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Брошюра Митюкова англ.doc
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5. Переведите диалоги на русский язык и воспроизведите их:

1. Мистер Смит: Г-н Белов, Ваш брат учится или работает?

Г-н Белов: Он учится и работает, поэтому он встает рано и ложится спать поздно.

Мистер Смит: А где он учится?

Г-н Белов: В Академии управления.

Мистер Смит: А где он работает, если не секрет?

Г-н Белов: В одной известной финансовой компании.

2. Сьюзан: Вы завтракаете дома?

Ричард: Да, я очень рано ухожу из дома.

Сьюзан: Как Вы добираетесь до работы?

Ричард: Я обычно еду на работу на своей машине.

Сьюзан: А когда Вы начинаете работу?

Ричард: В 8 часов утра.



to be tired – уставать enjoy – получать удовольствие

to be impressed by – получить foreign – иностранный

удовольствие opportunity – возможность

to be on – идти (о фильме) performance - представление

exhibition – выставка ticket – билет

circus – цирк, цирковой to go for a walk – идти гулять

to go out – выйти; выходить; try – пытаться

бывать в обществе

1. Прочитайте и расскажите о своих выходных:


I usually study 6 days a week. When my lessons are over, I'm very tired and I hurry home. I help my mother about the house.

But when the weekend comes I try to enjoy it as much as I can. I'm fond of music and I listen to the songs of Russian and foreign composers. So when I have an opportunity I go to S. Sadykova's concert hall or to any other cultural palaces. There are often concerts, ballets, musical comedies, performances there on.

I'm lucky because I've got a ticket for the Saturday concert. Oleg Gazmanov and the group "Lyube" will come to our town. I am sure I'll enjoy the music and the singing very well. On Sunday I am going to the picture gallery. There is an exhibition of famous Russian paintings there.

So from Saturday afternoon till Monday morning students are usually free. We may go for a walk with our friends, go to the cinema, theatre or disco.

If we stay at home we try to have a good time, too. We watch TV, read books and work on a computer.

My parents like to relax after a hard week, too. They like to go out on Saturdays.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do you spend weekends with your family? 2. Do you go to the theatre? 3. Do you read much? 4. What book are you reading now? 5. Do you often have parties? 6. Do you often invite friends to your place? 7. What games and sports do you like? 8. Where do you go on your days off? 9. What places of interest can you visit in your town? 10. Do you like music? 11. Who is your favourite singer or group? 12. What song do you like best of all?

3. Прочитайте об уик-энде англичан и перескажите его:


Many people in Britain work five days a week, from Monday to Friday. So, from Friday evening till Monday morning people are usually free. When Friday comes English people know where and how they are going to spend the weekend.

Very many people plan to go away for the weekend. If young people are away from home they may go home to stay with their relatives or friends in different parts of the country. Some people go to the seaside and stay at a hotel there.

Some people like to travel by plane or by train, but many families go to the seaside by car, as it is very comfortable and rather cheap.