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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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5. Fill in the table. Compare your answers with your partner's.

Peptic ulcers

What I have learned from the text about the topic

Ulcer symptoms

The cause of ulcers

Treatment for peptic ulcers

The prophylaxis of ulcers

6. Make a dialogue between a doctor and a patient, who has ulcer symp­toms. Act it out.

Text 2

1. Read and translate the information which will help you to keep your digestive system healthy.

  1. Define the main idea of the text.

  2. Divide the text into sense groups. Entitle them.

  1. Write a short summary of the text.



The body is wholly dependent on the digestive system to provide it with nu­trients — fluids, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals — it needs to continue functioning. If the digestive system fails to do this because of malfunc­tioning, the entire body suffers.

A healthy lifestyle will keep the digestive system sound. This includes the fol­lowing: a proper diet, regular exercises, maintaining a healthy weight, no smoking, moderate drinking, and reducing stress.

To help your digestive system you have to follow a proper diet. In general, foods should be low-fat (this especially concerns saturated fats), low cholesterol, and high fiber. Fiber is especially important in maintaining the work of the intes­tines. Fat should make not more than 30 % of a person's total daily calorie intake. Breads, cereals1, pastas, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of a person's diet; meat, fish, nuts, and cheese and other dairy products should make a lesser por­tion. Drinking fluids, especially water, helps to move material through the digestive system.

Tapeworms2 are parasites (organisms that live in or on other kinds of orga­nisms) that live in the intestinal tracts of some animals. There are three major species of tapeworms that can infect humans. They are typically acquired from eating raw or imdercooked beef, pork, or fish. The tapeworm eggs develop into larvae3 in the infected animals and fish. When humans eat the meat from those animals and fish without properly cooking it, they become infected. The tapeworm travels to the intestine, attaching itself to the inner lining by hooks on its head. If not treated, the tapeworm may stay in the intestine for years, absorbing nutrients through its outer covering. It may grow up to 30 feet (9 meters) in length.

Most individuals infected with a tapeworm have no symptoms. Some, how­ever, may experience pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, and weakness. A tapeworm's eggs or worm body parts that appear in an indi­vidual's feces are often the only sign of an infection.

Tapeworms are easily treated with medication. Practicing good hygiene and avoiding raw or undercooked meat or fish are important steps in preventing a tape­worm infection.

Long-term ingestion of cigarette fumes4, excessive alcohol, and spicy foods can cause serious damage to the digestive system. Toxins that are taken into the body by way of the mouth are absorbed by the digestive tract and transported to the liver, which can suffer permanent damage. Many medications can injure the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Medicines in pill or capsule form should always be taken with plenty of water.

Teeth are an important, yet often overlooked, part of the digestive system. They begin the entire process of digestion. Oral hygiene is, therefore, a primary concern. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush the teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal and snack. The teeth should also be flossed daily to help prevent gum disease. Minor irritations of the digestive system are common. Occasional diarrhea, constipation, or excessive gas is to be expected. Often, they are treated with nonprescription drugs. However, if these or any digestive problems persist, they should not be ignored and medical attention should be sought.


1 cereal — зернові

2 tapeworm — солітер; стрічковий черв'як

3 larva (pi. larvae) — личинка

4 fume — дим

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