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Юнит 5-10 (часть2).doc
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Exercise 5. Choose the right word for each sentence:

  1. Which _________ do you have in your hotel?

a) freight b) goods c) facilities

  1. Most people were saved thanks to the _________ team.

a) rescue b) giant c) safe

  1. He _________ his car in excellent condition.

a) strains b) carries c) maintains

  1. Last year the plant was ________ with modern machinery.

a) installed b) equipped c) involved

  1. Our ________ lies through the mountains.

a) weight b) route c) transportation

  1. The strong ________ took the vessel far away from the shore.

c) tugboat b) craft c) current

Exercise 6. Translate the word-combinations:

перевозити вантажі;

сучасне судно;

автобус для перевезення школярів;

коштовний вантаж;

попасти у затор;

наявна література з цього питання;

підтримувати в відмінному стані;

дивний випадок;

підтримувати рішення;

швидка течія;

служби у готелі;

час, що підходить;

важкий тягар;

імпортне обладнання.


I. Infinitive






to build

to be building

to have built

to be built


to have been built

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences:

1.1. (1) I am happy to meet you.

(2) He was glad to be helped.

(3) She is pleased to be speaking to him.

(4) They are happy to have known you.

(5) He was happy to have been introduced to you.

1.2. (1) To solve this problem they had to carry out a lot of experiments.

(2) The theory to be proved will change our ideas about the Universe.

(3) He was asked to do this job immediately.

(4) To verify his concept he presented a lot of materials.

(5) The house to be destroyed was built before the war.

(6) He wanted to be helped at once.

(7) She felt lucky to have observed this phenomenon.

(8) You should drive carefully to prevent road accidents.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with your own ideas according to the models:

Model 1: – We went to the library to …

  • We went to the library to look through the new magazines.

Model 2: – To know English well you must …

  • To know English well you must study hard.

Model 3: – The question to be … is very important.

  • The question to be studied is very important.

  1. To design a new car the engineer must …

  2. The road to be … will connect two cities.

  3. The house to be … is very old.

  4. The delegation has come to …

  5. To observe this phenomenon you should …

  6. To spread the information as quickly as possible they had to …

  7. I think I could propose you to …

  8. The goods to be … need advertisement.

Exercise 9. Translate the word-combinations:

the experiment to be carried out

the new equipment to be installed

the car to be repaired immediately

the case to be investigated

the bridge to be constructed

the loads to be hauled

the methods to be updated

the problem to be solved

the results to be obtained

the rule to be explained

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences:

  1. Ми були раді побачити вас знову.

  2. Він хоче, щоб йому розповіли цю історію.

  3. Для того, щоб досліджувати цю проблему, вам необхідно зібрати багато матеріалу.

  4. Нове обладнання було встановлено на заводі, щоб досягти кращої продуктивності.

  5. Питання, яке повинне бути обговорено на зборах, дуже важливе для всіх нас.

  6. Матеріали, яких буде поставлено наступного тижня, допоможуть закінчити будівництво дуже швидко.

  7. Він першим відчув небезпеку.

  8. Я прийшов, щоб запропонувати вам співробітництво.