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The Labour Law of Ukraine.doc
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The recommended themes of scientific abstracts are: Module 1. General Part

  1. Development trends of labour law in modern Ukraine.

  2. Right to work and its constitutional guarantees in Ukraine.

  3. Basic principles of legal regulation of labour and their kinds.

  4. Unity and differentiation of the legal regulation of labour.

  5. Sources of labour law in Ukraine, their classification.

  6. System of labour law and system of labour legislation.

  7. Subjects Labour law.

  8. The legal regulation of labour activity of minors in Ukraine.

  9. Trade unions as a labour legal subjects.

  10. International legal regulation of labour.

  11. International labour organization, its function and standard-setting activity.

  12. The European social charter as the source of the European international standards is in the sphere of labour.

  13. The system of legal relationships in labour law.

  14. Individual labour legal relationships: concept, features, structure.

  15. Collective agreement as a form of social partnership.

  16. The order of conducting of negotiations with the purpose to conclude collective contract.

  17. Concept of social partnership and its tasks.

  18. Responsibility for violation of labour legislation about collective employment agreements and agreements.

  19. Concept and forms of employment.

  20. Legal organization of job placement.

  21. State employment service, its right and duties.

  22. Differentiation of the legal regulation of legislation is on labour and legislations about employment of population.

  23. The problems of employment of youth.

  24. Legal status of unemployed person.

  25. Legal problems of labour-market in Ukraine.

  26. Employment agreement as basic form of realization of right to work.

  27. Limitations in the course of hiring for job: legal grounds and terms.

  28. Concept and sphere of condlusion of labour contract.

  29. An employment agreement for holding of more than one office.

  30. Peculiarities of entering into employment agreements with minors.

Module 2. Special Part

  1. Peculiarities of employment of foreigners in Ukraine.

  2. Changing conditions of the employment agreement: types and order of execution.

  3. Forced labor and problems of regulation of temporary transfer of employees to another job.

  4. General description of grounds of dissolution of employment agreement.

  5. A right on leave according to the labour legislation of Ukraine.

  6. Peculiarities of regulation of rest time of woman, young people, persons with domestic duties in the ILO conventions.

  7. Legal regulation of business trips.

  8. Systems of remuneration of labour.

  9. Guarantee payments and additional payments.

  10. Internal labour routine.

  11. Investigation and accounting of industrial accidents.

  12. Grounds and conditions for liability for breakage in accordance with the requirements of legislation on labour in Ukraine.

  13. Practice of compensation of material and moral harm to the employees in Ukraine.

  14. An improvement of the legal regulation of responsibility of worker before an employer.

  15. Responsibility for violation of legislation on labour and labour protection.

  16. Privileges for persons, which combine work with studies.

  17. Labour disputes about renewal at work. Judicial practice.

  18. Labour disputes related to disciplinary dismission of employees. Judicial practice.

  19. Legal regulation of strikes.

The widespread form of the individual work is participation in the work of jurisprudential debate club «Themis» (preparation of a report, participation in debates, editing of the wall newspaper).

It is recommended to prepare a report in the following phases:

  • the choice of the report’s theme;

  • the selection of references and other sources;

  • the definition of the report’s form and structure;

  • the preparation of the report’s text.

One can select the theme of a report independently or from the list offered by Chair of Law and to advise the teacher elected as a scientific adviser (a head) on it. The theme of the work is defined within the limits of the general problem of the discussion offered by the «Themis» Club committee and approved by Chair of Law. There is no need for the theme of the report to be entirely legal as to its sense, but it should contain certain legal aspects. It is important for it to be actual, be of interest from the point of view of the situation in the Ukrainian society and the world and, undoubtedly, to be interesting for the lecturer. Whilst defining a theme it is necessary to consider the availability (first of all, the availability in the library) of legal and other references necessary to consider a corresponding theme. So, it is expedient to formulate the final option of the report’s theme together with the teacher-adviser.

