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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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V. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the symptoms of gastritis?

  2. What are the causes of acute and chronic gastritis?

  3. What happens if the tissues of the stomach erode and open sores develop?

  4. What are the two kinds of peptic ulcers? What do you know about each of them?

  5. What are the three main types of colitis? Describe each of them.

  6. What are the causes of peritonitis?

  7. What is dysentery?

55. Drugs that normalize the digestive tract. Препарати, що нормалізують роботу шкт.

  1. Комп’ютерний переклад іншомовної інформації. Посткомп’ютерне редагування перекладу;

  2. Обґрунтування доцільності профілактичних заходів щодо низки хвороб;

  3. Аналіз, порівняння, систематизація й коментування одержаної інформації.


І. Add the prefixes il-, im-, in-, ir- to the following adjectives and nouns to form new ones with the opposite meaning.

- Legal, legitimate, literate, logical, legible.

- Mature, patient, perceptible, perfect, possible, practical, pro­bable.

- Ability, adequate, audible, capable, comprehensible, dependent, formal, justice, security.

- Rational, regular, relevant, replaceable, resistible, responsible.

II. Learn the following words.

antacid - засіб, що нейтралізує кислоту;


brand name - торгівельна марка;

to purchase купувати;

to promoteсприяти;

to inhibitпригнічувати;

underlying - основний, той, що лежить в основі;

to resist - чинити опір;

to recur - повторюватись, відбуватись знову.

III. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Group, neutralize, acid, digestive system, hydrochloric acid, produce, peptic, esophagus, prevent, stop, products, compounds, aluminum, chemicals, react, form, recommend, antiulcer, antibiotics, histamine H2-receptor antagonists, tablet, capsule, effects, magnesium hydrox­ide, diarrhea, problems, period, extensive, calcium, carbonate, accu­mulate, reducing, effective, esophagitis.

IV. Match the words with the definitions.

1. brand name

a. a substance that eliminates the burning feeling in your stomach when you have eaten too much, drunk too much alcohol etc.

2. to inhibit

b. to help something develop or increase

3. antacid

c. to buy something

4. underlying

d. to prevent something from growing or developing well

5. to purchase

e. the most important, although not easily noticed

6. to recur

f. not to be changed or harmed by something

7. heartburn

g. the name given to a product by the company that makes it

8. to promote

h. to happen again (especially about something bad or unpleasant)

9. to resist

i. an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by acid from your stomach

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