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Брошюра Митюкова англ.doc
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4. Прочитайте и переведите диалог в парах. Расскажите в монологической форме о качествах опытного руководителя:

What makes a good manager?

R.: One hears over and over again that what a modern enterprise needs is a good manager. What do you think of the problem?

Am.: The importance of a good manager can't be overestimated.

R.: What do you think makes a good manager?

Am.: First of all high standards of professional knowledge and personal conduct.

R.: What personal traits must a good manager have?

Am.: A good manager must be flexible, must have confidence in himself and others, and keep a sense of proportion. Besides, he must have leading ability.

R.: I see, and what professional skills should managers have?

Am.: Managers must know how to set goals and how to achieve them, how to divide work and how to coordinate the activities of individuals. They must know how to take corrective action if the organization is not progressing towards its goals.

R.: Management is often called the art of getting things done through people. What's your point of view on the essence of management?

Am.: The essence of management is to create an environment where individuals, working together, can perform effectively and efficiently. Nowadays managers must be more skilled in handling people.

R.: Yes, managers must understand that human resources are a very important part of any business. The manager's job is very interesting, isn't it?

Am.: Yes, and given the opportunity I would choose the same career again.

5. Переведите диалог и воспроизведите в парах:

A: Hello, Victor. Haven't seen you for ages.

В: Hello, Alex. You are looking fine. How's life? How's business?

A: Can't complain, old man. How are you doing?

В: Not very well.

A: Why, what's the matter?

B:  I've been looking for a new job for some time, but haven't been lucky so far.

A: There's a vacancy at our Accounts department. I can speak to the Head of the department about you if you want me to.

В: That would be very kind of you. What's your company's business?

A: We sell hardware and software. It's in great demand despite the competition. The company's turnover is increasing and we need more people to do the book.

В: Are you using the new Chart of accounts in your company?

A: We are. We maintain accounting and reporting in compliance with the international standards.

В: That sounds interesting. Do you think I should have my resume ready?

A: Sure. I believe with your experience you have every chance to be hired.


can't complain не могу пожаловаться; vacancy вакансия; hardware компьютерная техника; software программное обеспечение; despite несмотря на; turnover товарооборот; chart of accounts план счетов; accounting and reporting бухгалтерский учет и отчетность; in compliance with international standards в соответствии с международными стандартами; resume резюме



execute – выполнять

available – имеющийся в наличии

transfer – передавать

entire – весь

implementation– осуществление

evaluate – оценивать

needs – потребности

marketing mix – комплекс маркетинга

target market – целевой рынок

vary – изменять

vehicles – машина, транспортное средство

age – срок; век, возраст

income – доход; заработок

warranty – гарантия

and the like – и тому подобное

rebate – скидка, уступка

boost – ускорять

involve – включать в себя

transportation – перевозка

storage – хранение

intermediary – посредник

advertising – рекламирование

publicity – широкое оповещение

maintain – поддерживать

measurement – измерение

forecast – прогнозировать

estimate – оценивать