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2. Make a short report on the necessity to avoid using alcohol while driving.


Task 1. Open the brackets and put the word in the right form: Some interesting facts about the car-making process

From drawings to hardware. The first step towards (to translate) an engineering concept of reality is a (to draw). A new car (pass) a number of planning stages before it reaches the huge room, where hundreds of draftsmen make final drawing of every part of the body, from bumper to taillights.

With the help of a special device the engineers put together a three-dimensional, full-sized model of the car. Then they start (to look for) faults. The metal also must be checked for quality. Frequently they find that a door can not swing freely or some other thing does not align. All changes must be made without delay: the body engineers have to process 80 different models a year.

Torturing parts for reliability

Engineers try to design a car, which will work perfectly until one day, every single part of it wear out at the same instant. Automotive engineers aim at a reliable life of 100.000 miles for all of the 12.000 parts of a car. After a part is (to design) by an engineer, it is run through an ordeal of (to twist), (to vibrate) and sub-zero temperatures. Hundreds of machines test reliability – cranking windows, slamming doors, bouncing springs until the part breaks. A part that (to break) early requires a new design. A part that lasts far longer than the others also returns to the drawing board... Engineers can make it a little weaker – as long as it matches the lifetime of the rest of the car – and the buyer gets the benefit of economy.

Outstanding people

Nicholaus A. Otto. (German, 1832-1891)

In 1876 Otto built the first entirely successful internal-combustion gas engine and thereby made possible the development of the automobile. The machines gained immediate popularity, and Otto opened a factory which turned out 50.000 engines within 17 years.

Henry Ford. (American, 1863-1947)

Ford put a whole nation on wheels by showing how to manufacture durable practical and inexpensive automobiles. He developed simple designs that made repairs easy and pioneered assembly-line production of standardized units.

Charles F. Kettering. (American, 1876-1958)

Kettering was among the outstanding figures in the development of the automobile. Perhaps his most important invention was the self-starter, which ended the reliance on muscles to start a heavy engine and thus opened driving to women.

Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogue twice and reproduce it.


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When a lady-driver approached the crossing, the red traffic light was switched on. Then came yellow and green but starting the car took her too long, so the red light was switched on again. Then again came yellow and green but the story repeated itself. A policeman watching this very attentively came up to her and said: “Today we have only these two colours, Madam”.

* * *

A motorist speeding along a highway at a very high speed was stopped by a policeman.

– “Was I driving too fast”, - the motorist asked apologetically.

– “Hell, no, - replied the policeman, – You were flying too low”.

Travelling is one way of lengthening life.

Benjamin Franklin

(1709 – 1790)

Unit 6