The work with the theme should be started with selecting the references – getting acquainted with textbooks, manuals, scientific monographs, the articles contained in collections and periodicals, regulatory legal acts, international agreement, materials of legal practice, etc. In case of necessity one should address the teacher for recommendations (as to the amount and quality of the sources necessary for proper elucidating the corresponding theme). When studying the sources it is expedient to abstract and make records, gradually forming a material on the separate questions of the report. As the report is intended to be used during a discussion, it is recommended to use widely publicist materials for its preparation, especially those written in «vivid» language.

When registering the materials of the report it is necessary to adhere to the certain registration rules. The text of the report should include a title page, the plan and other structural parts provided by the plan. The plan is on the second page of the work and it should include: «Introduction» (in it the topical character of the selected theme, its interrelation with general problem of discussion and the aim to be achieved by a student for this theme are defined); the body of the work which consists of several questions placed in certain sequence according to the content of a theme; «Conclusion» (it results the achievement of the purpose specified in the «Introduction», the author’s own attitude to the problem being the subject of the discussion is precisely outlined, practical methods of this problem resolving are revealed); «References».

The work should be written competently, in a legible handwriting or printed. The answers are given accordingly into the numbering of the plan questions and are to be started from headings. The pages must be numbered and pinned together. The volume of the report’s text is 10-12 pages of А4 format (210cm x 297cm). Thus the volume of the introduction should constitute no more than one page, and of the conclusion – two pages. The following is to be specified on the title page: the name of the educational institution, the theme of the work, the surname, the name, the patronymics of the student, the group number, the surname and the initials of the teacher-adviser, the year and the place of the work composition.

The text of the report should contain the link to the references. The citation from the used sources is to be in the inverted commas and the exact and complete references to these sources are to be given. The links are to be made in the form of notes (in the bottom part of a page). The notes are executed under existing bibliographic rules (the author, the name of the work, the place and the year of publication, the number of the page). References should be numbered. In the end of the work the list of the used legal sources and literatures are given in compliance with bibliographic rules and in such a sequence: 1) regulatory legal acts and other legal documents (are indicated in accordance with their legal force and the date of their approval); 2) the literature (in alphabetic order); 3) other materials.

The estimation of the knowledge level whilst checking the fulfilment of an individual tasks is to be the following:

Writing and upholding the scientific abstract on a certain problem:

10 points – the abstract contains elements of scientific creativity, an exposition of the material is characterized by validity of the analysis on the basis of profound knowledge of legal sources and scientific literature, the author’s free management of the material for a theme, the availability of the author’s own judgements and independence of conclusions, the work has logical and original structure, its registration fully complies with the established requirements;

5 points – the questions of a theme are fully elucidated in the abstract, a student has demonstrated understanding and free management of a material, but there are no elements of scientific creativity;

3 points – the questions of a theme have been elucidated on a sufficient level, but a student does not manage the material freely, does not understand or cannot explain certain theoretical positions.

Preparation of materials of a student’s own research to participate in a scientific conference; preparation of a report to take part in the work of jurisprudential debate club «Themis», preparation and upholding of the materials of a scientific abstract at the meeting of a scientific circle «In Jure»:

15 points – the answer of a student is theoretically correct, reasonable, exhaustive; the student shows knowledge of the basic literature and appeals to basic regulatory legal acts; he is acquainted with the additional information sources; he states the material in logical sequence, makes generalization and conclusions; he gives examples of typical practical situations’ resolving in the context of the thematic theoretical material;

10 points – the answer of a student is correct in general; the student shows knowledge of an educational material and of the basic literature; he states the material in logical sequence, makes generalization and conclusions, but does not give any examples of typical practical situations resolving in the context of the thematic theoretical material, he makes insignificant mistakes when formulating terms or whilst resolving practical problems;

0 points – the answer of the student is either wrong or absent, or he made gross mistakes testifying to the fact that the student has not mastered an educational material, he cannot resolve elementary practical situations.

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