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Юнит 5-10 (часть2).doc
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Exercise 7. Translate the sentences:

  1. The lecture on types of bridges seems to be very interesting.

  2. Suspension bridges are thought to have appeared in the ancient times.

  3. This machine is considered to have been tested in the laboratory.

  4. These magazines are known to be printed in the printing house.

  5. You seem to know all English proverbs and sayings.

  6. They seem to have promised to show the visitors a new exhibition.

  7. Different kinds of roads are known to vary greatly in the way in which they are laid and used.

  8. If a body conducts heat quickly, it is said to be a good conductor; if it conducts heat slowly, it is said to be a bad conductor; if it conducts heat very slowly, it is said to be a non-conductor.

  9. In prehistoric times, the vast region of our country appears to have been the scene of important events.

  10. The new student seems to spend all his free time in the laboratory.

Exercise 8. Transform the sentences according to the model:

The first concrete bridge was constructed in 1869.( to say)

The first concrete bridge is said to have been constructed in 1869.

  1. A pontoon bridge doesn’t have abutments. (to know)

  2. Modern bridges have a concrete, steel or wooden framework. (to say)

  3. The first roads were built along animal paths. (to consider)

  4. People always needed water, food and fuel. (to know)

  5. A wheel was invented about 3,000 B.C. (to prove)

  6. Merchants carried silk through India. (to say)

  7. Roads are built at almost straight lines. (to know)

  8. People went on horseback in the early days. (to consider)

  9. Macadam is used for road surfacing. (to know)

  10. Bridges are designed for people and vehicles. (to know)

  11. Tresaquet developed one of the types of pavement. (to appear)

  12. Suspension bridges with metal chains have existed since 1800’s. (to consider)

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences:

  1. Відомо, що дорожні робітники працюють в теплу пору року.

  2. Кажуть, він входить до цієї наукової організації.

  3. Кажуть, вони почали проектування нового підвісного моста.

  4. Здається, ви знаєте усе правила дорожнього руху.

  5. Кажуть, що його доповідь в Англії отримала високу оцінку.

  6. Відомо, що в Англії багато приватних доріг.

  7. Кажуть, що він дуже хотів вступити до факультету дорожніх машин.

  8. Вони виявилися кваліфікованими будівниками.

  9. Здається, цивілізація дійшла вже до самих віддалених (far-off) районів.

  10. Кажуть, що ці будинки будують новими методами.

  11. Відомо, що їхня машина перемогла на виставці.

  12. Здається, асфальтобетон використовується дуже широко.

Compare Tenses:


Future Progressive

Future Perfect

I will be doing my homework when you come.

He will be reading the article from 10 to 12.

I will have finished my work by the time you come.

He will have read the article by 12 o’clock.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with Future Simple, Future Progressive and Future Perfect:

  1. He … a test at 10 o’clock tomorrow (to write).

  2. What … you … when the group of engineers arrives?(to do)

  3. I will not be here tomorrow because I … to the country (to go).

  4. I … for you from 9 to 11 tomorrow at the new bridge (to wait).

  5. If you invite me, I … to the library with you (to go).

  6. He … in the city the whole summer and we’ll for sure visit him (to live).

  7. She … for a call after dinner (to wait for). That’s why she … (to leave) until you call.

  8. If it is necessary to inform them about his arrival, he … an urgent telegram (to send).

  9. He … an interesting and important car race and won’t be pleased with our visit (to watch) until it … (to be over).

  10. Let’s meet at 2 o’clock. I’ll … for you at our usual place (to wait).