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Listen to Tapescript 8 and complete each sentence:

1. Gates was born in …

a) 1953;

b) 1955;

c) 1965.

2. As a boy he was …

a) bright and careful;

b) curious and bright;

c) brilliant and curious.

3. He loved …

a) hiking and camping;

b) skiing and skating;

c) running and jumping.

4. Gates studied at …

a) Oxford University;

b) Harvard University;

c) Gale University.

5. Gates developed a new computer language …

a) alone;

b) with his wife;

c) with his friend.

6. Bill Gates is …

a) lucky in business;

b) unsuccessful business competitor;

c) not involved in business.


* * *

Larry: What's an astronaut's favourite key on a computer keyboard?

Harry: What?

Larry: The space key.

If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one.

John Galsworthy

(1867 - 1933)

Unit 9


Do you know that …

…even changes in distant parts of the world and its atmosphere affect us and our environment?

…the earth’s climate is expected to heat by 1 to 3.6 degrees Celsius over the next century?

…forests are disappearing at the rate of 20 hectares a day?

…every tree absorbs an average of 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the air every day?

…every tonne of recycled newsprint – about 2000 daily papers – is equivalent to 19 trees?

…the biggest cause of air pollution is the motor car?

…95% of Britain’s river length is of good or fair quality; the European Community average is 75%?

…70% of population in Ukraine live in environmentally dangerous areas?

…level of lead in the air can be reduced by pollution control in industry and by reductions in the use of lead in petrol?

Active vocabulary

alarm (v)

піднімати тривогу; хвилювати; тривожити

to alarm mankind; to alarm wildlife

affect (v)

вражати; впливати

to affect nature;

to be affected by cold

be aware of –

усвідомлювати; знати

to be aware of danger; to be aware of the pollution

cause (v) –

викликати; бути причиною

to cause somebody do something; to cause illnesses

contaminate (v) –

заражати; псувати; забруднювати

to contaminate soil, air and water;

to contaminate the environment

dispose of (v) –



to dispose of pestici­des; to dispose of dirt

disturb (v) –

тривожити; порушувати рівновагу

to disturb nature; to disturb balance; to disturb somebody

diminish (v) –

зменшувати; понижувати; слабшати

to diminish nature pollution; to diminish greenhouse effect

discharge (v) –

випускати, зливати, викидати

to discharge smoke;

to discharge oil

fossil (adj) –

окам'янілий; викопний

fossil soil; fossil remains

fertilizer (n) –


mineral fertilizer; natural fertilizer

greenhouse (n) –

теплиця; оранжерея; парник

greenhouse effect;

greenhouse vege­tables and flowers

hazard (n) –

небезпека; ризик

to take hazards; to run hazards

human being (n) –

людина, людська істота

to protect human beings; rights of human beings

hit (v)

ударяти; уражати

to hit below the belt; to hit nature

leak (v) –

пропускати воду; просочуватися

the roof is leaking;

to leak through soil

litter (n)

сміття, бруд

No litter here! to pile litter

noise (n) –

шум; звук

noise level; a noise of falling leaves

poison (v) –

poison (n)

отруювати; псувати отрута

to poison water; to be poisoned by chemicals. Attention! Poison!

persuade (v)

переконувати (of; in); відговорювати (from)

to be persuaded in something;

to persuade from smoking

plant (n) –

рослина; завод, електростанція

to cut down plants;

electric power plant

ruin (v) –

руйнувати; знищувати

to ruin the surrounding; to ruin one’s life

raw (adj) –

сирий; необроб­лений; неочищений

raw fish; raw materials

restrict (v) –

обмежувати; заключати (у межі)

to restrict nature pollution; to restrict to two points

release (v) –

звільняти; спускати; скидати

to release brakes; to release smoke

scatter (on, over) (v) –

розкидати; посипати (with)

to scatter litter; to scatter a road with gravel

sewage (n) –

стічні води

sewage problems;

poisoned sewage

spill (spilt, spilled) (v)



to spill oil; to spill milk

wastes (n) –


nuclear wastes; oil wastes

well (n) –


oil well; empty well

wildlife (n) –

жива природа

wildlife conservation;

to observe wildlife