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Eating the alphabet


It is difficult to find precise records of where certain fruits and vegetables were first grown. Long ago, as people traveled, they took along their favorite fruits and vegetables and exchanged them for other things, including foods that were new and different. Christopher Columbus, for example, brought corn to Europe from his first voyage to the West Indies. Fruits and vegetables spread to many areas of the world, and today they are grown across the globe and quickly shipped to markets in faraway places. That is why you don't always have to wait for a certain growing season to find your favorites. You can eat strawberries while you watch snowflakes falling outside your window. And someone, somewhere, is probably growing fruits and vegetables for you right now - so you can eat the alphabet any time.

APPLE fruitThought to be the forbidden fruit of the Bible, the apple has been grown for at least six thousand years. It is the most widely grown fruit of temperate areas. It grows on a tree and may be red, yellow, or green when ripe.

APRICOT fruit The apricot is probably native to China and has grown in central Asia and Europe for centuries. The peach like, plum-sized fruit grows on a tree.

ARTICHOKE vegetable

The artichoke is native to the Mediterranean area. Also called globe artichoke, it is the unopened flower head of a thistle like plant. It is not related to Jerusalem artichoke, the tuber of another plant.

ASPARAGUS vegetable

Asparagus may have originated m the Mediterranean area and now grows in most temperate and subtropical areas. Individual stalks which grow out of the ground, are one of the first vegetables of spring.

AVOCADO fruit/ vegetable

The avocado grows on a tree that is native to Mexico and Central South America. It is also called alligator pear. Although it is a fruit, it is often thought to be a vegetable.

BANANA fruit

The banana, probably native to Asia, was known in India four thousand years ago. It grows in a cluster on a treelike plant. Because it grows year-round, it is one of the world's most popular and important crops.

BEAN vegetable

The bean has been grown throughout the world since prehistoric times. The seed (dried bean) or seed pod (string bean) grows on a plant. Some dried beans are lima and kidney. The wax bean is a yellow string bean.

BEET vegetable

The beet, a cultivated version of a plant that grew wild in the Mediterranean area, now is grown throughout Europe and North America. It is an edible root. The young green leaves can be eaten as well.


The blueberry first was a wild North American berry. It grows on a shrub. Native Americans taught settlers how to dry the berries for use all winter long.

BROCCOLI vegetable

Broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean area and Asia Minor. It is related to cabbage and cauliflower and grows on a plant. The floweret is a cluster of green buds picked and eaten before the flowers open.


Native to Europe, this vegetable is a type of miniature cabbage. Sprouts cluster along the stalk of the plant.

CABBAGE vegetable

Cabbage grew in Europe and probably Asia in prehistoric times. Now it grows in temperate areas throughout the world. There are many types, both green and red. The cabbage head grow s in the center of the plant.

CARROT vegetable

The carrot is native to Europe and was cultivated in the Mediterranean area two thousand years ago. Now it grows in many temperate areas and is very popular in the United States. It is an edible root.


Cauliflower probably developed in Europe and the Middle East. The compact head, which is partially developed flowers, grows in the center of the plant.

CELERY vegetable

Celery is native to the Mediterranean area and the Middle East and was cultivated by the Romans. Related to the carrot, it has a stalk that grows aboveground.

CHERRY fruit

The cherry is probably native to western Asia and Eastern Europe. Now it grows in almost all temperate areas. There are three types: sweet (often dark), for eating; sour (often bright red), for baking pies and other dishes; and sweet-sour hybrids.

CORN vegetable (амер.)

Corn, native to the Americas, has been used as food for almost ten thousand years. It is also called sweet corn or maize. The corn kernel is a seed, grown on "ears" on a tall plant. Corn is a very important grain crop.

CUCUMBER fruit/vegetable

Native to southern Asia, the cucumber was known in the Thailand area nearly twelve thousand year's ago. Related to squash, it is a vine fruit that is considered a vegetable.


The tart currant berry was cultivated around the Baltic Sea. Popular in Europe and the United States, it grows on a shrub. Red, black, or white, it is often used to make jelly.

DATE fruit

The date, which has been known since prehistoric times, came from the Middle East and northern Africa. It grows on the date palm tree and is often dried.

EGGPLANT fruit /vegetable

Eggplant is probably native to India. It has been grown in Asia since ancient times on a plant like bush. It can be purple, white, or yellow. White eggplants look like eggs. Really a fruit, it is considered a vegetable.

FIG fruit

The fig is native to Asia Minor. It was one of the first cultivated fruits. It is now grown throughout the Mediterranean and in California. It grows on a bush or small tree and is often dried.


The gooseberry is probably native to northern Europe. It is related to the currant and can be green, white, yellow, or red. It grows on a shrub. Very tart, it is often used to make jam and pastry.