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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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VI. Correct the following statements.

  1. More than half of all deaths recorded in the world are caused by cancer.

  2. Paralysis is caused by a severe muscle disease.

  3. Atherosclerosis is a local widening of an artery.

  4. With age, hypertension has a tendency to subside.

  5. The patient with hypertension has no symptoms associated with central nervous system.

  6. An attack of angina pectoris is usually caused by various aches.

VII. Translate into English.

  1. Однією із причин розвитку атеросклерозу є порушення хо­лестеринового обміну.

  2. Як правило, стенокардія починається із нечастого болю у за-грудинній області.

  3. Основним симптомом гіпертонії є підвищений артеріальний тиск.

4. Гострому інфаркту міокарда, особливо внаслідок тромбозу, іноді передує стенокардія і гіпертонія.

VIII. Read and say what disease it is.

  1. One major form of cardiovascular disease is .... It is a medical term for clotted arteries. Over a period of time, an artery may be narrowed because of a buildup of fatty deposits called plaque. Plaque causes the once-smooth lining of an artery to become thick and rough. The opening to the artery narrows and its elasticity is reduced. The artery cannot expand and contract as it should. As a result, blood flow is affected. The heart must pump harder to force blood through the artery. Thus, blood pressure is increased. If too much plaque builds up in a blood vessel, it forms a thrombus, or a clot, that shuts off the flow of blood.

  2. It is a chronic high blood pressure. It affects more than one in five adults in the world. What is most alarming about it is that over 25 percent of its victims are unaware of their problem. They do not know they need treatment that would relieve the condition.

It creates several conditions that can severely damage the cardio­vascular system. It can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood, thus weakening it. It can cause a speedier buildup of plaque on the walls of arteries. This increases the chances of clot formation. It may cause pressure severe enough to burst an artery wall. In many cases, the causes of this disease are not known.

3. This disease, especially when due to thrombosis, is sometimes preceded by a history of angina pectoris or primary hypertension. Many patients, however, have had no previous cardiovascular complaints. It is sometimes completely or relatively asymptomatic.

The most characteristic complaint is severe substernal oppression, often described as squeezing, pressing or constricting. Dyspnea is a common accompaniment; the patient complains that the crushing pres­sure on his chest prevents him from breathing properly. Nausea, vomit­ing, hiccups and abdominal distension sometimes occur. Extreme weak­ness and fear of impending death are occasionally present. The blood pressure usually falls within a few hours after onset of the attack.


I. Complete the dialogue with the words and word combinations from the list below and act it out. Trouble, shortness of breath, the work, digitalis, free diet, arteries, salt

Dr. Young: Good morning, Mr. Hollister. How are you getting on?

Mr. Hollister: I've not been feeling well for the last week. I've had some…, and as you can see my legs are swollen now.

Dr. Y: Are you still taking your digitalis? Did you put any ... in your food?

Mr.H.: Well, Doctor, I've been out of ... for the last week. And it is hard for me to eat completely without salt. Doctor, could you tell me what my problem is?

Dr. Y.: I believe you have hardening of ... with the involvement of the heart. Now your heart is not able to perform ... it is supposed to. Regarding your treatment, I think you should continue to take one tablet of digitalis a day on a salt … . Otherwise you'll get in ... .

Mr.H.: When shall I come back?

Dr. Y: Three weeks from today. Good-bye now and be careful.

Mr.H.: Bye. See you in three weeks.

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