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Medical College National Medical University.docx
13.51 Mб

I. Fill in the prepositions. Use two of them twice.

against, by, out, after, to, from

  1. Antimicrobials that act ... bacteria include antibiotics and sulfon­amides.

  2. A smaller dose of such an antibiotic keeps the bacteria ... multiply­ing in the body.

  3. The vaccine makes the body immune ... the disease ... providing resistance ... attack by it.

  4. Vaccinations against smallpox have wiped ... that disease.

  5. Physicians prescribe these drugs ... a person who has not been vac­cinated is exposed ... an infectious disease.

II. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are antimicrobials?

  2. How are antimicrobials that act against bacteria classified?

  3. How are antibiotics obtained?

  4. How are sulfonamides prepared?

  5. What are antiviral drugs?

  6. What are the two kinds of drugs that prevent infectious diseases?

  7. What are vaccines?

  8. What are antiserums and globulins?

III. Match the words with their opposites.

1. natural

a. strengthened

2. to prevent

b. ineffective

3. common

c. to deprive

4. effective

d. permanent

5. weakened

e. to help

6. to provide

f. abnormal

7. temporary

g. artificial

8. to expose

h. to protect

IV. Choose the correct word.

  1. Antibiotics are obtained from synthetic/natural microorganisms.

  2. A large/small dose of penicillin or certain other antibiotic kills disease-causing bacteria.

  3. Doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to treat certain diseases caused by bacteria/viruses.

  4. There are many/several kinds of vaccines.

  5. The antiserums and globulins act more quickly/slowly than vac­cines to prevent infection.

  6. Vaccines contain a weakened/strengthened or killed form of the microbe that causes a particular disease.

V. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. In most cases sulfonamides and other synthetic antimicrobials kill the bacteria.

  2. Antimicrobials kill or prevent multiplication of bacteria or viruses in the body.

  3. Vaccines, antiserums and globulins treat infectious diseases.

  4. There is no effective treatment for polio.

  5. Vaccinations against smallpox have eradicated that disease.

  6. Antibodies are substances that fight a particular disease.


I. Complete the dialogue with the words below and act it out.

throat, stethoscope, sore, cough, knee

Doctor: Now, Debbie, can I have a look at you to find out where your bad _________ is coming from?

Patient: (Nods)

D.: Would you like to stay sitting on Mum's knee?

P.: (Nods)

D.: That's fine. Now let's ask Mum to take off your jumper and blouse. You'll not be cold in here. Now I'm going to put this thing on your chest. It's called a _________. It might be a bit cold. I'll warmit up. First of all I listen to your front and then your back.

Mother: She's had that done lots of times by Dr Stuart.

D.: Good, well done, you didn't move at all. Now I'd like to see your tummy, so will you lie on the bed for a minute?

P.: (Nods)

D.: Now while you are lying there, I'll feel your neck and under your arms. Are you tickly? That's all very quick, isn't it? Mrs Thompson, could Debbie sit on your ____________ again? I'd like you to hold her there while I examine her ears and ____________ Right, Debbie. Here's a little light to look in your ears. This will tickle a bit but won't be . Good girl. What a nice ear. Now let's see the other one. Now nearly the last bit. Open your mouth. Let me see your teeth. Now open it as wide as you can. Well, we're all finished now. You've been very good. I'll have a talk with your Mum and you can play with the toys for a minute.

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