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Medical College National Medical University.docx
13.51 Mб

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is epilepsy?

  2. When do seizures happen?

  3. What is the cause of epilepsy?

  4. Can medicines control seizures?

  5. What is the cause of encephalitis?

  6. What are the symptoms of encephalitis?

  7. What's the treatment of encephalitis?

  8. What is dementia?

  9. What are the symptoms of dementia?

  1. What diseases can cause dementia?

  2. Is there any cure for Parkinson's disease? What do you know about this disorder?

  3. What is the most common form of dementia among older people?

  4. Name the main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

  5. When does Alzheimer's disease usually begin?

  6. Can treatment stop the disease (AD)?

  7. What are the two main types of brain cancer?

  8. What symptoms can brain tumors cause?

3. Fill in the blanks.

  1. People with epilepsy may have violent muscle spasms or lose ....

  2. Doctors use ... and other tests to diagnose epilepsy.

  3. Encephalitis is an ... of the brain.

  4. People with dementia may lose their ability to solve ... or control their ....

  5. ... is a common symptom of dementia.

  6. Alzheimer's disease begins ....

  7. People with AD need total ....

  8. Parkinson's disease is more common in men than in ... .

  9. A variety of ... sometimes help symptoms of Parkinson's disease dramatically

10. No one knows the exact... of brain tumors.

a) memory loss; b) cause; c) emotions; d) medicines; e) consiousness;

f) slowly; g) brain scans; h) problems; i) women; j) inflammation; k) care

49. The Endocrine System.

Ендокринна система.

I. Vocabulary.

1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

pituitary gland — придаток мозку (гіпофіз);

thyroid gland — щитовидна залоза;

parathyroid gland — паращитовидна залоза;

adrenal gland — надниркова залоза;

gonads —гонади (статеві залози);

ovaries — яєчники;

testes — яєчка;

pineal gland — шишковидна залоза;

mammary gland — молочна залоза;

mucous gland — слизова залоза;

salivary gland — слинна залоза;

lacrimal gland — слізна залоза;

sweat glands — потові залози.

2. Match the following English word combinations and the Ukrainian ones.

  1. exocrine glands

  2. endocrine glands

  3. hormone secretion

  4. sex hormones

  5. chemical reactions

a. статеві гормони

b. екзокринні залози (залози зовнішньої секреції)

c. хімічні реакції

d. виділення гормонів

e. ендокринні залози (залози внутрішньої секреції)

3. Analyze the structure of the following terms. Memorize the meaning of the term elements from the first column.


near, beside

parathyroid = beside the thyroid


much, many

polyadenitis = inflammation of many glands



thyroaplasia = defective growth of the thyroid


to secrete

endocrine = endo(within)crine (secrete)



hypertrophy = excessive growth of an organ or part



hepatomegaly = enlarged liver with hepatitis



a growth or outcropping (as opposed to trophy where something is physically growing)

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