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2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the usual meals in England? 2. What do the Englishmen have for breakfast? 3. Where do they have lunch? 4. What do they eat for lunch? 5. What meal do English families have between 5 and 6 o'clock? 6. What dishes does “high tea” consist of? 7. What is the main meal of the day? 8. At what time is it? 9. What two courses does the midday meal consist of?

3. Прочитайте диалоги и воспроизведите их:

1. Dinner with friends

Ted: Hello!

Bob: Hello, Ted. Hello, Helen. Come in. Dinner is nearly ready.

Ted: Where's Ann?

Bob: Oh, she's in the kitchen. She'll be here in a minute. Go into the dining room, please. How about a drink before dinner?

Ted: That's a good idea.

Ann: Here we are! Dinner's ready. Let's start with salad.

Helen: Thank you, Ann. It looks wonderful and it smells delicious, too.

Ann: Shall I serve some roast meat?

Helen: No, it's all right. I can help myself.

Ann: Bob, will you pour the wine, please? Ted, help yourself to vegetables, too.

Bob: Would you like some more brandy, Helen?

Helen: Oh, no, thanks... no more for me. I'm driving tonight. I'd better help Ann with the washing-up.

Bob: The washing-up? No, no, don't worry. We always leave that until the morning.

2. Davy: What shall we have?

Nick: A three-course meal, I suppose. I'm hungry.

Davy: Well, you choose.

Nick: Let's start with salad, then chicken broth, fish and chips.

Davy: I think I'll have green peas, fruit and a cup of tea without sugar.

Nick: Are you on a slimming diet?

Davy: Yes, I am. I don't live to eat, I eat to live.

Nick: As for me, I enjoy good food. My motto is “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure, and enjoy life as it is”.

4. Переведите диалоги на английский язык:

1. Френк: Том!

Том: Да, сэр.

Френк: Сегодня я хотел бы пообедать раньше.

Том: Во сколько желаете?

Френк: В 12 часов. И, пожалуйста, накрой на стол в 6 вечера. Сегодня у нас будут очень важные гости.

Том: Хорошо, сэр.

Френк: Пожалуйста, накрывай на стол очень внимательно. Положи серебряные ложки, вилки и ножи. Не забудь поставить хрустальные бокалы для вина, которые нам подарила Мери Браун.

Том: Хорошо, сэр. Что-нибудь еще?

Френк: Будь осторожен с японскими тарелками. Не разбей их. Они очень дорогие.

Том: Нет, сэр, не разобью. Я буду очень осторожен.

2. Официант: Что желаете, молодые люди?

Дима: Мне салат с огурцами и помидорами, на первое – борщ, на второе – жареную картошку с бараньей котлетой.

Андрей: Я, пожалуй, возьму вот тот салат с грибами, затем щи и на второе жареную рыбу с отварной картошкой.

Официант: Что желаете на десерт? У нас большой выбор кексов и пирожных, несколько сортов мороженых.

Дима: Я возьму чашку чая с лимоном и сахаром.

Андрей: А я бы не отказался от хорошего кофе с молоком.

Официант: Вам посчитать вместе или отдельно?

Дима: Отдельно, пожалуйста. Спасибо.

5. Прочитайте и переведите тексты со словарем:


I'm a terrible cook. I've tried hard but it's no use. I've got lots of cookery books, I choose a dish I want to cook, I read the recipe, I prepare all the necessary ingredients and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick snack. So I often eat out. I don't like grand restaurants. It 's not the expense, it's just that I don't feel at ease in them. First the water gives me a menu which I can't understand because it's complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the bill I never know how much to leave as a tip. I prefer fast food places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like take-away places, where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.


Maureen often gives dinner parties at home. She loves entertaining. She lays the table: puts the cutlery in the right places, sets out the plates and puts a clean white napkin at each place. For the meal itself, she usually gives her guests some kind of starter first, for example, soup or melon. Next comes the main course which is usually meat (unless some of her guests are vegetarians or they're on a special diet) with a side-dish of salad. For dessert it's usually fruit or ice-cream and then coffee. When everyone has gone home, she must think about doing the washing up, as in the kitchen the sink is full of dirty cutlery.


You'll find restaurants for every situation in the U.S. If you are in a hurry, you may just want to grab some “junk food” at a grocery store or a candy counter, or you can get a bite to eat at one of the many fast food chains, like Mc Donald's, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Taco Time. Or you can get a hero or a submarine sandwich “to stay” or “to go” from a sandwich shop or deli. Some of these places have tables, but many don’t. People eat in their cars or take their food home, to their offices or to parks. If you prefer sitting down but still don’t want to spend much, you can try a cafeteria. At all of these places, you pay at a cash register before you sit down, and you don't have to tip anybody but you usually have to clear the table when you finish.



slim – худой, стройный funny – смешной, забавный

pretty – хорошенькая round – круглый

handsome – красивый pleasant – приятный

(о мужчине) long-legged – длинноногий

beautiful – красивый to smile – улыбаться

well-built – хорошо to like – любить, хорошо относиться

сложенный to make friends easily – легко

strong – сильный заводить друзей

funny – смешной, забавный admire – восхищаться

blue-eyed – голубоглазый calm – спокойный

dark-haired – темноволосый tolerant – терпеливый, терпимый

fair-haired – светловолосый impatient – нетерпеливый

curly hair – вьющиеся волосы fault – недостаток

kind – добрый cheer up – поддерживать

like (unlike) – как, похожий amusing – забавный

(в отличие от) to lose one's temper – выйти из себя

to look like – выглядеть как broad-minded – широких взглядов

intelligent – умный; of medium height – среднего роста

смышленый, понятливый stocky – коренастый

attractive – привлекательный plump – полный, пухлый