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Брошюра Митюкова англ.doc
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1. Прочитайте тексты и расскажите о своих друзьях:


My new friends are the Millers. Mrs. Miller's name is Ann. She is a young woman of 32. She is tall, slim, with long blond hair and large blue eyes. She is very beautiful. Her husband 's name is Jack, he is handsome, too. He isn't very tall, but well-built. His hair is dark and his eyes are grey. They have a pretty little daughter; she is 5. Her name is Sally. She is fair-haired and blue-eyed, she looks like her mother. Her face is round.

Ann's mother, Sally's granny, lives with them. She is 56, she is a housewife. She is pleasant and kind.

She likes to cook, to play tennis and walk with Sally.

Sally knows many poems and likes to walk with Joy. Joy is their dog. She is brown, has short legs, a small nose and long ears. She is very funny. She likes to run after Sally about the garden. She does not like cats.

The Millers are a happy family, and I am happy that they are my friends.


Jane, an old friend of mine, has the kind of personality people describe as “sunny”. She is amusing, intelligent, and lively. She is very good-looking, too; quite tall, with long, reddish-brown hair and attractive brown eyes.

Jane is very active and always seems to be doing something. She is a computer programmer and works for a big software company in Wales. She is married, with five-year-old twins, but she somehow finds time to paint, knit beautiful sweaters for the family, play the piano, and ride her horse, Misha. She does not like cooking much and she hates housework. Her only fault is that perhaps she is a little untidy.

Jane seems to have everything, but I know there is one thing she would secretly like to do. She loves walking in the mountains, away from her daily worries, and one day she would like to go on a trekking holiday to the Himalayas to see Mount Everest. I hope her wish comes true.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How old is Mrs. Miller? 2. What is she like? 3. What is her husband like? 4. Does Sally look like her mother? 5. Who is pleasant and kind? 6. What is Jane like? 7. What does she do? 8. Is she married? 9. Has she any children? 10. What does she do in her free time? 11. What secret wish does she have?

3. А) Прочитайте текст и задайте вопросы о дяде Мартине, б) Расскажите об одном из своих родственников:


Uncle Martin is my mother's elder brother. He is my favourite among my mother's family. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my aunt Angela and my cousins, Anne and Bob. I often go to his house.

He is about 45 and grey-haired. He is still quite good-looking, tall and well-built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He is short-sighted, so he wears glasses. He takes them off when he is not working.

Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the City. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the firm's customers there.

Uncle Martin is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martin is at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.

I always enjoy talking to Uncle Martin. He has a good sense of humour and makes me laugh. He does not talk about his work. He knows a lot about the world. He tells stories about his experiences. In general, he is broad-minded and tolerant. He has one fault. He is extremely tidy. He gets angry when other people move any of his things. My aunt and cousins never touch them. He loses his temper.