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Task 3. Say whether the statements are true or false:

  1. There were no private roads in England a hundred years ago.

  2. The wheel was invented in about 300 B.C.

  3. The Romans knew that the roads had to slope slightly to drain off water.

  4. The way cleared in the forest was quite wide to help robbers hide in the woods.

  5. The kind of road surface called macadam is called after a Scottish engineer, who developed this surface.

  6. The first concrete bridge was built in the 20th century.

  7. Bridges cannot be more than a mile in length.

Task 4. Find the right answer:

1) Where did the trails and paths made by animals lead?

a) to the forests; b) to watering places; c) to places where people lived.

2) When were early roads built?

a) in 5000 B.C.; b) 2000 years ago; c) in 3000 B.C.

3) What were the first road markers?

a) branches of trees; b) piles of stones; c) painted logs.

4) Who were the first road-builders?

a) Romans; b) Greeks; c) Chinese.

5) What were the Roman roads mainly built for?

a) to carry Chinese silk; b) to get soldiers from one place to another; c) to travel.

6) Why was there little reason to build good roads in the old times?

a) most of travel was on horseback; b) vehicles could use bad roads.

7) When was the first Highway Department established?

ain 1876; b) 200 years ago; c) in 1716.

8) What obstacles do bridges help to cross?

a) tall buildings; b) forests; c) waterways and canyons.

9) Where was the first bridge built?

a) in Babylon; b) in Kiev Russ; c) in South America.

10) What were bridges made of until 1700?

a) of wood or stone; b) of reinforced concrete; c) of iron.

11) What is a distance between two supports called?

a) a pontoon; b) an abutment; c) a span.

12) What kind of roadway do most modern bridges have?

a) wood; b) steel; c) concrete.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the information from the text:

  1. Road is a strip of land that provides …

  2. Roads within towns and cities are called …

  3. Because … the roads were called “highways”.

  4. The trails and paths led from … to …

  5. People made their own trails and paths in searching for …

  6. One of the first early system of roads was …

  7. Trails through forests were marked by …

  8. The cleared way in the forest was quite wide, so that …

  9. Bridge is a structure used by people and vehicles to …

  10. Without bridges people would need …

  11. … served as first bridges.

  12. After 1700 … were first used for bridges.

Task 6. Make up sentences:

Model: It is said that the pavement is not strong enough.

The pavement is said to be not strong enough.

It is said that

It is known that

It appears that

It seems that

It is thought that

the obstacle can be overcome.

the car does not leave tracks on the solid ground.

the log is put vertically.

the chain breaks easily.

reinforced concrete is the strongest construction material.

the new method was established last year.

he is moving toward the road.

they found protection under the roof.

a private house is more comfortable.

the interval was very short.

a poor man can become rich working hard.

the stress is very hard.

he is at least 40.