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Брошюра Митюкова англ.doc
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2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Are you fond of travelling? 2. Why do people travel? 3. Why do people take a camera with them? 4. What do they usually photograph? 5. What do we see and learn while travelling? 6. Do you agree that travelling broadens our mind? 7. How do different people spend their holidays? 8. What means of travel do you know? 9. What are their advantages and disadvantages? 10. What places have you visited? 11. Have you ever taken a holiday cruise along the Black Sea coast or down the Volga? 12. Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What about you? 13. What countries would you like to visit? 14. Do you like to explore new places? 15. If someone invites you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree? 16. Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel in space? 17. Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?

3. Переведите диалог и разыграйте по ролям:

John: How did you enjoy your holiday?

Alice: It was fantastic!

John: I am glad to hear that. Did you rest at the seaside?

Alice: Yes, we did. We spent some days at the seaside and then we went to the mountains.

John: What transport did you go there by?

Alice: By train. It was a through train, so we didn't change.

John: I think it was a fast train.

Alice: Yes, it was a fast train. We got to our hotel very quickly.

John: How long were you there?

Alice: We stayed there for four days.

John: Was it a return ticket?

Alice: No, it was a single.

John: And what was the weather like at that time?

Alice: It was wonderful, sometimes a bit windy and cold, but usually very pleasant and sunny.

4. Прочитайте и переведите диалог в паре. Расскажите коротко, как долго и в каком номере собирается миссис Браун оставаться, и почему она интересуется автостоянкой.

Mrs Brown: Excuse me, I'm looking for a hotel to stay at. What would you recommend?

Information Clerk: How long are you going to stay?

Mrs Brown: Two or three nights, I think. Could you, please, look for some hotel near the centre?

Information Clerk: Yes, Madam, naturally. Is it a single room you want?

Mrs Brown: No, a double room, please. My husband is joining me.

Information Clerk: Would you like to have your own bathroom?

Mrs Brown: Yes, of course.

Information Clerk: Right. Now can I offer you New Barbican, Madam? It is a modern hotel, comfortably furnished. All rooms have a radio, a telephone and a colour TV set.

Mrs Brown: You know, I'm on a tour here. Is the hotel far from the main sights of the city? Where exactly is it?

Information Clerk: In Central Street, Madam. It is not far from the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

Mrs Brown: How much does it cost?

Information Clerk: It is 40 pounds per person per night.

Mrs Brown: Fine. Oh, yes, one more thing. Is there a car park? My husband is bringing his car.

Information Clerk: Yes, the hotel has its own car park.



necessary – необходимый; нужный

science – наука

letter – письмо

population – население

scientific – научный

official language – государственный язык

process – процесс

politics – политика

throughout the world – по всему миру

educated – образованный, культурный

trade – торговля

diplomacy – дипломатия