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5.Smooth versus irregular appearance of the border


Additional clinical features are suggestive of a benign versus a malignant lesion but are somewhat less reliable. In individuals younger than 35 years, primary lung cancer is an unlikely but certainly not impossible diagnosis. A history of heavy smoking and/or exposure to asbestos indicates a high risk for a malignant lesion; however, the absence of a smoking history does not rule out the diagnosis of lung cancer, particularly a peripheral adenocarcinoma. Finally, the presence of a previously diagnosed distant carcinoma obviously raises the possibility that a lung nodule is a metastatic focus of tumor.

The practical question of how to evaluate and manage these cases often is difficult, and the decisionmaking process must be individualized for each patient. A number of online calculators are available that estimate the likelihood of malignancy based on patient and nodule characteristics. This estimate may be helpful to both the physician and the patient when discussing and deciding how aggressively to pursue the diagnostic evaluation. Based on the estimated likelihood of malignancy, the options for management include no further work-up, follow-up (serial) CT scans to look for growth of the lesion, immediate sampling via a biopsy procedure, or even surgical removal of the nodule.

A simple noninvasive test such as sputum cytologic examination is helpful if results are positive; however, the yield is low, even with peripheral nodules that eventually are proven to be carcinoma. Unless the lesion has been stable on chest radiograph for more than 2 years, chest CT scanning is performed routinely to look at border characteristics, assess the presence and pattern of calcification, and identify other abnormalities, especially lymph nodes within the mediastinum. If a nodule is larger than 1 cm, FDG-PET scanning (see Chapter 3), if available, is helpful when the diagnosis is uncertain after evaluation of the clinical information and other imaging studies. Uptake of labeled FDG suggests that the lesion has high metabolic activity and could be malignant, whereas lack of uptake suggests a metabolically inactive, benign lesion.

More invasive procedures, such as percutaneous needle aspiration or biopsy and transbronchial biopsy (through a flexible bronchoscope), may be used to make a histologic diagnosis. However, in many cases biopsy findings that are negative for malignancy do not obviate the need for surgery because malignant cells may be missed by the limited sampling of a needle or biopsy forceps. Hence, a commonly used approach with a lesion suspicious for carcinoma is to proceed directly to resection with video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) using a thoracoscope, assuming no contraindications to surgery and no clinical evidence that the lesion has spread elsewhere or has metastasized from a distant primary malignancy. A more definitive resection, such as a lobectomy performed by thoracotomy, then is performed if the nodule is found to be malignant.

When lung cancer presents as a solitary peripheral nodule, the prognosis is much better than for the general group of patients with lung cancer. As a result of frequently curative surgical resection, more than 50% of patients with an initial solitary peripheral lung cancer survive 5 years, compared with less than 10% of lung cancer patients if the disease has metastasized outside the chest.

Suggested readings

Lung cancer: General reviews and clinical aspects

Anwar A, Jafri F, Ashraf S, Jafri M.A.S. & Fanucchi M. Paraneoplastic syndromes in lung cancer and their management Annals of Translational Medicine 2019;7: 359.

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Byers L.A. & Rudin C.M. Small cell lung cancer: Where do we go from here? Cancer 2015;121: 664-672.

Thai A.A, Solomon B.J, Sequist L.V, Gainor J.F. & Heist R.S. Lung cancer Lancet 2021;398: 535-554.

Vachani A, Sequist L.V. & Spira A. The shifting landscape for lung cancer: Past, present, and future American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017;195: 11501160.

Lung cancer: Diagnostic approaches

Bashir U, Siddique M.M, Mclean E, Goh V. & Cook G.J. Imaging heterogeneity in lung cancer: Techniques, applications, and challenges American Journal of Roentgenology 2016;207: 534-543.

Cagle P.T, Allen T.C, Bernicker E.H, Ge Y, Haque A. & Barrios R. Impact of recent developments in lung cancer on the practice of pathology Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2016;140: 322-325.

Counts S.J. & Kim A.W. Diagnostic imaging and newer modalities for thoracic diseases: PET/computed tomographic imaging and endobronchial ultrasound for staging and its implication for lung cancer Surgical Clinics of North America 2017;97: 733-750.

de Koning H.J, van der Aalst C.M, de Jong P.A, Scholten E.T, Nackaerts K, Heuvelmans M.A., et al. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with volume CT screening in a randomized trial New England Journal of Medicine 2020;382: 503-513.

