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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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III. Запитання до тексту

1. How is pharmacy defined? 2. What is the role of a phar­macist? 3. What do compounding and dispensing medicines demand? 4. What is necessary to become a pharmacist? 5. What is pharmacist able to predict? 6. What information does the pharmacist provide when supplying both prescrip­tion and over-the-counter drugs? 7. What does the phar­macist further serve? 8. By means of what are these adviso­ry roles made possible? 9. Can you give the examples of substances used both pharmaceutically and in food produc­tion? 10. What do you know about the history of pharmacy?

IV. Доповніть речення інформацією із тексту:

1. Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of... . 2. Nowdays most drugs are distributed to the chemist's or hospital in such suitable dosage forms as... . 3. Com­pounding and dispensing medicines demand... . 4. The pharmacist is able to predict... . 5. Advisory roles of a pharmacist are made possible by... . 6. Pharmacist should be very helpful and supportive when... . 7. The creative act of discovering a new pharmaceutical... .

V. Доберіть українські еквіваленти до поданих словосполучень:

1) preventive medicine 1) відповідальна роль

2) curative medicine 2) стерильний розчин

3) dosage form 3) професійний рівень

4) responsible role 4)лікувальна несумісність

5) sterile solution 5) ліки, що відпускаються за рецептом

6) professional standards 6) профілактична медицина

7) drug constituents 7) роль порадника

8) therapeutically incompatibility 8) лікувальна медицина

9) prescription medication 9) дозована форма

10) advisory role 10) складові ліків

11) dose regimen 11) продуктивна діяльність

12) productive activity 12) творчий акт

13) creative act 13) схема прийняття лікарського засобу

VI. Виберіть один вірний варіант відповіді:

1. Pharmacy is defined as

a) the science; b) the art; c) the art and science of preparing, compounding and dispensing drugs.

2. Compounding and dispensing drugs demand

a) special knowledge; b) special prescriptions; c) special place.

3. Pharmacist should be very

a) handsome and kind; b) helpful and supportive; c) rude and impatient.

4. The creative act of discovering a new drug is followed by

a) an average of 10 weeks; b) an average of 10 years; c) an average of 100 years.

VII. Прочитайте текст, не використовуючи словник. Зверніть особливу увагу на: а) стародавність фар­мації; б) зв'язок фармації та медицини; в) згадку про видатних науковців минулих часів.


Pharmacy, which literally means a knowledge of drugs, or pharmaceuticals, has been a part of the healing arts and sciences since mankind first began to treat illnesses. It has developed from ancient civilizations that used parts of plants and animals to concoct various potions to eliminate pain, control suffering, and counteract disease. It has risen from the mysterious incantations of voodoo tribes and has survived the unwritten secret recipes of medicine men.

It has progressed from an era of empiriocriticism to the present age of specific therapeutic agents. A number of the drugs used by the ancients are still employed in much the same manner by today's medical practitioners.

By trial and error, primitive man must have acquired biologic knowledge that was useful in determining which plants and animals possessed good value and which were to be avoided because they were unpalatable, poisonous, or dangerous. The healing powers of certain herbs, roots, and juices were undoubtedly discovered by accident; but once these attributes were learned, they were too important to be forgotten.

Dioscorides, a Greek physician who lived in the first century A. D., wrote his "De Materia Medica" in 78 A. D., in which he described about 600 plants that were known to have medicinal properties. Of these, a surprisingly large number are still important in modern medicine. Aloe, bela-donna, colchicum, ergot, hyoscyamus, and opium are a few that were used then in much the same manner as they are used today.

Galen (131—200 A. D.) was a Greek pharmacist-physi­cian who lived in Rome and who described the method of preparation formulas containing plant and animal drugs. He devoted considerable time to compiling this knowledge, which was distributed throughout 20 books. As a tribute to his accuracy in recording his observations the term "galeni­cal" pharmacy was originated.

From the humble beginning, medicine and pharmacy gradually emerged along separate paths: the physician diag­nosed the ailment and prescribed the remedy and the apothe­cary or pharmacist specialized in the collection preparation, and compounding of the substance.

Pharmacy, as an independent branch of medicine was born in Europe in 1240 when the Emperor of Holy Rome separated pharmacy from medicine. However, there was no special pharmaceutical training at that time. Till late 17th and even 18th century, the universities taught their students materia medica.

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