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Exercise 21. Read and analyse the text following the instructions to the underlined words given at the end of the exercise.

A Difficult Customer

Dolores works in a shop selling records. One afternoon (1)_____middle-aged

woman came in, sat on a stool in front of (2)_____counter, and smiled at her brightly

(3). "I want a record, dear," she began. "One I heard on (4)_______radio this morning".

"What was the record called?" Dolores asked, without much hope (5)" (6)______

woman shook her head.

"I don't remember. I (to know (7)) it, if I (to hear (8)) it, though. Perhaps if you play me (9) a few records (10). I shall be able to pick it out". She settled herself more comfortably on her stool.

"We have hundreds of records in stock", Dolores pointed out. "It would take (11) a very long time to play (12) even a little of each. Could you hum it (13) to me (14)?

The woman shook her head again. "I can't even sing (15) the National Anthem in tune. We (only to get П6)) into a complete muddle if I (to start (17)) humming. She looked quite depressed (18), as if this reminder of her own lack of musical ability (to be П9)) the last straw. Then suddenly her face brightened.

"I've just remembered something", she said. "It comes from ____(20) play.

There's a girl who speaks badly (21). if you see what I mean (22). But after a time she learns to talk well. Something about - what do you call it? Phonetics!"

This was enough for Dolores. "If you ask me, it's from "My Fair Lady", she said.

That's it, dear. If you (to think (23)) of it sooner, we (not to waste (24)) so much time. I suppose you are new to the job (25).

(From: Lee W.H. English at home. - London, 1966, p.209).

Instructions to the underlined words:

1. Use the correct article;

14. State the type of the object;

2. Use the correct article;

15. State the type of the predicate;

3. State the syntactic function;

16. Use the correct verb-form;

4. Use the correct article;

17. Use the correct verb-form;

5. State the syntactic function;

18. State the type of the predicate;

6. Use the correct article;

19. Use the correct verb-form;

7. Use the correct verb-form;

20. Use the correct article;

8. Use the correct verb-form;

21. State the type of the clause;

9. State the type of the object;

22. State the type of the clause;

10. State the type of the object;

23. Use the correct verb-form;

11. State the mood of the verb-form;

24. Use the correct verb-form;

12. State the syntactic function;

25. State the type of the clause.

13. State the type of the object;

Keys to the exercises Exercise 2

1. This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, one-member, nominal, extended sentence. 2. This is a simple, exclamatory, two-member, complete, extended sentence. 3. This is a simple, interrogative, two- member, complete, unextended sentence. 4. This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, one-member, nominal, extended sentence. 5. (1) This is a simple, interrogative, two-member, complete, unextended sentence; (2) This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, elliptical sentence. 6. This is a simple, interrogative, two-member, complete, unextended, sentence. 7. This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, complete, extended sentence. 8. This is a simple, declarative, negative, two-member, complete, unextended sentence. 9. This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, complete, extended sentence. 10. (1) This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, complete, extended sentence; (2) This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, elliptical sentence; (3) This is a simple, interrogative, two-member, complete, extended sentence; (4) and (5) These are simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, elliptical sentences. 11. (1) This is a simple, interrogative, two-member, complete, extended sentence; (2) This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, elliptical sentence. 12. This is a simple, declarative, affirmative, two-member, unexpended sentence.

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