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Пособие Public Law (the last).doc
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Vocabulary work

  1. Find English equivalents to these word combinations


  1. общественные связи, отношения;

  2. основные директивы, руководящие указания;

  3. накладывать обязательства;

  4. излагать , объяснять направление политики;

  5. увеличение, прирастание новых норм;

  6. острая необходимость;

  7. твердо придерживаться определенных правил игры;

  8. кроме того, к тому же;

  9. тщательное исследование юридических стандартов;

  10. подход невмешательства;

  11. согласно этому подходу;

  12. неограниченная свобода;

  13. удовлетворять требования;

  14. безоговорочное согласие;

  15. широкие полномочия;

  16. исполнение публичных функций;

  17. выполнять принудительные действия;

  18. принимать предупредительные меры;

  19. принимать меры принуждения;

  20. проведение внешней политики;


  1. принцип невмешательства

  2. исполнять некоторые виды деятельности;

  3. запрещать вторгаться;

  4. посягать на внутренние дела;

  5. воздержаться от подстрекательства;

  6. действия, наносящие вред зарубежным странам;

  7. экономическое принуждение, насилие;

  8. насильственный;

  9. урегулировать международные споры мирным путем;

  10. прибегать к переговорам;

  11. спорящие стороны;

  12. принудить противоположную сторону достичь мирного урегулирования спора;

  13. самоопределение народов;

  14. быть закрепленным;

  15. проливать свет на;

  16. подчиняться;

  17. объявить вне закона экономическое насилие;

  1. Find words and expressions similar in their meaning to the following ones


  1. social relations, links;

  2. to come into being, to appear, to emerge;

  3. increase, expansion;

  4. research, investigation;

  5. in brief;

  6. to result in, to cause;

  7. to announce;

  8. political point of view;

  9. to break down;

  10. to encompass;

  11. to result from;

  12. behaviour;

  13. to perform public actions;

  14. to be based on;


  1. to imperil;

  2. to intrude;

  3. to force;

  4. to turn to;

  5. to ban;

  6. to obey;

  7. harmful;

  8. to state as a necessary condition;

  9. logical outcome, consequence;

  10. to choose

  11. prescribe.

  1. Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases you have found in task II.


  1. Moreover, if states __________ new situations by force, the law gives its blessing to these situations.

  2. Numerous new members joined the world community whose ___________ _______ differed from that of older states.

  3. The fundamental principles regulating ________________ are laid down in written constitutions of most states.

  4. When this community ________________, no member state had enough power to impose standards of behavior on all other members.

  5. After ______________ of the Soviet Union and most other socialist countries, states are divided economically and politically.

  6. Close _________ of the legal standards shows that states substantially acted upon at least three postulates: freedom, equality and effectiveness.

  7. As the principle ___________ two logically distinct notions, it makes sense to consider them separately.

  8. The judiciary should not interfere with the ________ foreign


  1. The three postulates are clearly the synthesis of what could be ________ defined as the “laissez – faire” approach of classical international law.

  2. The adoption of the UN charter in 1945 __________ a very significant change.


  1. Another rule _________ states from ____________ the international affairs of other states.

  2. One of the purposes of peaceful counter-measures may be ________ the counter party to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute.

  3. In the UN “collective” sanctions may be ___________ which tend to be more effective than individual (peaceful) counter measures.

  4. Peoples under colonial domination have the right to external self-determination, that is to ________ for the establishment of a sovereign state…

  5. International subjects must ______________ the principles of International Law.

  6. One state may not _________ a foreign State agent to discharge certain activities or accomplish a certain act.