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Eating out in britain

Eating out in a restaurant is now a very popular pastime. In most towns there is a wide variety of restaurants serving different types of food at different prices. Most British towns now have Chinese or Indian restaurants which serve quite cheap food; Italian restaurants are also popular and French restaurants are famous for high quality (and expensive) cooking. Many pubs now have restaurants or grill-rooms. In some you can get a full range of food; in others the choice is more limited.

When you have looked at the menu and chosen what you want to eat, the waiter will come and take your order. Normally you tell him what you want for the first two courses; he will take your order for dessert and coffee later. (Remember that if you order coffee in Britain it will normally be served white.)

When you have finished eating, ask the waiter to bring you the bill I. In most restaurants a service charge (10-12%) is added as well as government tax (VAT). If a service charge has been added it is not necessary to give the waiter a tip, but if he has been very helpful some people like to give a small tip.

As well as restaurants most towns have a number of snack burs and cafes where you can get sandwiches and other snacks. There are also hamburger restaurants in most towns specialising in cheap meals — especially, of course, hamburgers.

A fairly recent development is the growth of take-away restaurants. Fish and chip shops have been a part of the British scene for many years and are still popular, though less so than in the past. Now there are take-away Chinese and Indian restaurants in many towns and special take-aways serving fried chicken are also popular. You go in and give your order which is cooked while you wait and packed in special containers for you to take away with you. Take-away food is cheaper than eating in restaurants, particularly because you do not have to pay VAT on it.

Read the text and discuss the cultural differences in this sphere between Britain and the USA.

Eating out in the usa

Americans eat many meals away from home, partly because they enjoy it and partly because a busy lifestyle makes cooking at home difficult. Therefore, eating while walking in public is not considered rude. It is common to eat in the car while driving, and you will notice the popularity of drive-in, fast-food restaurants. Such places provide an inexpensive meal in less than five minutes.

The United States also has many restaurants where fast-food is not served. They offer traditional American meals as well as foods from around the world. At a restaurant where you are served by a waiter or a waitress, you leave a tip (service charge) of at least 15%. A few restaurants include this charge in the bill, but most do not.

Restaurant employees rely on tips as an important part of their regular income because they do not receive high salaries. At fast food establishments, you do not leave a tip, but you should clear your table when you leave.

Unless specifically invited to eat out at a host's expense, Americans pay for their own meals when dining with friends. This is called splitting the check or getting separate checks. If you an invited out and your host does not offer to pay for your meal, you should be prepared to pay for it or decline the invitation.

Because Americans come from many different cultural backgrounds, eating styles and habits also differ. Most Americans eat with a fork in the right hand. A knife is only used for cutting and spreading. Otherwise, it is laid on the table. When a knife is used for cutting, the fork is switched to the other hand. Many foods are eaten with the fingers. Napkins are usually placed in the lap.