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Exercise 8. Translate the sentences:

  1. If I could solve this equation, I could finish my course project quicker.

  2. If you compare their results you would see a great difference.

  3. We wouldn’t have any money if we didn’t work.

  4. He wishes it were possible.

  5. If I were you I would book the flight in advance.

  6. Do you ever wish you could program the computer?

  7. If this insurance policy were not expensive, they would buy it.

  8. If she had a choice, she would go by helicopter instead of boat.

  9. I wish I knew how much is the up-to-date software.

  10. He would figure out your ideas if you explained everything to him more slowly.

Exercise 9. Match a line in a to a line in b:



1. If he were not so curious,

a. you would type much faster

2. If science did not provide the basis of modern technology,

b. he would not know so much about hardware.

3. If there were less exhaust gases,

c. the environment would be cleaner.

4. If you liked science fiction,

d. it wouldn't have enormous influence on our lives.

5. They would not go to church,

e. I would give you some books by Isaac Asimov.

6. If you knew the keyboard better.

f. if they didn’t believe in God.

Exercise 10. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. What would happen if I pressed that button? (press)

2. A few people would be unemployed if the firm _____ . (close down)

3. If she _____ the job, I think she would take it. (offer)

4. You _____ very much if you didn’t have a car. (travel)

5. I wish I _____ more about digital control. (know)

6. If you had an e-mail address, the required information _____ in no time, at once. (send)

7. If there _____ so much traffic, the air would be cleaner. (be)

8. I need this computer but it’s very expensive. I _____ it if it were not so expensive. (buy)

9. I wish we … all the data today. (can process)

Exercise 11. Rewrite these sentences using sentences of unreal condition:

1. I have no money on me. I can’t lend you any.

If I had money on me, I could lend you some.

2. They don’t earn much. They can’t go to the South every year.


3. He has some capital. He can start his own business.


4. We can’t enter the file. We have no access.


5. He wants to become an economist, so he is going to enter the University.


6. I am not ambitious. That’s why I don’t plan my career.


7. She can't type. She can't type the statement herself.


8. We can’t find an investor. That’s why we can’t update the laboratory equipment.


9. It’s dark. I can’t read the notice without a flashlight.


10. They will not buy this heavy duty truck. It’s too expensive.


Exercise 12. Restore the questions and answer them:

1. What /you/ do/ if/ you/ be/ a millionaire?

What would you do if you were a millionaire?

2. What duties/you/perform/if/you/be/an operator?


3. What program/you/develop/if/you/be/a programmer?


4. What/you/say/if/you/can/predict future?


5. What/you/do/if/you/not have to work?


6. If/you/can/ invent anything/what/it/be?


7. If/you/can change/one thing in this country/what/you/change?