Farjah F. & Tanner N.T. Mediastinal staging for lung cancer Chest 2021;160: 1552-1559. Ho C.C, Lin C.K, Yang C.Y, Chang L.Y, Lin S.Y. & Yu C.J. Current advances of

endobronchial ultrasonography in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer Journal of Thoracic Disease Suppl. 9, 2016;8: S690-S696.

Kauczor H.U, Baird A.M, Blum T.G, Bonomo L, Bostantzoglou C, Burghuber O., et al.

ESR/ERS statement paper on lung cancer screening European Respiratory Journal 2020;55: 1900506.

Mazzone P.J, Silvestri G.A, Souter L.H, Caverly T.J, Kanne J.P, Katki H.A., et al. Screening for lung cancer. CHEST guideline and expert panel report Chest 2021;160: e427-e494.

Murgu S.D. Diagnosing and staging lung cancer involving the mediastinum Chest 2015;147: 1401-1412.

Rami-Porta R, Asamura H, Travis W.D. & Rusch V.W. Lung cancer – Major changes in the American Joint Committee on Cancer eighth edition cancer staging manual CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2017;67: 138-155.

Rami-Porta R, Call S, Dooms C, Obiols C, Sánchez M, Travis W.D., et al. Lung cancer staging: A concise update European Respiratory Journal 2018;51: 1800190.

Rooney C. & Sethi T. Advances in molecular biology of lung disease: Aiming for precision therapy in non-small cell lung cancer Chest 2015;148: 1063-1072.

Sheikhbahaei S, Mena E, Yanamadala A, Reddy S, Solnes L.B, Wachsmann J., et al. The value of FDG PET/CT in treatment response assessment, follow-up, and surveillance of lung cancer AJR American Journal of Roentgenology 2017;208: 420-433.

Tanoue L.T. Lung cancer staging Clinics in Chest Medicine 2020;41: 161-174.

Tanoue L.T, Tanner N.T, Gould M.K. & Silvestri G.A. Lung cancer screening American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2015;191: 19-33.

Zukotynski K.A. & Gerbaudo V.H. Molecular imaging and precision medicine in lung cancer

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Lung cancer: Treatment

Barnes H, See K, Barnett S. & Manser R. Surgery for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer

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Brunelli A. Preoperative functional workup for patients with advanced lung cancer Journal of Thoracic Disease Suppl. 11, 2016;8: S840-S848.

Chaft J.E, Rimner A, Weder W, Azzoli C.G, Kris M.G. & Cascone T. Evolution of systemic therapy for stages I-III non-metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 2021;18: 547-557.

Chee J, Robinson B.W.S, Holt R.A. & Creaney J. Immunotherapy for lung malignancies. From gene sequencing to novel therapies Chest 2017;151: 891-897.

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Hiddinga B.I, Raskin J, Janssens A, Pauwels P. & Van Meerbeeck J.P. Recent developments in the treatment of small cell lung cancer European Respiratory Review 2021;30: 210079.

Hiley C.T, Le Quesne J, Santis G, Sharpe R, de Castro D.G, Middleton G., et al. Challenges in molecular testing in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with advanced disease Lancet 2016;388: 1002-1011.

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cell lung cancer. Benefits and pulmonary toxicities Chest 2018;154: 1416-1423. Swanton C. & Govindan R. Clinical implications of genomic discoveries in lung cancer

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Wang M, Herbst R.S. & Boshoff C. Toward personalized treatment approaches for non- small-cell lung cancer Nature Medicine 2021;27: 1345-1356.

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Bronchial carcinoids

Caplin M.E, Baudin E, Ferolla P, Filosso P, Garcia-Yuste M, Lim E., et al. Pulmonary neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors: European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society expert consensus and recommendations for best practice for typical and atypical pulmonary carcinoids Annals of Oncology 2015;26: 1604-1620.

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Solitary pulmonary nodule

Anderson I.J. & Davis A.M. Incidental pulmonary nodules detected on CT images JAMA 2018;320: 2260-2261.

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Mazzone P.J. & Lam L. Evaluating the patient with a pulmonary nodule. A review JAMA 2022;327: 264-273.

Patel V.K, Naik S.K, Naidich D.P, Travis W.D, Weingarten J.A, Lazzaro R., et al. A practical algorithmic approach to the diagnosis and management of solitary pulmonary nodules. Part 1: Radiologic characteristics and imaging modalities Chest 2013;143: 825-839.

Patel V.K, Naik S.K, Naidich D.P, Travis W.D, Weingarten J.A, Lazzaro R., et al. A practical algorithmic approach to the diagnosis and management of solitary pulmonary nodules. Part 2: Pretest probability and algorithm Chest 2013;143: 840-846.