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Юнит 5-10 (часть2).doc
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Task 7. Choose the right form of the verb:

1. will have developed / will be developing

They … a new model of bridge by next year.

They … a new model of bridge all next year.

2. will have drained off / will be draining off

The workers … this area during the construction.

The workers … this area before the construction.

3. will be feeding / will have fed

This river … this village by water for some years.

This river … this village by water before the harvesting.

4. will have overcome / will be overcoming

They … this canyon by the evening.

They … this canyon tomorrow.

5. will be calculating / will have calculated

The engineer … the distance between the abutments during the construction.

The engineer … the distance between the abutments by the beginning of construction.

6. will have been in use / will be in use

This apparatus … for 3 years already before you get it.

This apparatus … for 3 years.

7. will have paved / will be paving

They … this road before traffic begins.

They … this road for some time.

8. will be investigating / will have investigated

We … the island the following months.

We … the island by next month.

9. will have found / will be looking for

He … the solution of the problem during the debates.

He … the solution of the problem before the debates begin.

10. will be digging / will have dug

The workers … the ground during the construction.

The workers … the ground before the construction.

11. will be crossing / will have crossed

They … this river before you join them.

They … this river when you join them.

Task 8. Translate the sentences using Complex Object, Future Perfect and Perfect Progressive.

  1. Як виявилося, загальна довжина моста 300 метрів.

  2. Відомо, що перший бетонний міст був побудований у 1869.

  3. Відомо, що опора повинна бути довговічною та надійною.

  4. Вважається, що більшість мостів мають дві опори.

  5. Пішоходи будуть рухатися проїзджою частиною поки не буде зроблено пішохідну доріжку (sidewalk).

  6. Він уже знайде підтримку поки ти запропонуєш свою.

  7. Вважається, що найперші мости було побудовано у Вавилоні.

  8. Відомо, що дороги у містах називають вулицями.

  9. Схоже, ця дорога спускається до ріки.

  10. Відомо, що римляни побудували близько 80000 кілометрів доріг.

  11. Відомо, що перший дорожній департамент був заснований у Франції.

  12. Вважають, що міст повинний бути настільки міцним, щоб витримати і свою вагу, і вагу вантажу.

Task 9. You are walking along the street with small children. Children always put a lot of questions. They ask you “What were the first roads like?” Having read the text you can tell a lot about this.


1. Look through the text and choose the titles given below corresponding to the content of each passage of the text.

Planning (планування)

Grading (уклін)

Intersections (перехрестя)

Lighting (освітлення)

Paving (покриття)

Noise Control (шумовий контроль)

Roadside Improvement (покращення узбіч)

Storm-Water Drainage (дренаж грозової води)

Bypasses (об'їздні дороги)


1. Highway planners study everything from the long-range needs of a state or the entire country to a particular section of a single route. This planning determines what the highway needs of the region are and how these needs can best be fulfilled and paid for.

In planning a system or a route, planners must learn: 1) where people live, 2) where they want to go, 3) how they get there, 4) where goods are produced, 5) what markets the goods are sent to, and 6) how the goods reach their final users. Traffic counts tell how many and what kinds of vehicles travel on a road, and when traffic is the heaviest.

2. Bypasses are built to take motorists around cities. Motorists travelling some distance often do not want to drive through small town or the centres of large cities that lie on their routes. Those travelling from one part of the city to another also usually prefer to avoid downtown traffic. The bypass helps these motorists avoid city traffic, and reduces traffic congestion for those who want to drive into town.

3. Intersections are crossing of one road by another. Most intersections are at the same level, so that vehicles going east and west have to take turns crossing with vehicles going north and south. Sometimes roads intersect at odd angles and it is especially difficult to make a safe crossing. When two freeways intersect, complex interchanges are sometimes needed. These may require a number of bridges and other facilities.

4. The first job in building a new highway is to clear the way. There may be trees to cut down. Sometimes buildings have to be torn down or moved. The way then is ready for rough grading. Here is where other big machines begin to work. While the grading is going on, culverts or pipes to carry away rain water, are put in place under the road or under driveway entrances. Ditches are cut at the roadsides to carry rain water to the culverts. After the right-of-way is shaped roughly for traffic, it is smoothed and packed down to the required level and shape.

5. Paving begins after grading is completed. The pavement is of definite thickness and is of stronger materials than the earth underneath. The kind and thickness of pavements depend largely on the weight and amount of traffic expected to use them. On most of the low-traffic surfaced roads the pavements are of gravel, crushed rock or other mineral materials. Roads that carry heavy traffic must have a durable surface – bituminous and portland cement concrete. In both kinds of surfacing the aggregate (stone and sand) forms the body of the material and the bitumen or portland cement serves as a binder.

6. Storm-water run-off from paved highways and parking lots may contain oil, exhaust emissions and other dangerous chemicals from vehicles. These chemicals mix with other storm waters and enter rivers and streams. Many states now require that highway projects include ditches or channels that direct storm water into temporary reservoirs.

7. Good lighting help cutting accidents for both vehicles and pedestrians. On most highways and roads, nearly all the light comes from the headlights of the trucks and cars. But on busy streets and dangerous rural locations, overhead lights are used. Reflectors for the lamps are designed specifically to shine most of the light down on the roadway without glaring into the eyes of drivers.

8. The increased use of highways causes loud traffic noise, creating a problem for people who live near highways. For this reason, engineers have designed noise batteries made of concrete, wood, metal, plastic and other materials that block sound. In some areas vegetation provide protection from traffic noise.

9. Roadsides are often planted with special grasses or vines to keep the earth from washing into the ditches. In addition, many roadsides are beautified with trees and bushes. Such planting and landscaping help break the monotony of travel and make the countryside more attractive.