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Юнит 5-10 (часть2).doc
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Exercise 10. Find the sentences with Gerund and translate them:

A: He is making mistakes in the test.

You must avoid making mistakes in your test.

Making serious mistakes in his test, the boy went on writing.

B: Where is he waiting for us?

He looked lonely waiting for us under the big clock.

I'm tired of waiting for you always and everywhere.

C: The filling station is near the cross-road.

Filling the tank he was thinking where to go next.

Before filling the tank he paid for the gas.

Exercise 11. Find and translate sentences with Gerund in the text:

Cars of tomorrow will probably be increasingly fuel-efficient and less polluting. Designs and features of cars will change to meet life changing. Internal combustion engines will probably still power most automobiles. But worrying about pollution will likely increase using electric vehicles, despite their limited range and speed. Their use will probably be in delivering and other commercial actions.

Computerized controls will do more and more tasks in tomorrow's cars because of their low cost and precise functioning. With the flick of a switch, computerized suspension system will adjust to road surface changing. Computers will be part of some four-wheel steering systems. Four-wheel steering will make it easier to maneuver a car. Computers will also play an increasing role in creating tomorrow's cars, from the designing to the engineering and to the assembling. The selling and servicing of cars will also be more and more computerized.

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the form of Gerund:

  1. Excuse my (to be late).

  2. Children like (to ask) all sorts of questions but they avoid (to an­swer) them.

  3. The rules of (to operate) this machinery are very simple.

  4. She is proud of (to learn) two foreign languages.

  5. We get much information by (to read).

  6. Excuse my (to keep waiting).

  7. Computers are widely used for (to control) industrial processes.

  8. Are the rockets capable of (to travel) in the outer space?

  9. The aim of this experiment is (to increase) the speed of calcula­tions.

  10. Successful travelling of satellites depends on their (to set) on a proper orbit.

  11. There is only one way of (to start) the engine.

  12. We know of his (to spend) 20 years abroad.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences with Gerund. Use the verbs from your active vocabulary where possible:

  1. I'm tired of...

  2. He left the room without...

  3. I gave up...

  4. He went to the club instead of...

  5. He is very fond of...

  6. They started...

  7. This writer is worth...

  8. He began his working day with...

  9. Last year I spent much time for...

  10. Thank you for…

Exercise 14. Translate English proverbs and sayings and give equivalents if possible:

  1. Seeing is believing.

  2. Doing is better than saying.

  3. What is worth doing is worth doing well.

  4. Fools grow without watering.

  5. Footprints on the sand of time are not made by sitting down.

  6. Crying won't help the grief.

  7. A watched pot is long in boiling.

  8. Clean hands need no washing.

  9. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.

  10. By doing we learn.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences:

  1. З'ясовування причини поломки зайняло багато часу.

  2. Ви можете навчитися добре водити машину, тренуючись щодня.

  3. Я думаю провести техогляд восени.

  4. Акуратне водіння запобігає ушкодженням.

  5. Він пригадав, що не забезпечив машину паливом на весь шлях додому.

  6. Після того, як у машині були встановлені нові гальма, вона стала набагато надійнішою.

  7. Машина проїхала повз, не загальмувавши.

  8. Після відходу у відставку, він став підроблювати ремонтом різного транспорту.

  9. Продовження дороги до самої ріки дуже допомогло мешканцям села.

  10. Хиба цього виду транспорту в тому, що він робить занадто багато шуму і вихлопних газів.

  11. Ви повинні запобігти застосуванню цих речовин.

  12. Я пам'ятаю, що десь бачила цей фургон.

  13. Я вдячний вам за те, що ви провели ремонт машини так швидко.

  14. Продовжуйте їздити з такою швидкістю, якщо ви неодмінно хочете потрапити в аварію і сильно постраждати.


Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

They had finished their work when somebody knocked at the door.

They had finidhed their work by 7 o'clock.

They had been working for 2 hours already when I came.

Exercise 16. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb:

1. had assembled / had been assembling

He … the unit when the telephone rang...

He … the unit for half an hour already when the telephone rang.

2. had driven / had been driving

The driver … the car to the station when the gas went out...

The driver … the car to the station for an hour when the gas went out.

3. had saved / had been saving

He … money for a new car when he found the one he wanted.

He … money for a new car for many years when his bank went bankrupt.

4. had extended / had been extending

The workers … extended the road already by winter.

The workers … the road for two month when winter came.

5. had fouled / had been fouling

A lot of cars … already … the air of the city before the administration began to worry about this fact.

A lot of cars … the air of the city for many years when the administration began to worry.

6. had installed / had been installing

The laboratory workers…the equipment before the working day ended.

The laboratory workers … the equipment for some hours when the working day ended.

7. had provided / had been providing

He … the experiment with materials before it began.

He … the experiment with materials for some days when the supply stopped.

8. had repaired / had been repairing

He … the car for some time when his friend visited him.

He … the car before his friend came.

9. had filled / had been filling

The station worker … the tank of the car already when somebody called him.

The station worker … the tank of the car for a few minutes when somebody called him.

Exercise 17. Put the verb in the correct form:

  1. He (to make) a great advance in this subject by the second course.

  2. He (to push) the brake pedal for some time when the car stopped at last.

  3. The group ( to enjoy) the glory for some years when they lost popularity.

  4. He ( to injure) in the battle before the war ended.

  5. She (to operate) the computer for several hours when the electricity was switched off.

  6. He (to trace the fault with his car) already when the repairing master came.

  7. The vehicles (to clog) the street before the policemen were called.

  8. This problem (to be troublesome) for some time before it was solved.

  9. He (to retire) from the plant already when his son came to work there.

  10. The car (to be out of gas) by the end of the route.

  11. The driver (to fasten) the belts before he pushed the accelerator pedal.