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Брошюра Митюкова англ.doc
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2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What day is it today? 2. What is Susan doing? 3. What are Susan and her friend going to do? 4. Do they go to the supermarket? 5. What did two friends buy in the shop of Mr. Davis? 6. Where did Susan and Ann go after Davis' shop? 7. What did they buy at the greengrocer's (at the butcher's, at the dairy)? 8. Where did Susan and Ann decide to go next Saturday? 9.  What did Ann try on? 10. Did the girls buy anything in the department of ready-made clothes? 11. What did Ann buy there?

3. Прочитайте текст и переведите его с помощью словаря. Перескажите его коротко:


Mr. Scott has a bulldog and he thinks that his bulldog is his best friend.

One day Mr. and Mrs. Scott went to buy a present for Mr. Scott's birthday. The dog was with them. They came to town and went to a shoe shop. Mrs. Scott wanted to buy a pair of slippers for Mr. Scott as a present.

"These slippers are very nice," said the shop assistant as she was showing them a pair of red slippers with blue pom­pons. Mrs. Scott did not think they were nice. Then the shop assistant showed a pair of slippers in green and yellow.

"This is a beautiful pair, said Mrs. Scott.

"I don't like it," said Mr. Scott.

"But they are my present to you," said Mrs. Scott.

"No, I don't like them anyway,"said Mr. Scott.

"Then I'll buy the red slippers with blue pompons," said Mrs. Scott and asked the shop assistant to give her the slippers. The shop assistant began to look for them everywhere, but she did not find them.

Suddenly Mrs. Scott cried out in horror. She saw their dog who was sitting under the counter eating off the pair of slippers.

4. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги и составьте аналогичные:

1. Shop-assistant: What kind of shoes do you want, madam?

Mrs. White: I'd like walking shoes with a low heel. High heels are no good for country wear. You see I have rather small feet.

Shop-assistant: Here is a pair about your size. Try them on. How are they?

Mrs. White: They are rather comfortable, but they are a little tight, will you show me another pair a size bigger, please?

Shop-assistant: Certainly, madam. Will these do?

Mrs. White: They fit me very well, thank you.

Shop-assistant: You are welcome.

2. At the greengrocer's

Greengrocer: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

Jane: I want a large cabbage, please, and a pound of carrots.

Greengrocer: Yes, madam. Anything else?

Jane: Some fruit, please, six of those oranges and two pounds of those apples.

Greengrocer: Any grapes, madam?

Jane: No, nothing else, thank you.

(On their way to the grocer's.)

Jill: There is little flour left. Will you go to the grocer's and buy a bag of flour and some sugar, please?

Ann: Shall I also buy a bag of sugar?

Jill: Could you buy two and a packet of tea?

Ann: We haven't got any rice. What about salt?

Jill: There is a lot. But you can buy a bottle of vinegar and two bottles of oil. Is that OK?