавно змогли зробити, та про те, що не змогли. Почніть із таких слів:

I was able to... I wasn't able to... I couldn't... 1 managed to... I didn't manage to...

VIII. Прочитайте фрази, запам'ятайте їх:

Would you mind...? No, of course not

Could you...? Yes, of course

I'd like you to ... Certainly / All right

Would you mind if I …? Not at all

Do you mind if I...? No, of course not

May I...? Yes, of course

Is it all right if I...? Go right ahead

Could I...? Sure

IX. Що б ви сказали у подібній ситуації? Використайте фрази, подані вище.

1 .The door is locked. 2. You need a dictionary. 3. You can't do your homework. 4. You are hungry. 5. You want to make a phone call. 6. You feel unwell.

X. Напишіть запитання, вживаючи ввічливе прохання:

Example: May | use | telephone?

May I use your telephone?

1. Can |use| dictionary? 2. mind |I| close the window? 3. can |look at| newspaper? 4. alright if| sit here? 5. mind |I turn off | television?

XI. Попросіть дозволу, звертаючи увагу на офіційне та неофіційне прохання:


You are in a friend's house. You want to use the phone.

Can I use the phone? Yes, do.

You are at your boss's house. You want to use the bathroom.

May luse the bathroom? Yes, of course.

A. 1. You are at your parents' house. You want to watch television. 2. You are on a train. You want to borrow a newspaper from another passenger. 3. You are at a friend's house. You want to make a cup of tea. 4. You are in a crowded cafe. There is only one seat next to an old lady. You want to sit down. 5. You are at a friend's house. You want to play some records.

B. Що б ви відповіли на такі запитання:

Do people in your country ask permission to smoke, use the phone, or help themselves to something to drink in a friend's house? What other things do people ask permission to do?

XII. Забороніть ці дії. Будьте ввічливими!


l. May I come and see you this evening?

Well, actually, (I've got guests for supper)

2.Can I smoke here?

Sony, but (I feel sick when people smoke)

З.Сап I telephone you at work? 4. May I open the window? 5. Can I borrow your car? 6. May I play your new ABBA record?

ХІП. Які з поданих фраз будуть ввічливим проханням, якщо їх використати замість X?

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